The ruthless man exclaimed: "This is the breath of the holy dragon. The dragon source brought back by the third sister is really powerful, and it actually allowed this dragon to directly break through to the realm of the holy dragon. It's really amazing. Who would have thought that this dragon would have survived a few years ago. Just a dragon."

"This, is this going by the holy dragon?"

Shangguanqin looked excited, the Dragon Clan was the King of Ten Thousand Demons, and even the Holy Dragon-level powerhouse, even the Lord of the Holy Land did not dare to provoke it easily, and it was only a car in the Zhang family.

"Let's go."

Zhang Tian's expression was indifferent, his hands were open, as if dragging two breezes, he embraced his three daughters and Shangguan Qin at the same time, and carried them onto the back of the Frost Sacred Dragon.

"Safe journey, we will see you soon."

Nalan Ruoxue waved her hand vigorously, looking at Zhang Tian who was standing alone on the faucet with a graceful figure, with a firm look in her eyes.

The holy dragon soars, smashing the wind and breaking the waves, thousands of miles away in the blink of an eye, and countless colorful clouds fly upside down, reflecting the scenery below, which is unpredictable like lightning.

"Zhongzhou, what kind of place is that?"

Yu Xin looked into the distance, with a hint of curiosity in her eyes.

Shangguan Qin said: "Zhongzhou is located in the center of the Three Wildernesses and One Sea, and it is also the center of the emperor's dynasty. Although it is not as vast as the Three Wildernesses and One Sea, it is ten times more prosperous, and it is also a paradise for the human race. The purpose of our visit is The land is the capital of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan should have already arrived."

Time has passed, and I don’t know how many days have passed. In the blink of an eye, I have reached Zhongzhou. Looking down, there are smokes from cooking everywhere, and the houses where the human race lives in row upon row, a scene of prosperity.

I don't know how long it took, and a vast and boundless city jumped out, as if pulled up from the horizon, with four walls, each of which is tens of thousands of feet high, majestic and majestic, piercing the clouds and piercing the sky, and it is impossible to see.

"This is the holy capital, the first city in the world!" ,, . . .

Chapter 351

"What a magnificent city, just looking at this city, you can know the strength of the ancestor's dynasty."

Ruthless couldn't help but sigh. She traveled to the North Sea and saw many giant cities. She thought that there was no comparable city tower in the Middle Earth, but today, looking at the weather in the holy capital, she found that those giant cities in the North Sea were just like ants. Generally small.

"September [-]th, Tianwu Pavilion is open. I wonder if someone can make a name for it this year?"

"Haha, the opening of Tianwu Pavilion is just in time for the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle. I'm afraid this time the competition will be fiercer than ever."

"I don't ask for the gold list, as long as I can be on the list, even if it is at the Xuanwu level, it is enough to shine on the lintel."

Just after entering the city, Zhang Tian and the others saw a group of young men in Chinese clothes rushing towards a main street excitedly, as if they were going to a market.

Zi Yan showed a strange expression, and suddenly shot like lightning, holding a refreshing girl in a samurai outfit, and said sweetly: "Big sister, where are you going?"

The girl was suddenly pulled, and her face immediately showed a hint of anger. When she saw the clothes of everyone, her face could not help softening, and she said, "It turned out to be someone from the Eastern Wilderness Seminary, this is the first time to come to the Holy Capital? His Majesty the Human Emperor has greatly promoted military affairs. In addition to the literary and scientific examinations, he has also added a martial arts test, so that martial arts practitioners such as me also have a way to serve the court. And this martial arts test is to leave a name on the Tianwu list, really It's hard, hard..."

The girl seemed to yearn for Tianshen Academy very much. Not only did she tell everything she knew, but she also took the initiative to lead Zhang Tian and others to Tianwu Pavilion.

Although it is named 'Gate', its size is not inferior to that of an ordinary city tower. In the center of this tower stands a huge crystal monument named 'Tianwu Zhaobi', as if a strange peak is inserted straight into the sky.

The ruthless man sighed: "The Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign is really bold, and he even took out such rare treasures and shared them with the world. It seems that he is sincerely seeking talents and has lofty aspirations."

The rest of the people couldn't help but nodded again and again. According to the girl, this screen wall is very magical. If a warrior puts his spiritual will into it, there will be an identical person inside. If you defeat him, even if you pass the first level, and the second There will be two copies of the level, the third level will be four copies, and so on.

The Tianwu Ranking is a list of the top [-] masters on the Tianwu Zhaobi, which is divided into four levels: Golden Dragon, Suzaku, White Tiger, and Xuanwu.

The Xuanwu level needs to pass three levels, the White Tiger level is five levels, the Suzaku level is seven levels, and the Golden Dragon level is nine levels.

That is to say, you must pass at least three levels and be in the top [-] to be eligible to leave your name on the screen.

"Passing the three levels, doesn't that mean that you have to defeat four people with the same strength as yourself? How is this possible?"

Shangguanqin let out an exclamation, and the enemy in the wall was a complete clone, which meant that the cultivation realm, magical powers, and even the level of sword spirit and martial spirit were all the same. for.

Yu Xin said softly: "But this list is full. There are even [-] people who have reached the White Tiger level, eleven people have reached the Vermillion Bird level, and two people have reached the Golden Dragon level. It shows that there are so many talents in the mainland."

Ruthless Man said solemnly: "It seems that the Emperor of Humanity has really put in a lot of hard work to select talents. The enemies in the wall are stronger when they are strong, and those with high cultivation bases are not at an advantage. What it tests is combat skills and psychological quality. , and the burst of instinct in the face of desperation is the real potential test, and those who can leave a name on the screen will have unlimited achievements in the future." Xiao Xiaoshu

"Golden Dragon Grade, there is another Golden Dragon Grade!"

In the Tianwu Pavilion, there was a sudden burst of screams that resounded throughout the audience. This was the third Golden Dragon-level Tianjiao born in the past [-] years, and it was naturally eye-catching.

The ruthless man also looked towards the top Tianwu Ranking when he heard the words, and saw that under the names of Ye Bufan and Jian Xilai, there was a third golden name, Long Fei Feng Wu, showing his extraordinary dignity.

"Li Yixuan! It's Li Yixuan from the Hanlin Academy! Li Yixuan is the first arrogant of Wen Dao!"

"What, it turned out to be him, the double gold list of civil and military double cultivation, I am afraid that he can compete for the name of the world's best talent."

"Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, my saint has Li Yixuan in charge, and he can defeat all the heroes in the world!"

All the warriors onlookers were congratulating, the third Golden Dragon-level Tianjiao in the past [-] years, and a member of the Imperial Court Hanlin Academy, which made the residents of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty feel proud.

Seeing Li Yixuan being surrounded by all the stars, Zi Yan was a little unhappy, and snorted softly: "Che, people in Shengdu can really brag, what is this Li Yixuan, who is not ranked as high as the eldest sister's defeated Jianxilai, what is there? So proud. Big sister, you also have a try and kill this Li Yixuan's majesty!"

The ruthless man smiled slightly. Although she had no intention of fighting with Li Yixuan, she also wanted to test her potential, not to mention that this Tianwu Zhaobi itself was a treasure that could sharpen the will of martial arts.

It just so happened that a trial aperture was vacant at this time. Although the position of the ruthless man was at the back, his body was unparalleled. I saw a flash of sword light, and the person had already fallen into the trial aperture. back.

Looking at the glittering Tianwu Zhaobi, the ruthless man closed his eyes slightly, and before he could release his mental will, he heard an extremely noisy voice behind him.

"The Marquis wants to try this screen wall, and all the idlers and others will get out of my way!"

It was an extremely arrogant voice, and with a burst of ping-ping-ping-ping, the sea of ​​people suddenly receded like a tide.

Such domineering behavior naturally made the warriors very angry, but when they saw the person coming, they closed their mouths invariably, with a faint fear in their eyes.

It didn't take long for the sea of ​​people to break open a spacious road, and walked out of a young man in a lingua robe. "Who is that, get out of the inside for Lord Ben!"

The ruthless man turned around and looked at the little Marquis, a dangerous look flashed in his eyes.

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