After speaking, she didn't care about the important things Cao Zhengming explained, and hurriedly retreated to the apse to change clothes.

"Concubine Xian, please come back too."

Zhang Tian said something in a low voice, but never turned his head to look at him.

Concubine Xian's face was blue and white, thinking that before she entered the palace, she was an amazing saint who has not been seen in the Holy Land of Fluctuating Light for a hundred years. Having cultivated the Supreme Heart Technique of Fluctuation Light Holy Land to the realm of great achievement, a frown and a smile are enough to make all men fall over.

But she didn't expect that she endured the shyness and condescended to please, and what she got was disdain, which greatly dampened her self-confidence.

However, Concubine Xian was able to climb to such a high position. In addition to her beauty and background, she also has a strong city government. She immediately held back her anger, stood up without expression, and returned to the seat, but she already had a grudge against Zhang Tian in her heart.

The remaining three noble concubines saw that Concubine Hui and Concubine Xian returned at the same time, and they dared not act rashly, lest they fail to please Zhang Tian instead.

When the eighth prince saw that his beautiful mother-in-law was unfavorable, and he was a little confused, just as he was thinking about how to remedy it, out of the corner of his eyes, he caught a glimpse of the seventh prince walking towards Zhang Tian's seat.

"Lao Qi is so impatient? Hehe, let's go, Senior Zhang doesn't even give face to the Holy Maiden of Yaoguang and the imperial concubine, let alone you."

The eighth prince showed a good-looking expression. He didn't think that his mother and concubine couldn't impress a character. If the seventh prince could make a success, he had to touch a gray nose and lose face.

As if eyes had grown on his back, the seventh prince's footsteps paused for a while, a mocking arc twitched at the corner of his mouth, he suddenly turned around, walked to the ruthless man's seat, cupped his hands and said, "Miss Zhang is polite, remember that two days ago. When the boy returned to Beijing, he was still talking about Miss Zhang here, saying that Miss Zhang is a genius that has never been seen in mainland China, and she is very helpful to the gentleman's party. Although I am no longer the leader of the gentleman's party, it was created by me after all. Feelings, Miss Zhang is the inspector of the gentleman's party, and she will be her own family in the future, if anything happens in Shengdu, just report my name."

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, and then he remembered that the Seventh Prince once practiced at the Deity Academy and founded the Gentleman's Party. The current leader, Su Ziming, was his confidant.Sister Literature Network

"Seventh prince is polite, I am being taken care of by Senior Brother Su and the gentleman's party."

The ruthless man sincerely returned a salute. If the seventh prince used the prince's authority to oppress her, she would not care at all, but starting from the gentleman's party's affection, she would not be able to show a high profile.

The Seventh Prince was extremely talkative, and seized the opportunity to chat with the ruthless.

Seeing this scene, the eighth prince's face turned black. He didn't expect that the seventh prince was so shrewd that he turned around and fought in a roundabout way. With a little connection, he started with Senior Zhang's daughter.

However, Cao Zhengming's eyes lit up, inspired by the Seventh Prince, he lifted up his official robe and walked in front of the ruthless man, and said: "The child is stubborn, he ran into Miss Zhang at Tianwu Pavilion yesterday, and even used a heavy weapon privately, which almost caused a big problem. Misfortune, although he broke his arm, it is not enough to make up for his fault, and the old man has already punished it severely. I just take the opportunity of today to express my sincere apology to Miss Zhang."

After speaking, Cao Zhengming's hand flashed a white light, took out a square black gilded card, and handed it to Ruren: "This is the black gold card of Lingbao Pavilion, which has the highest authority and can overdraw [-] king-grade spirit stones. , it is the old man who apologized to Miss Zhang on behalf of the dog."

"[-] King Grade Spirit Stones?"

The ruthless man couldn't help showing his moving expression, and sighed that these dignitaries in the holy capital were really rich. Back then, in Beihai, the Yang family's tens of thousands of years old family controlled most of the spirit stone veins of the Beihai Alliance, in order to please her father , the shot is only [-] king-grade spirit stones, this Cao Zhengming is only a powerful minister, and he actually took out [-] without blinking his eyes, which is more than all the families of the ordinary ancient sect.

"Since Duke Cao is generous, he will be disrespectful below."

Ruthless took the black gold card unceremoniously. She has a deep background, and every time she is promoted, she needs a huge amount of spiritual stones. She had already exhausted her family wealth in order to break through to the first level of the profound entrance of life and death, and this spiritual stone is very important to her. valuable.

"Where is it? Miss Zhang is willing to accept this card. It's too late for the old man to be grateful."

Cao Zhengming said with a smile, how could he look like the cold-blooded master of Dali Temple.

This kind of performance made the ruthless heart stunned. In fact, Cao Yanzhang suffered a big loss in this incident. With the power and prestige of the Cao family, not only did he not retaliate, but he took the initiative to offer gifts to make peace. People feel terrified.

"This person may be the enemy in the future."

The moment he took over the black gold card, this thought suddenly popped into his heart.

The night was heavy, and the feast was coming to an end. Empress Xigong herself got up to say goodbye. When parting, she suddenly took a step forward and whispered: "Senior Zhang has a great reputation and is far better than this palace. I hope to be able to make it before King Zhennan leaves the customs. , Protecting Jidu County Master One or Two, this Palace is very grateful."

Zhang Tian showed a clear look. This queen hidden in the palace is really not an ordinary person. When Concubine Hui used her, she didn't know that she had used her in reverse without a trace.

"Don't worry, with this emperor in charge, within the mountains and seas, no one can count the county master!" , . . .

Chapter 365 Pretty female military advisor, wants to kill ruthless people

It was not until Zhang Tian and others left that Cao Zhengming slowly stood up and walked outside the palace. His face was neither happy nor sad, and he couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Master Cao, please stay."

Hearing the figure behind him, Cao Zhengming's footsteps stopped immediately, he turned to look at the person who came, and said calmly, "I have seen the eighth prince."

The eighth prince looked left and right, and said with a light smile: "Duke Cao is really bold. One throw is [-] king-grade spirit stones, and he doesn't even blink an eye, which makes this prince feel ashamed."

Cao Zhengming still said indifferently: "Xiaguan still has important things to do when he returns to the mansion. If the Eighth Prince has nothing else to do, please allow Xiaguan to retire."

When the eighth prince heard the words, his anger flashed, but he calmed down again, and said with a half-smiling smile: "Half a million king-grade spirit stones, this is not a small amount, even if the Dali Temple is full of oil and water on weekdays, taking out so much at once, I'm afraid it will be too much. It's going to hurt your bones. Not to mention that you should give these spirit stones to an enemy family, even this prince feels worthless for Duke Cao."

Cao Zhengming said with a stern face, "This is the personal affairs of Xiaguan, so don't bother the Eighth Prince, Xiaguan leaves."

"Ha, this prince is just talking casually, Duke Cao walk slowly."

The eighth prince made a casual look, and when Cao Zhengming was far away, he whispered, "What an old fox!"

Back at the mansion, the eighth prince took off his brocade fur, sat on the chair and said in a muffled voice, "Come out."

As soon as he finished speaking, a tall woman in a dark green dress turned out from behind the screen, with a beautiful face, but with a cold temperament that refused to be thousands of miles away, she walked to the center of the main hall and said coldly: " How's it going?"

The eighth prince pinched his brows and said, "Everything is as you expected, that Zhang Tian is really difficult to deal with, I asked the concubine to come forward, but he was directly ignored, hum, even the Holy Maiden of Yaoguang couldn't shake him. , I think he is a ruthless ascetic monk."

The woman in the green dress said unceremoniously: "His Highness is too conceited. Anyone who can cultivate to the half-step emperor, which is an ordinary generation, even if it is close to a woman, a beauty at the level of a fluctuating light saint, is at your fingertips. "

"Mu Qiluo, that's my mother-in-law, pay attention when you speak."

The Eighth Prince reprimanded in a cold voice, then returned to calm: "Cao Zhengming's side is similar to what you imagined, this old fox wants to make peace on the surface, but I think he still has a fire in his heart. , I tried to win over him a few times, but I was prevaricated by him, it's really abominable!"

"Naturally, Cao Zhengming is in charge of the Dali Temple and supervises the whole country, and has won the trust of the emperor. The premise of this trust is that he must not participate in the battle for the prince. With Cao Zhengming's cunning and cunning, he will naturally not easily fall to you and Qiqi. Either side of the prince."

Mu Qiluo calmly analyzed.

"By the way, there is one more thing you may not know, Lao Qi and Zhang Tian's eldest daughter Zhang Ruren seem to have some friendship. The two chatted happily at the table, which is very unfavorable to us. With Zhang Tian's strength , even if it is only slightly biased towards Lao Qi, it can be worth dozens of princes."

"It's really not good that there is such a thing. The current situation is very unfavorable for us. We must take the initiative and strive for the initiative."

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