Ji Feixue was overjoyed. She didn't expect to get permission so easily. She pushed open the door and was dumbfounded. All three daughters of the Zhang family were among them.

Zhang Tian sat on the main seat and said plainly, "What are you doing here?"

Ji Feixue came back to her senses and said quickly, "It's nothing special, it's just that the ancient tea trees in the family produce some rough tea leaves. Although they are not expensive tea leaves, they have a refreshing effect. The elders in the family specially asked me to give them to you. Senior Zhang, bring a copy and talk to express your feelings."

After speaking, Ji Feixue quickly stepped forward, took out a delicate porcelain vase from the storage ring and presented it.

Zhang Tian raised his hand, and the porcelain bottle flew into his hand, put it under his nose, took a sip, and said with a chuckle, "This is not some kind of rough tea, but the fruit of the enlightenment tea tree, one of the five famous innate trees. Dao-comprehension tea leaves, although only a branch, are considered immortals. For these tea leaves, some great emperors are even willing to risk their lives to go deep into the burial grounds."

"What? Immortal... Immortal?"

Ji Feixue's eyes widened in shock, and she said in a trembling voice, "This ancient tea tree seems to have been planted in the ancestral house a long time ago, and every hundred years can produce some tea leaves. There's nothing magical about Qingming, right?"

Zhang Tiandao: "The Tea Tree of Enlightenment was conceived from the Dao. It is one of the five innate sacred trees. It is very magical. Each piece of tea it produces contains the Dao's motto. Even the ancient emperors will take a hundred years to digest one piece. Your cultivation base is low, even the laws are not very clear, how can you talk about insight into the Dao, and naturally you can't appreciate its beauty."

"So, the family has been guarding Baoshan without knowing it?"

Ji Feixue was a little confused. The ancient tea tree that was worshipped as an ordinary ancestor in the family turned out to be a branch of the innate divine tree, a treasure that even the emperor had to snatch with all his might?

Yu Xin sighed softly: "Senior Sister Ji's family actually owns such treasures. I think the ancestors must be great people in the sky."


Ji Feixue thought of the vision that appeared in Zhang Tian's mind when she was instructing her. It was a god and demon king who could fight the heavens and the earth. He possessed both divine blood and demon blood.It is also reasonable for such people to have a branch of an ancient tea tree.Presumably the Ji family at that time was boundless in scenery and famous for nine mountains and seas.

Thinking of the brilliance of her distant ancestor, Ji Feixue couldn't help but feel a burst of enthusiasm, and her efforts to revive the family and return to its peak were unprecedentedly vigorous.

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up and said, "I didn't expect Junior Sister Ji's qi and blood to be so much stronger than in the academy competition. The blood of the God and Demon King is indeed well-deserved. opponent." The only Chinese website www.v1zwxs.com

With autumn water in her eyes, Ji Feixue looked at Zhang Tian and said excitedly: "All of this is a blessing bestowed by Senior Zhang, and the people of the family have also broken through the limits one after another because of "The Great Wilderness War". Grateful."

Zhang Tian seemed to recall the past years, and said leisurely: "You Ji's family and this emperor have a great relationship, and they have been loyal for millions of years. Even this branch of the enlightened tea tree was bestowed by this emperor when he awarded the hero. Your family. The years are long, things are right and wrong, and the cause and effect of thousands of years ago, this emperor will give back today, let you Ji family, another god and demon king. "

This voice is like the Sanskrit sound of heaven, faint and faint, crossing the river of reincarnation and reincarnation, reaching the other side, speaking out the law, as if there is a decree hanging down and blending into Ji Feixue's body, this is the god and demon king appointed by heaven, buried the cause and effect, anyone thinks Change means going against the sky.

Although the girls listened to Zhang Tian's whispers, they couldn't hear a single word. After Zhang Tian finished speaking, the tea leaves in the porcelain vase were woven into a chain and flew out. Some resemble mountains, some resemble scorpions, and they resemble real dragons.


Zhang Tian gave a low drink, and the void suddenly burned like a boil. It was actually using the heaven and earth as the furnace to refine the ancient tea leaves of enlightenment. After a long time, all the tea leaves were transformed into essence and gathered into a golden talisman with colorful bronzing. , seems to have the mighty power to overwhelm the mountains and rivers, the sun and the moon.

This is the innate Dao Talisman, which can only be condensed when one cultivates the law to the extreme. It contains the Dao, and it is the seed of Dao, which can form the Dao.

Each innate Taoist talisman has its own corresponding Tao, and this Taoist talisman refined by Zhang Tianhua contains the Tao of 'power'.

After refining, Zhang Tianping pointed and directly sank the Taoist talisman into Ji Feixue's Life Spring Shrine. As time passed, this Taoist talisman would completely match Ji Feixue's and become Ji Feixue's perception. .At that time, Ji Feixue would be equivalent to possessing the realm of 'Dao' that only those who were quasi-emperor and above could touch.

At the moment when the Taoist Talisman entered her body, Ji Feixue only felt an incomparably powerful force gushing out from the depths of her dantian, rushing through her meridians like a torrent of rivers and seas, and the power of qi and blood surged through her body. , directly shattered the white dress she was wearing outside together with the rare golden ancient armor, revealing a perfect fairy body without the slightest flaw, white and snow, graceful and fragrant.


When she came back to her senses, Ji Feixue couldn't help but let out a soft snort. Before she could hide it, the broken golden armor was reorganized by a strange force, and it was worn on her body again, revealing a small section of the jade snow waist. , like an ancient goddess of war,

"Many thanks to Senior Zhang for giving him another blessing."

Ji Feixue's voice was full of excitement. She felt that her qi and blood had suddenly increased several times, and she even had a lot of power control skills in her mind, and it was still improving.

The ruthless man couldn't help being a little surprised when he saw this scene, and said: "The tea leaves of enlightenment are really not ordinary. With the current strength of Junior Sister Ji, this Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle should be able to overwhelm the heroes, which will shock the world."

"Where, Miss Zhang is so talented, and she often listens to Senior Zhang's teachings, Feixue is beyond compare."

Ji Feixue said in a respectful tone, she is very smart, and she is not complacent because of Zhang Tian's favor, because she knows very well that ruthless people are unique in Zhang Tian's heart.

Since that day at the Martial Dao Peak Square of the Deity Academy, Zhang Tian personally put the crown on the ruthless man, she knew that no one can replace the ruthless man's place in Zhang Tian's heart. , , .

Chapter 359 The corpse of the ancient god, the prince comes in person

Ji Feixue's attitude made the ruthless person very satisfied, and her tone became closer. She smiled and said, "I have been away from Donghuang for a few months, and there are some things that I imagine Junior Sister Ji to inquire about. I wonder if it is convenient?"

Ji Feixue was stunned for a moment, and then said, "Miss Zhang should want to ask about the outbreak of the battlefield of gods and demons, right?"

The ruthless man nodded and said, "I heard that some people saw that the demons were secretly stealing the corpse of the ancient god. I don't know what happened after that?"

Ji Feixue said: "This incident has a great impact. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty and many ancient sect holy places have sent holy realm powerhouses to investigate, and even made an agreement to join forces to encircle and suppress the remaining forces of the Demon Race. Unfortunately, the rumors leaked. Since then, no one from the Demon Race has appeared again. The college elders speculate that the Demon Lord of Purgatory is probably still alive in the world, and it will not take long for a big move to steal so many corpses of ancient gods this time."

"A big move? The Demon Clan's "Corpse Seal" secret technique is very evil. Once the corpses of the ancient gods are refined into an army of corpses, I'm afraid the entire continent will not be peaceful."

The ruthless were a little worried. With the evil of the Demon Race, it really became a turmoil, and those ordinary people who were not able to protect themselves would definitely be the first to suffer.

However, this is not something she can change. All she can do is to speed up her practice, increase her strength, and strive to have the ability to control the situation when a crisis breaks out.

After chatting for a while, Ji Feixue wisely bid her farewell. The troubled times are coming, and she has to seize every minute and second to improve her strength, so that she will not be eliminated by the times and do what she wants to do.

The night was heavy, and the lights in the Tianshen Garden were gradually extinguished, shrouded in peace, but the rest of the imperial city was brightly lit.

Tianwu ranked first, cut off one arm of the young prince Cao Yanzhang, killed three hundred Feiyuwei, and there was no overnight news under the emperor's feet.

Just a half-step emperor entering Beijing is enough to make many big people sleepless, not to mention declaring war on the Cao family, the top aristocratic family in Shengdu, many people have already smelled the turbulent undercurrent of Shengdu's prosperity and calm. When the two top forces confront each other, countless ponds will suffer.

On the night of the holy city, the mountains and the rain are about to come and the wind is full of buildings!

The next morning, the morning mist was overcast. The students of Deity Academy had just finished their breakfast and were thinking about where to go to play when a guard servant suddenly ran in quickly and staggered.

"Young sons, young lady, there are two distinguished guests visiting!"

Lu Shaoyan said strangely: "Great guest? Could it be someone from Fengshen Academy and Wushen Academy?"

The servant said excitedly: "It's the seventh prince and the eighth prince. They came with a convoy in a luan drive. They said that they had to hear that Miss Zhang came to Beijing and sent them a gift of condolences."

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