The group immediately walked out of Tianwu Pavilion and headed towards Tianshen Garden.

Inside the Imperial Court of Saint Ancestor, inside a tall and majestic palace.

"Trash, it's all trash! Ben Gong's nephew was cut off with an arm in the Holy City, and the murderer actually let the murderer go away. Is there any king law?"

"What's the big brother's plan? Do you want to let the rich and powerful in the city see my Cao family's jokes?"

"Take me to see the emperor! This palace wants to see the emperor!"

A beautiful woman in a luxurious palace attire had a distorted face, shouted loudly, and smashed pieces of exquisite porcelain vases to the ground, causing all the maids and eunuchs to tremble and knelt in a stunned silence.

At this moment, a palace maid who was kneeling at the front said coldly, "Concubine Hui, please calm down. The identity of the murderer is extraordinary, and there seems to be a half-step emperor behind him."

"Half-step emperor?"

Concubine Hui's frantic movements froze for a while, and even the hysterical expression froze, her throat seemed to be stuck with a fishbone and couldn't make any sound.Even if she is pampered, she knows what it means to be a half-step emperor. , , .

Chapter 356 The imperial city is windy, the concubine is frosty

"Are you sure you are a half-step emperor? Which senior is it?"

Concubine Hui sat on the Luan chair and asked calmly.She is not a stupid woman, she is involved in a half-step immortal emperor, and she can't be too cautious.

All the palace maids and eunuchs withdrew wisely, leaving only the palace maid who spoke first, and said coldly: "Reporting to the maiden, according to the investigation by Duke Cao, the person who seriously injured the little prince is likely to be the East Wilderness Heavenly Theological Seminary. On the first day, the arrogant Zhang Ruren is also recognized as the unparalleled arrogance in Donghuang."

Concubine Hui frowned and said, "What? The Heavenly God Academy has another unparalleled talent? Hmph, since those old guys left, the Heavenly God Academy has long since been withered. Come out?"

The palace maid said: "It's not the half-step emperor of the Tianshen Academy. According to the investigation of the Dali Temple spy, this Zhang Ruren's father is a half-step emperor himself. He suddenly appeared in the East Wasteland two years ago, and no one knows his specific details. The origin, but it is definitely a half-step emperor, the Ice Emperor of the Eastern Pole is buried in the hands of Zhang Ruren's father."

"Ice Emperor was actually killed by him?"

Concubine Hui's voice trembled slightly, but she forced herself to calm down and said, "Just... even if her father is a half-step emperor, is Zhang Er going to have an arm cut off in vain? The saints are at the feet of the emperor, Are you afraid that he will fail to become a half-step emperor of unknown origin?"

The palace maid lowered her head and said, "It is said that the Black Dragon Demon Emperor of Beihai suddenly fell a month ago, and the dragon slayer was Zhang Ruren's father Zhang Tian. Although this matter has not been confirmed, it should be closely related."


Concubine Hui sucked in a breath of cold air. The Black Dragon Demon Sovereign of the North Sea is one of the most powerful men in the mainland. It has survived for tens of thousands of years. One of the characters in the realm was also killed.

Half-step immortal emperors are not many in Shengyuan Continent, but the number of major wastelands together is also quite large. Among them, there are three, six, and nine ranks, and the Black Dragon Demon Emperor can even rank in the top three.

Even the black dragon demon emperor can slaughter, how terrifying the strength of that Zhang Tian is, I am afraid that it is also the supreme level among the half-step emperors.

Thinking of this, Concubine Hui's heart was filled with resentment and she couldn't help but suppress it. Although their Cao family's power was strong, they were not able to compete with a top half-step emperor.

The palace maid added: "The maiden should know that today's world is not peaceful, and several empires of foreign races and barbarians have repeatedly disturbed the border. The emperor's dynasty seems to be strong, but in fact it is very difficult to parry. The emperor complained, it is impossible for His Majesty the emperor to punish Zhang Ruren at the risk of offending a half-step emperor of the human race."

"This truth, I don't need you to teach me!"

Concubine Hui flicked her sleeves and suppressed her anger: "So, brother is planning to be a turtle with a shrunken head and let Zhang Erbai suffer this sword?"

The palace maid said: "Cao Gong means that this dispute was provoked by the young marquis, and we should take the initiative to make amends and turn the war into jade and silk. But he is inconvenient to come forward in this matter, so I hope the empress..."

"What! Zhang'er's arm was chopped off. It's fine if he doesn't show up. He has to take the initiative to make amends? He wants Ben Gong to come forward? Don't even think about it!"

Concubine Hui was so angry that she almost scolded her. In her opinion, this matter was already enough of humiliation, but Cao Zhengming didn't think it was enough, so he took the initiative to put his face up and let people trample on it.Second Chinese website

The palace maid said: "Zhang Ruren's father, Zhang Tian, ​​is not only a powerful half-step immortal emperor, but also a human race. The most important thing is that he does not belong to any power. Such a supreme figure is definitely the focus of His Majesty the Emperor. On the surface, the Cao family must not be hostile to him, otherwise, they are going against the will of the emperor."

"Disobeying the will of the Emperor?"

During the dog days of summer, Concubine Hui couldn't help shivering. Today's emperor is unparalleled in the world, and his authority is far superior to the previous emperors. Only in the blink of an eye.

In fact, all the dignitaries who have survived in the Holy City to this day understand one truth, that is, they must not disobey the will of the Emperor.

After thinking about this, Concubine Hui couldn't help sighing softly, and said, "It's my brother who is thoughtful. The emperor has been recruiting talents from all over the world all these years. Whether this family is big or small, they are all key goals. We really do It's not appropriate to confront him head-on. Tell me, what does my brother want me to do?"

The palace maid said: "The specific arrangement of Duke Cao has been written in the kit, and the lady can follow suit. The so-called apology is just an expedient measure. Duke Cao and the lady have been operating in the Holy City for many years. When there are flaws, they will be waiting for them."

After speaking, the palace maid presented a delicate bag.

Concubine Hui took it, put it into her sleeve, and said in a low voice, "I don't have anything to do with you here, go back and tell my brother that this matter will be handled by this palace for him. In addition, if you can help this palace with a message, just say that recently The battle between the imperial concubine and the concubine Xian is getting more and more fierce, and both sides have sent people to win over the palace many times, let him have an idea on how to deal with it."

"The servant understands, and this will retire."

The palace maid bowed slightly, and her figure suddenly turned into an afterimage, disappearing into the palace.

Concubine Hui watched the palace maid disappear, the calm on her face suddenly turned hideous, and whispered: "Zhang Ruren, Zhang Tian, ​​people who have insulted my Cao family, this palace will make you pay the price!"


There was a loud noise, and the armrest made of ancient gold and phoenix blood on the Luan chair was actually broken by Concubine Hui.

The East City of the Holy City, the Heavenly God Bieyuan.

Ruthless people pushed in the door and saw that the interior was brightly lit. After a while, two rows of students walked out of the corridor. The leaders were Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan.

The two led a group of students to meet them, and they bowed to Zhang Tian in unison: "Junior pays respects to Senior Zhang."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said calmly, "No gift."

Only then did the Tianjiao students straighten up and look at the ruthless man. Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan couldn't save face, and the rest of the students worshipped without any hesitation: "I have seen Senior Sister Zhang." , . . .

Chapter 357 The wind blows in Bieyuan, and the fairy night knocks on the door

In fact, after the ruthless man won the first place in the competition, he has already received the treatment of true students, and his status is higher than the old core giants such as Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan.

However, the ruthless man didn't care about these customs and took the initiative to say hello: "The two brothers are moving like a courtyard. It seems that this year's martial arts has been very refined."

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