Shangguanqin hurriedly stepped forward and said, "Junior Sister Zhang, don't be impulsive, this person has the title of prince and marquis at a young age, and he dares to be unscrupulous at the feet of the emperor. I'm afraid that it is a royal relative of some family, so don't provoke it."

The ruthless man didn't hear it, and only said softly to the little prince: "You, say it again?" , . . .

Chapter 352 The Marquis wants to kill

"Can you say that again?"

In Tianwu Pavilion, which was as silent as ice, this sound seemed to be thundering on the ground, and it exploded directly in the ears of all the warriors, making everyone stunned.

Even Li Yixuan, the genius of the Hanlin Academy, who was surrounded by the stars, showed a look of surprise.

"You, are you talking to me?"

The little Marquis didn't seem to believe that someone dared to be so rude to him, and subconsciously asked a question.

"Master Hou, looking at their costumes, it seems that they are from the Eastern Wilderness Seminary. They should be here for this Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle." A guard stepped forward to explain.

"Tianjin Academy? So what, the Holy Land is the site of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, even if a strong dragon comes, it has to be taken care of. What kind of thing is the Deity Academy!"

The little Marquis scolded him sharply, and the guard immediately stepped aside, obviously knowing the temper of this master.

"Little girl, kneel down and kowtow for me now, and I may not blame the past, otherwise..." The young man's face suddenly turned grim, "Abolish your cultivation and sell you to a brothel as a prostitute!"

The voice fell, and the momentum in Xiao Houye's body suddenly erupted like a mountain torrent, and the powerful breath spread, even forcing some low-strength warriors to stumble, which is the cultivation base of the legendary king.

The ruthless man glanced lightly, and said casually: "For a person like you, I killed not ten thousand, but eight thousand in Beihai. Fortunately, I am in a good mood today, you kneel down and slap yourself ten slaps. , leaving one more arm, and you can roll."



The Tianwu Pavilion, which was still a bit noisy at first, calmed down in an instant. Everyone couldn't help holding their breath, especially those natives of the Holy City. There was even a layer of cold sweat on their foreheads. No one knew this Marquis better than them. Horrible, if he gets angry, the entire holy city will be washed with blood.

"Looking for death! The Marquis will abolish you today, and then slowly torture you!"

The little Marquis' face was twisted and ferocious. From childhood to adulthood, no one had ever dared to collide with him in such a face-to-face manner. Today, in public, it is tantamount to the greatest shame in this life.

"Boom! Boom!"

The splendid brocade clothes of the little Marquis suddenly cracked, and the flesh was actually a red gold color, as if cast in hot gold, exuding an extremely scorching aura, like a volcano about to erupt.

"Go to hell, Jiuyang Thunder Gang Palm!"

The little Marquis roared wildly, and his right hand was slightly curved, forming a diamond palm print that seemed to be able to open mountains and crack rocks, and pressed towards the ruthless man.

He obviously brought a dozen guards, including two high-ranking kings, but he insisted on taking the shot himself. Obviously, he was extremely confident in his own strength, and he had a cruel factor in his bones. punish.

"This is... the Nine Yang Spirit Body? The legendary physique that reaches the height of the sun is a bit interesting,"

The ruthless man took a lot of time to relax, and even tasted the martial arts of this little Marquis with relish. With just a few glances, he could see that this person was indeed extremely extraordinary. Not only did he break through to the legendary realm at a young age, but he also had a very deep background. Body, Xeon's supernatural powers, if an ordinary legendary king were to face him, in all likelihood, he would be defeated.

But unfortunately, his opponent is a ruthless man. 12 Novel Network

Just before the Vajra palm print was about to arrive, the imposing manner of the ruthless man suddenly changed, and the boundless murderous aura soared into the sky, and the strangled sea of ​​clouds disintegrated.

This is the murderous intent cultivated in the sea of ​​blood and mountains of corpses. This is the powerful murderous intent condensed from the corpses of the [-] sea monster army. Lord Hou, was immediately frightened, and the spiritual power in his body circulated for a while.

At this moment of electric light and flint, the ruthless man's ice and fire sword roared out of its scabbard, drawing an extremely fierce ice and fire sword light, traversing the sky and the earth, wrapping the momentum of covering the sky, and crashing down!

"not good!"



The guards brought by Xiaohou Ye didn't care when they saw that the ruthless man had a low cultivation base, but at the moment when the sword light appeared, they realized that they were wrong and made a huge mistake.

By the time you want to make amends, it is already too late.


A huge explosion sounded from the ground.

The golden palm print that Xiaohou Ye carried was torn to shreds in an instant, and the powerful sword light smashed his body, instantly shaking the coat into powder, and instantly cracking the golden light on the surface, and the remaining power was not diminished, and it exploded on him.


The continuous screams came out, and the little Marquis flew out directly, a terrifying sword mark split open at the shoulder blade, and an arm was thrown straight away, the skin was ripped apart, and the flesh and blood flew, making the scalp numb.

"You are so courageous, how dare you make such a heavy hand on the little prince!"

"Take her quickly, never let her run away!"

The guards brought by Xiaohou Ye jumped around and surrounded the ruthless people.

"You, do you know who you are hurting?" A high-ranking king who looked like a guard commander asked in a trembling voice. His voice was full of fear, not the fear of ruthless people, but the fear of the punishment he was about to face.

Without waiting for the ruthless man to answer, the high-ranking king guard on the right reported himself directly, and said bitterly, "My little Marquis is the direct son of the Dali Temple Minister Cao Gongye, and the nephew of the imperial concubine Hui. You. Cut off his arm, this is the crime of copying and beheading!"

"It's a waste of nonsense, hurry up and call me someone, and call the four gods to arrest all the special! Seal the Tianwu Pavilion, this Marquis will kill a lot, and not one can run away!"

The little Marquis was lying on the ground, rolling around in pain, but he still did not forget to take revenge, and screamed loudly.

As soon as this statement came out, all the warriors in the audience couldn't help but change their faces. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty had strict criminal laws, and there was a prison department dedicated to dealing with powerful warriors, that is, Dali Temple.

It was a real iron-blooded institution. There were countless strong men, killing people without blinking an eye. Now that the young master of Dali Temple had his arm cut off in the holy capital, one could imagine how much disaster would be caused.

Many more people cast pity on the ruthless man. Dali Temple's methods are extremely cruel. She is the culprit, and I am afraid that she will endure eternal suffering. , , .

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