"The seventh prince and the eighth prince?"

All the students couldn't help but take a deep breath. They had been in the Holy City for a few days. They had heard and heard about it, and they knew which prince was the most powerful. Among them, the seventh prince and the eighth prince were both on the list and were deeply loved by the emperor. In the Holy City, the power is overwhelming, just like two major factions.

Such a big man actually prepared a gift to invite him on the second day when the ruthless man first entered the capital.

Shi Wuhua frowned and said: "The Holy City is different from the Deity Academy, the major forces are intriguing, it is said that the seventh prince and the eighth prince are competing for the throne, and now to invite Junior Sister Zhang, I am afraid that there is an intention to win over, Junior Sister still needs to act cautiously. Good." Worry-Free Literature Network www.5uwx.net

The rest of the students also showed a sudden look. Ruthless is the peerless genius of the contemporary era, and there will be earth-shattering achievements in the future. The key is that her father is still a half-step emperor, a powerhouse at the pinnacle of the mainland, and has the power to change the imperial power. Seven or eight The prince naturally wanted to put down his posture and invite him in person.

The ruthless man took a sip of his tea and said in a low voice, "You go out and tell the two princes that I'm only here to challenge the world's heroes and improve martial arts, and I'm not interested in other things, so let them go back with gifts."

That servant is the old man of Shengdu, and the prestige of the seventh and eighth princes is deeply rooted in his bones. He has never heard anyone dare to refuse the kindness of the seventh or eighth princes, even if it is the six ministers and other extremely powerful officials, so he was stunned for a while. , After confirming that he heard correctly, he carefully led the order away.

Lu Shaoyan was speechless and said, "Junior Sister Zhang is so majestic. If it were me, I would at least have to make a fool of myself. I would never dare to refuse so neatly."

The rest of the people also nodded their heads in the same way. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty is the largest power in the world. The eminent princes such as the seventh and eighth princes are a hundred times more expensive than the holy children. Who dares not give face?

The ruthless man sighed, "I'm just afraid that the rejection was not straightforward enough. These plotters must have made up their minds and won't change it easily. There will be troubles in the future."

Seeing that the atmosphere was a little dignified, Ji Feixue immediately changed the topic and said: "I heard that the Tianjiao of the Southern Wilderness and the Western Wilderness are going to enter the city today. The destination of the first stop must be Tianwu Pavilion. Do we want to go to Tianwu Pavilion to watch? Let's take a look and see what monstrous geniuses there are?"

Shi Wuhua said: "I forbeared that I didn't challenge Tianwu Zhaobi for a few days, just to wait for the day when Fengshen Academy and Wushen Academy came out in large numbers, and our Tianshen Academy couldn't lose momentum."

The rest of the students also showed eager expressions, all looking at Ruthless. Among the students today, Ruthless is the leader.

The ruthless man put down the teacup and said with a chuckle: "I'm also interested in seeing the arrogance of these arrogances, everyone, prepare and set off in half an hour."


After half an hour, Tianshen Bieyuan opened wide, Ruren, Yuxin, and Zi Yan walked at the forefront, and a group of mighty people went to Tianwu Pavilion.

I saw a surging sea of ​​people all the way, and there were many people with fancy clothes, which was even more spectacular than yesterday.

"It seems that the people from the Southern Wilderness and the Western Wilderness have arrived."

The ruthless man's voice just fell, and I saw two golden pillars rising from the sky at the same time in the direction of Tianwu Pavilion, the golden dragon roared, and the imperial capital shook.

"There are two people who are named on the gold list at the same time!"

All the students showed their horror, and immediately accelerated their pace and rushed towards Tianwu Pavilion, and they entered it after a long time, only to listen to the surrounding discussions, all of which were talking about the two Tianjiao who had just entered the Golden List.

"The top of the Tianwu Ranking is here!"

I don't know who shouted, the entire Tianwu Pavilion was silent for a moment, and everyone looked in the direction of the ruthless man. , , .

Chapter 360 Demon Blood, Immortal Body, Supreme Body!

"The top of the Tianwu Ranking is here!"

This sentence seems to have an inexplicable magic power. Breaking the century record and reaching the top is a supreme achievement in itself, let alone stepping on the top of the world's arrogance like Ye Bufan, the only one who has achieved the so-called impossible The enchanting existence of the eleventh level.

The sea of ​​people quickly divided a passage like a flat knife opening a wave, and let the ruthless people walk to the front.

Shi Wuhua and others were also taken aback. They looked up at the sky and saw the name hanging high on the Tianwu Ranking. Only then did they accept the reality, and at the same time, a feeling of infinite pride flooded their hearts.

Hanging on the Tianwu Ranking in the Tianwu Pavilion of the Holy City, it accepts the challenge of the world's best heroes and keeps records for a hundred years. It can be said that it is the most authoritative Tianjiao list in the mainland, and the top two talents on this list are all from their Donghuang. Tenshin College.

"You're Zhang Ruren from the Eastern Wilderness Heavenly Theological Academy? Even this prince stopped at the ninth level in this day, but you can reach the eleventh level. Sure enough, there are some ways. I hope that during the Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, your strength will not let this world go. The prince is disappointed."

A mighty young man said arrogantly, but seeing him wearing a purple-gold crown, black serial armor, Xichuan red brocade robe, and carrying a square-shaped halberd with a size of [-] feet, he was like a god of war on the battlefield, not angry and arrogant. , There is a very strong wind of the West Wilderness.

The ruthless man raised his eyebrows and said, "People from Xihuang? Could it be that you are the Chen Beixuan who came out of the fairy cave? No, although your qi and blood are strong, you don't have the aura of a fairy."

The mighty young man was very angry when he heard the words, and said sternly: "Presumptuous, you even compared this prince to a wilderness villager! Remember, this prince's name is Chu Xiangtian, and he will defeat you every day!"

"Chu Xiangtian, it turned out to be him!"

There was a commotion in the Tianshen Academy team, and Shangguan Qin approached the ruthless man and said: "Junior Sister Zhang, this person is a ruthless character, he is the first son of the king of Chu who ranks first among the eight kings with different surnames in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, born with the supreme overlord. He can tear apart tigers and leopards at the age of three, and he is known as the reincarnation of the overlord, and his fighting power is famous all over the world."

Prince of Chu, this is a great background.There are eight kings with different surnames in the emperor's dynasty. Seven of them were named kings because of their merits. Only the king of Chu was a hereditary king. He always considers himself a Chu people, but he doesn't know about the emperor's dynasty. The background is so strong that every generation of emperors tossed and turned but was helpless.

One hundred thousand years ago, the state of Chu produced an unparalleled hero, known as the Overlord of Western Chu.If it wasn't for the invasion of the dark demon world in the middle, the overlord of Western Chu and a demon monarch perished together, and it is still unknown who will rise and fall on this continent.

Although the rebellion [-] years ago ended in failure, the overlord of Western Chu became a great hero in resisting the invasion of the demon world. He is a legendary hero of the world, making Chu more loved by the people, and its strength has increased unabated, and it has developed to this day. , as if it was the atmosphere of a prince and a king.

Because of this, the status of the Prince of Chu is extremely noble, far exceeding that of other princes with different surnames. Although he is not comparable to the top princes, no one dares to show off his power in front of him.

"It turns out to have the same Overlord Supreme Body as the Overlord of Western Chu, no wonder he has such confidence."

The ruthless man said with a chuckle, the Overlord Supreme Body is the most divine body in the world, and its attack power is unparalleled, but it is useless to challenge Tianwu Zhaobi, which is why Chu Xiangtian dares to challenge her.

However, although the Overlord Supreme Physique is strong, there is still a huge gap compared to Wugou Immortal Physique, and she is not seen by the ruthless people. She deliberately made a slip of the tongue to anger Chu Xiangtian, just to draw out the real Chen Beixuan.

Soon, Ruthless Man found his target, a seemingly ordinary young man standing among a group of students, his face was sharp and angular, and he did not have the wanton domineering of Chu Xiangtian, but after careful observation, he could find that his 'Ao' is engraved in the bone marrow, even more so than Chu Xiangtian.Qiyan Reading www.qiyands.com

At this moment, Chen Beixuan also looked at her with a polite smile.


The ruthless snow body was shocked, and she was secretly shocked. This person really has the power of immortals, and it actually resonated with her immortal body. Moreover, this immortal power is very powerful, and it has the potential to shake Zhou Tian.

"Miss Zhang, I sensed the aura of demon blood from that young man. There is more than one kind of demon blood. No, there are at least hundreds of kinds of demon blood."

The voice of Ji Feixue came from the ear of the ruthless man. She was of the blood of the god and demon king. At this time, her voice trembled, as if she was afraid.

The ruthless man chuckled and said, "Hundreds of demon blood and a lot of immortal power are indeed from the immortal demon cave. Such an opponent is interesting."

"The people from Nanhuang are here too!"

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