Xie Xiaonan's face suddenly turned cold when he heard the words, and before he could attack, Li Yixuan, who was standing on the side, suddenly flashed to the middle, bowed slightly to Xie Xiaonan, and said, "Li Yixuan has seen the sword god of Dali Temple, and I heard that Sir went to Nanhuang a few days ago. Chasing the murderer, I didn’t expect it to come back so quickly.”

"Li Shaojian is polite, and I dare not take the word for adults."

Xie Xiaonan immediately returned the gift. Li Yixuan, as the first scholar of the Hanlin Academy, also served in the imperial court, and was highly valued by the emperor, not an ordinary person.

Li Yixuan stood up straight and said in a slow voice: "Master Xie is performing official duties, and the lower officials should not stop them, but there is one thing I have to say. The Tianwu Pavilion was established by His Majesty the current emperor, with the intention of recruiting talents in martial arts and enriching the court. The person who remains on the list is the same as the imperial examination jinshi and the second. And Miss Zhang winning the first place in the Tianwu Ranking is equivalent to the champion of the martial arts, a disciple of the emperor, and Dali Temple will take people away like this. "

Xie Xiaonan has come to this stage, naturally some brains, and immediately heard the deep meaning of Li Yixuan's words, Tianwu Pavilion is the window for the emperor to recruit talents, and the number one in Tianwu Ranking is the most conspicuous sign.If Dali Temple forcibly arrests people today, even if there is a reason for the incident, the emperor will be able to calm the wrath of the world's martial arts talents, and there will be no need to ask for guilt.

"Lord Xie just understands. The best solution to this matter is to report it to the Emperor, and let His Majesty make a decision, so that Dali Temple can stay out of the way."

Li Yixuan said another sentence and quietly stepped aside.

Xie Xiaonan held down the hilt of the sword and said solemnly: "Zhang Ruren, you committed murder in public in Gyeonggi, and you should have taken it back to Dali Temple for a serious trial, but after reading your name on the Golden List of martial arts, Huang En is added, and the detention is temporarily suspended, waiting for Hair fall, during this period, you must not leave the Holy Land."

Just when everyone thought that this matter was going to be a big thing, Cao Yanzhang, the young marquis lying on the sickbed, suddenly burst out, grabbed the long sword of one of the flying fish guards, and said savagely: "All the flying fish guards obeyed the order and beheaded. Kill Ruthless Zhang, or you will all die!"

Cao Yanzhang's domineering, all Feiyuwei know well, with his power in Dali Temple, it is only a matter of words to kill someone.

Therefore, as soon as Cao Yanzhang's order came out, these flying fish guards subconsciously chose to execute it, and the swords came out, killing the sky for a while.


Zhang Tian, ​​who had been silent for a long time, suddenly spoke, and Diwei erupted, sweeping the ten directions.

The Emperor of Heaven was furious, and blood stained the imperial capital!

All the Feiyuwei that rushed over were all petrified, then air-dried, dissipated, and vanished into ashes.

The world was silent. , , .

Chapter 355 Staring at Zhang Tian, ​​like a ghost

The wind and smoke dissipated, and hundreds of flying fish guards disappeared out of thin air!

The Feiyuwei, who was known as the most fierce and worrisome, vanished in a flick of his sleeve.

The location near the gate instantly became empty and lonely, leaving only Xie Xiaonan, who was frozen like frost, and Cao Yanzhang, who was dumbfounded.

The breeze blew, and Cao Yanzhang shivered coldly. He only felt that his whole body was cold. In his decades of life, he had never felt so close to death for a moment, as if he had heard the bell of the Naihe Bridge. Miserable and miserable, the ferry goes back and forth.


Great horror!

All the warriors set their eyes on Zhang Tian, ​​as if looking at ghosts and gods. Even the Supreme Sage would never be able to do this.

"Master Cao, be careful!"

Xie Xiaonan's reaction could not be described as unpleasant. He stepped in front of Cao Yanzhang and looked at Zhang Tian with all his attention. The blue veins popped up in the right hand holding the hilt of the sword, showing the nervousness in his heart.

Zhang Tian said softly: "You two are in the eyes of this Emperor, but you are nothing but ants, get out!"

Cao Yanzhang was startled and angry. Before he could attack, he was stopped by Xie Xiaonan, shaking his head grimly, and making Cao Yanzhang swallow the curse words.

"Thank you for the grace of not killing the senior, the junior will leave now."

Xie Xiaonan acted decisively, bowed at Zhang Tian, ​​and directly dragged Cao Yanzhang out of the Tianwu Pavilion.

"What a sword god Xie Xiaonan, the imperial city is a strong place, and he is indeed a master."

The ruthless man looked at the retreating back in the void, and narrowed his eyes slightly. So far, Xie Xiaonan was the most terrifying swordsman she had ever encountered. The cold sword intent, like a poisonous snake, like a maggot attached to the bone, made her heart even more so. Certainly, Xie Xiaonan, like her, has a map of stars and swords, and is her destiny opponent.

But now she is still a long way from the sword god Xie Xiaonan, who was captured by the four great gods.

Shangguanqin stepped forward and explained: "The four gods of Dali Temple are the God of Swords, God of Swords, God of Bone, and God of Spirituality. Each of them has unique talents and cannot be measured by simple cultivation. Together, even some ancient sect holy places are hard to resist, it is the sharpest sword in the hands of Dali Temple Secretary Cao Zhengming!"

The ruthless man raised his eyebrows and said, "Cao Zhengming? Is that the father of that trash Marquis?"

"Yes, Master Cao is in charge of Dali Temple, and spies are all over the world, and he is one of the most powerful officials in the holy capital today."

A gentle and elegant voice sounded, but Li Yixuan came up again to answer the doubts for the ruthless man.

"The holy ancestor has many sons and many concubines, and there are many royal family members and nobles in the imperial city. The son of a powerful official in a mere district dares to be so arrogant. I'm afraid there are other things to rely on, right?" The ruthless man said sharply. 135 Chinese www.135zw.com

Li Yixuan said: "Ms. Zhang is really observant. Lord Cao is not an ordinary official. His sister is Concubine Hui, one of the five noble concubines in the dynasty. Cao Yanzhang is particularly spoiled, always trying his best to protect him, so that he develops Cao Yanzhang's lawless character, more arrogant than many princes, and today's events will soon spread to her ears."

Zi Yan hummed: "So what, a harem concubine, can you still turn the sky over?"

Li Yixuan was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said: "What the girl said is very true, even if the concubine Hui and Lord Cao are in charge, they will not dare to offend easily, and even take the initiative to ask for peace on the surface, as for secretly... hehe , I have some deep conversations with you, so I will say goodbye, and I will see you again in the future."

After speaking, Li Yixuan folded his hands and strode out of the door, shrinking into an inch, and disappeared from everyone's sight in three or two steps.

Yu Xin said softly: "This Li Yixuan has helped us several times, and it seems that he has recognized our identity."

Shangguan Qin said: "The Hanlin Academy controls the power of remonstrance, gathers ministers, and is also a great force in the imperial court. Li Yixuan is the most outstanding contemporary talent of the Hanlin Academy. His every move has deep meaning. misleading words."

The ruthless man said: "Entering the Dao with literature, the arrogance lasts forever, this Li Yixuan is not simple. Just a few times to help, it seems that I did it casually, but in fact it has hidden opportunities, but this time I only come here for cultivation, no matter their conspiracy and calculations, as long as they provoke When you reach me, use my sword to turn the world upside down!

Shangguanqin showed a wry smile. Where there are people, there are rivers and lakes, not to mention Shengdu, the most intriguing quagmire. Even if you don't cause trouble, trouble will come to you. If you want to cultivate with a pure heart, how can it be so easy.

However, she knew that under the protection of Zhang Tian, ​​the three ruthless sisters didn't need to worry about this issue at all. This is absolute power, which can turn all conspiracies to nothing.

Looking around, and finally set his eyes on the Tianwu Ranking hanging high in the void, Shangguan Qin couldn't help but sigh: "Junior Sister Zhang is still looking down on her as always, after today, your name should spread throughout the imperial capital, just like in Donghuang, no one knows, no one knows."

The ruthless man smiled indifferently and said, "Sister Shangguan's piano skills must have improved a lot. Would you like to try leaving your name on the screen?"

Shangguan Qin shook his head again and again, and said: "You better spare me, I have self-knowledge, I can pass at most two levels, why should I be ugly. Shi Wuhua and the others should have been waiting for a long time, let's go back to Tianshen Bieyuan first, where is the emperor. In the courtyard given by the emperor, there was an inscription by the emperor, even people from Dali Temple would not dare to disturb it easily."

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