The eighth prince straightened up and said solemnly, "What kind of active attack method?"

Mu Qiluo said, "Send a killer to assassinate Zhang Ruren!"

"What? Are you crazy! Zhang Ruren is staying in Tianshen Bieyuan, with Zhang Tian, ​​a top half-step emperor, in charge, how many killers are you going to kill?"

The eighth prince vetoed.I love

Mu Qiluo said calmly: "It's for them to die, so that you can have a chance to be courteous. In addition, at this juncture, Zhang Ruren was assassinated. Who does His Highness suspect she would suspect?"

"Dali Temple, Cao Zhengming! This is a good strategy. Cao Zhengming wants to hide behind the scenes, but this prince will not let him do it!"

The eighth prince said with a cold expression.

A strange look flashed in Mu Qiluo's eyes, and she said softly: "Your Highness also needs to pay attention, the killer dispatched this time must not reveal his identity, otherwise it will be self-defeating."

The Eighth Prince said: "You can rest assured on this point. In this Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, Yaoguang Holy Land has sent two groups of people, one bright and one dark. At that time, this prince will use the personnel of the Anbu to keep it safe."

"That's good. The ten-year Lingbao trading conference is about to be held. I have a lot of things to prepare for listening to the fragrance, so I will go back first."

Mu Qiluo's movements were neat and neat, and after speaking, he turned and left.

The eighth prince stared at Mu Qiluo's back until it disappeared, with a scorching hot color in his eyes, and secretly said: "Mu Qiluo, one day, this prince wants you to submit to me willingly!"

After the Tianwu Zhaobi major update, after several days, the heated discussion in the holy capital gradually subsided, and another topic replaced the popular position.

This new topic is... Lingbao Trading Conference!

This event can be said to be one of the biggest auctions on the mainland. It is held by Lingbao Pavilion. It is held once every ten years. Together, people from all over the world will gather together, and it is conceivable that it will be an unprecedented grand occasion.

Although the cultivation world in the mainland has developed for many years, and the trading system using spirit stones as currency is very mature, many treasures of heaven and earth are unique, and it is difficult to measure the value. ' for more.

As a result, the larger the auction scale, the easier it is to trade things you like. Therefore, this year's Lingbao Trading Conference has affected the minds of countless people, and many high-level cultivators even came to participate.

The organizer of the conference is even more experienced. Before the convening, he deliberately leaked several rare auction items, which made many people excited, ready to fry pots and sell iron to buy heavy treasures, which added fire to the conference.

In the blink of an eye, another two days passed, and the day of the Lingbao Trading Conference was quietly approaching.

In front of the gate of San Turin Treasure Pavilion, there was already a sea of ​​people, and there were dozens of streets lined up.

After showing the black gold card presented by Cao Zhengming, a steward immediately walked out of the Lingbao Pavilion and personally led everyone in, causing a burst of envy and hatred.

Walking into the interior, everyone can only feel that the eyes are wide and bright. The Lingbao Pavilion, which looks like a three-story attic height, is actually a treasure of space. The interior space is huge, like a city tower, with more than a dozen huge light curtains. In the middle of the sky, the names and graphics of the treasures of heaven and earth flashed from time to time, followed by the room number.

These light curtains are also divided into levels. On the light curtain that seems to be made of colorful divine gold, any treasure is enough to cause bloody storms in the outside world, and even a Holy Land battle.

"One [-]-year-old rhinoceros fire demon fruit, Tianzi number [-] room."

"One piece of the emperor's low-level Shuiyun emperor stone, the Tianzi number seven-one-sixth room."

"A battle puppet with a third-level cultivation in the Holy Land, room number [-], Tianzi." , . . .

Chapter 366 Supreme Fire, Xue Fei Poison Immortal

Yu Xin looked from top to bottom along the colorful light curtain, the more she looked, the more shocked she became. Suddenly, her eyes narrowed, and she firmly resisted one of the treasures.

"There is a residual picture of the red lotus industry fire treasure map, room number [-]."

Red Lotus Karmic Fire, ranked fifth on the [-]th Yihuo Ranking, a true supreme-level Yihuo, possessing the magical ability to devour karma, even in ancient times, it was a legendary Yihuo, enough to make the Immortal King’s heart move.

You must know that people are born with karma, this karma represents evil, and it will continue to increase with killing and doing evil things. exist.

There are not many ways to eliminate karma in the world. The Buddhist practice of "putting down the butcher's knife and becoming a Buddha on the ground" refers to eliminating one's own karma and achieving a golden body. However, such a person has only appeared in ten million years. indivual.

Among the few methods, the red lotus karma fire is one of the best methods. This strange fire can not only swallow karma, but also absorb the energy in karma to grow.That is to say, the owner of the Red Lotus Karmic Fire can kill unscrupulously without worrying about being disturbed by inner demons, and even the more they kill, the stronger they become!

Therefore, the Red Lotus Karmic Fire is so famous that it is even revered by the evil cultivators as the number one holy fire in the world!

"It turns out that the treasure in this treasure map is the Red Lotus Karmic Fire."

Yu Xin touched the storage ring and murmured, and she recognized at a glance that the remnant picture on the light curtain was very similar to the two pieces of remnant picture she owned, and it was almost certainly from the same treasure map.

"Second sister, what happened?"

The ruthless man observed his words and expressions, and immediately discovered Yuxin's abnormality, and asked with concern at the moment.

Yu Xin came back to her senses and briefly talked about the Red Lotus Karmic Fire.

After hearing this, Zi Yan immediately exclaimed: "Second sister has two pieces in her hand, and if you add this piece, then there will be three pieces? Maybe you can spell out the treasure map directly! The fifth-ranked Red Lotus Industry Fire, won't you be invincible in the world?"

The ruthless man also cheered: "This is a big opportunity, room number [-], let's go quickly, don't be preempted."

Yuxin said: "Don't worry, big sister, today is not the day of the official auction, just to communicate."

Having said that, Yu Xin speeded up her steps unconsciously.Don't be afraid of [-], just be afraid of what happens.

After a while, the three daughters arrived at room number [-], Tianzi No. [-]. They saw that this room was only a few feet long and wide. In the center was a black robe man with a black veil and a mask. floating in front of him.

"I don't know what you plan to exchange this remnant for?"

"I don't know what you plan to exchange this remnant for?"

The two voices sounded almost simultaneously.

Yu Xin looked to the side in surprise, and suddenly whispered, "Is it you?"

Xiao Guyan's face sank all of a sudden. On the way he came, he was most worried about bumping into Yuxin, but he did not expect to bump into it, making his dream of grabbing the residual image come to nothing.

The black-robed man didn't seem to see the seriousness of the scene, and said in a hoarse voice: "The red lotus karmic fire is the supreme fire in the different fires. I don't need to say more about its strength. According to my research, in this treasure, except for In addition to the red lotus karma, there is probably another treasure, that is, the famous karma red lotus. These two things always appear together, so the value is doubled. As for the thing I want to replace, it is very simple, it is the poison pill , the more poisonous the better." TXT Bookstore

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