Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan, before Zhang Ruren was born, were the strongest geniuses in the Deity Academy.That Lu Shaoyan's sword intent has been cultivated to perfection, but Shi Wuhua has to go a step further. The sword intent is like a gossamer, and it has already reached the realm of sharpness and restraint, returning to the original state.

The two looked at each other after hearing the words, and Lu Shaoyan's face showed a look of eagerness to try, and said: "Although Beihai is a land of scarce resources, but after years of wars, the fierceness of warriors is far better than that of Donghuang, so I think Zhang Junior Sister Beihai and his party have gained a lot. Right? Would you like to try it out?"

Shi Wuhua was silent, but pressed a hand on the hilt of the knife, obviously with a strong fighting spirit.

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "Okay, I also want to see how diligent the two senior brothers are. Let's go together."

If someone else said this kind of words, it would make people feel arrogant and ignorant, but when it was replaced by Ruthen, no one dared to question a little bit. Although Ruthen hadn't shot in Donghuang for more than half a year, she had invited him to fight. The terrifying strength of all Tianjiao in Donghuang is still remembered by everyone. Even if there is no progress, it is not that the current Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan can deal with it alone.

Shangguanqin took a step back, with a play-watching expression on his face. Since the end of the academy competition, Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan have begun to practice hard, and the academy has also put many treasures in the bottom of the box because of the coming of age. He took it out and washed the tendons and marrow for the two of them, making their martial arts realm soaring faster and faster, with the power to catch up with the ruthless.

But they didn't know that while they were progressing, Ruthless Man improved at a faster rate. If these two people knew that Ruthless Man had already reached the top of the Tianwu Ranking, they would not dare to invite them to fight like this even if they had ten courage.

"Senior Sister Zhang wants to fight Sword and Sword at the same time? It's so exciting!"

The rest of the Deity Academy students also stepped aside excitedly, watching the peak battle with concentration.

The ruthless man stood with his hands behind his back, and said in a low voice, "You guys shoot first."

With such self-confidence, even with Shi Wuhua's steady restraint, he couldn't hold back his breath, and the hand holding the handle of the sword showed blue veins.

Lu Shaoyan was in a hurry, so he directly activated the sword art. From the scabbard behind his back, seven flying swords flew out at the same time, hanging in the air, screaming at each other.

After the academy competition, he devoted almost all of his energy to comprehension of "Swordsmanship", and made great progress.

"Beidou Sword Formation, kill!"

Lu Shaoyan pointed his finger into a sword and slashed down towards the ruthless man. The seven flying swords suddenly roared out, echoing each other, forming a Beidou sword formation, which was extremely fierce and came towards the ruthless man.

On Shi Wuhua's side, the saber intention was also consummated, the long saber was unsheathed, and a cold light flickered, as if the cold moon was falling in the sky, shaking the void and making a neigh.

These two attacks were far beyond the limits of what a triple life and death profound entrance martial artist could perform, causing a burst of exclamations.

"The mood is good."

Ruthless man commented, and Ping pointed out a sword light.


"Senior Sister Zhang is too supportive, she actually wants to defeat Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan with one finger."

Seeing the Ruthless Man act like this, even the students of the Deity Academy who admired her very much couldn't help frowning, thinking that the Ruthless Man was reckless and underestimated the enemy.Biquge Novel

Only Shangguanqin can maintain her composure, and she has seen and heard along the way, which has made her respect the ruthless person like a god.


The Big Dipper Sword Formation collided with Ruthless Man's sword beams. The dignified flying sword of the king's rank, wrapped in the power of the sword, was indestructible, but at this time it was as fragile as tofu, and the seven flying swords were broken at the same time, and the aura was dim.


After Jianmang shattered the Big Dipper sword formation, Yu Wei did not diminish, and collided with Shi Wuhua's Leng Yue Dao Gang, making a loud bang.

This Shi Wuhua has been sublimated in his qualifications, his talent has soared, and after half a year of hard work, he has already cultivated the Dao of the Blade Martial Spirit, causing a big sensation in the Eastern Wilderness.

But at this time, the sure-kill blow that had gathered all its strength, but at the moment of encountering the sword glow, it disintegrated and turned into a chaotic sword qi.

"Bang! Bang!"

The ruthless man's sword glow was like a rainbow, swallowing the Big Dipper sword qi and sword qi, turning it into a huge sword-blade storm, descending in front of Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan, blasting them out directly, causing a cloud of smoke.

"Two senior brothers, are you satisfied now?"

The ruthless man clapped his hands, revealing a playful look.

Shi Wuhua and Lu Shaoyan got up, and after listening to Ruthless Man's words, their faces were a little ashamed, and they wished they could just find a crack in the ground and burrow in.

Those onlookers ignored this and exclaimed in admiration. Ruthless declared to them with supreme power that the status of the first Tianjiao of Tianshen Academy was unshakable.

An elder came out and said with a smile: "It's wonderful, it's amazing, Fairy Yuehua has taught a good apprentice."

The students hurriedly saluted: "I have seen Elder Gu."

This person is the ancient lunatic of the Deity Academy. Although he has the cultivation base of the Great Sage, he has always been crazy and does not express his intentions.

Madman Gu stepped forward and said, "I heard that this time, both the Fengshen Academy and the Martial God Academy have produced several great talents, and those old guys were worried that the Heavenly God Academy would be defeated, so they all shied the blame and threw the burden to me. If you want me to say, with Martial Nephew Zhang in charge, no matter how talented he is, he will end up being cleaned up together."

The ruthless man said with a chuckle, "There are people outside people, there are heavens outside the sky, and under the great world, the arrogance of the heavens will come out. Students can't say that they can surpass all the arrogance of heaven. They can only say that they do their best."

"I said I can. If there is a genius who is more amazing than you in this world, I will just take off my head and play it for him."

The ancient lunatic said with oath, which attracted a lot of laughter.

A farce is over.

After dinner, the students dispersed, and Zhang Tian and others were also led to a separate courtyard to rest.

The bright moon is crooked, and it hangs high above Qiongxiao.

A slender and graceful figure slipped in through the night, walked carefully to the main wing, looked around, seemed to summon up great courage, raised his hand and knocked on the door. , , .

Chapter 358 The Heavenly Emperor has appointed the God and Demon King

"Senior Zhang, junior Ji Feixue is asking to see you, I don't know..."

"come in."

"Thank you, Senior Zhang."

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