"Poison pill?"

Xiao Guyan was stunned for a moment, turned his head and said to a delicate girl next to him: "Little Poison Immortal, your poison pill is stronger than mine, is it suitable?"

The girl named Little Poison Immortal looked very pure, her eyes were as transparent as sapphire sapphires, she was wearing a white dress, and she looked like she didn't know much about the world.Hearing Xiao Guyan's words, he immediately turned over his hand, took out a porcelain bottle, and carefully poured out a medicinal pill.

I saw that this medicinal pill was the size of a longan and was purple-black in color. It was lying on the little poisonous fairy's beautiful and petite palm, but it had a deadly evil feeling, and even the surrounding void was corroded and distorted.

"What a strong poison!"

The man in black robe looked very excited, and almost wanted to snatch it directly, but he stretched out his hand halfway, then retracted, and said hoarsely: "Your poison pill is good, but one is not enough, go back and prepare a few more, wait until In the official auction in two days, I will ask to use poison pills as a bargaining chip."

Xiao Guyan looked calm and calm, and said to Yu Xin: "Little Poison Immortal is a natural poison refining expert, and no one in the world can match the poison dao, this time I will never let the residual picture be taken away by you. Walk."

After speaking, Xiao Guyan hurriedly left with the little poison fairy.

Yu Xin's expression was indifferent, but she was a little worried in her heart. The poison pill that Xiao Duxian took out just now was actually a fourth-grade peak poison pill, which was only half of her half-holy necromantic pill. If so, the outcome is unpredictable.

After leaving the room, Ruthless was about to inquire about the price of the Shuiyun Emperor Stone. The steward who had guided them before appeared in front of them again, and saluted respectfully: "Several guests, my lady, please come to the hall for a chat."


The ruthless man showed a strange look, and followed the steward to the upper floor. Just after turning a screen, he saw a beautiful woman like a fairy in a scroll to greet him, with a smile on his face, and the whole house was full of spring.

"Miss Zhang, long time no see."

"Nalan Ruoxue, it's actually you!"

This woman is the jewel of the Nalan family in the North Sea, Nalan Ruoxue known as the 'Xue Fei'.

"Could it be that the Lingbao Pavilion here is also opened by your Nalan family?"

The ruthless asked curiously.

Nalan Ruoxue said with a smile: "To be precise, this is the Beihai Alliance's industry, and our Nalan family just manages it on their behalf."

The girls immediately started chatting and laughing happily. Nalan Ruoxue had great respect for Zhang Tian, ​​and indirectly she knew everything about Ruthless Man and Yu Xin, and inadvertently revealed a lot of big news.

"It turns out that Lingbao Pavilion also has the task of collecting intelligence, doesn't it mean that you know everything about the Holy City?" Zi Yan said very exaggeratedly.

Nalan Ruoxue said: "The Lingbao Pavilion in the Holy City has been operating for many years, and there are indeed many hidden channels, but we collect information only for self-protection, and will not participate in the battle."

Speaking of this, Nalan Ruoxue seemed to remember something, took out a jade slip from the storage ring and handed it to Ruthless Man, saying, "Ms. Zhang was besieged by a [-]-strong army of Sea Monsters on Ice Jue Island before, and Beihai later said. The alliance has been investigating the real culprit, and finally got conclusive evidence two days ago, and asked me to take it to the Holy City and hand it over to you. As for how to deal with it, the Beihai Alliance is entirely up to your decision." , . . .

Chapter 367 Diwei kills the four saints, blood flows for thousands of miles

The ruthless man probed the soul into the jade slip and checked it. There were several confessions from the array masters, saying that they were instructed by King Jinghai that day, and deliberately let go of the protective barrier, giving the sea monster army an opportunity to take advantage of. .

"Is it really King Jinghai?"

The ruthless man showed a cold look. At the beginning, the battle of Bing Jue Island was extremely dangerous. If she hadn't made a temporary breakthrough, if Zi Yan had not rushed back to help, and if Zhang Tian had not shot at the last moment, she would have been worried about her life. Can't report.

"I wonder how Miss Zhang plans to handle this?"

Nalan Ruoxue carefully inquired that a king with a different surname colluded with the Kraken.

The ruthless man thought for a while and said, "There are many factions in the court, I don't know which faction this King Jinghai belongs to?"

Nalan Ruoxue said, "King Jinghai belongs to the Eighth Prince, and he is also the most powerful person in the Eighth Prince's camp. If Miss Zhang wants to expose this, she must avoid the Eighth Prince, because King Jinghai is like the Eighth Prince. The right arm is very important and will never be given up easily.”

The ruthless man put the jade slip in the storage ring and said, "I know, I will consider this matter, and no matter what, it will not involve the Beihai Alliance."

Nalan Ruoxue said gratefully: "Thank you Miss Zhang for your understanding. If you need help in the future, Miss Zhang can just come to Lingbao Pavilion to find me."

The few people chatted for a while, and Nalan Ruoxue personally sent the ruthless people out, and when it came to the exit, Nalan Ruoxue seemed to casually said: "Recently, the battle between the crown princes has become more and more fierce, and the eighth prince has secretly adjusted himself two days ago. A group of masters have entered the city, and their behavior is secretive, I am afraid there is a plot, Miss Zhang should also pay attention to one or two."

The ruthless man nodded slightly, secretly taking this matter into his heart.

Returning to Tianshen Garden, as soon as she stepped into the gate, Yu Xin showed a dignified expression and said softly: "Eldest sister, someone is watching us in the third pavilion from the left outside the mansion, and there are obvious signs when they see you. The breath fluctuates, it should be directed at you."

Yu Xin has been a Soul Hall Killer for a long time, has received professional training, and has refined "Qingdi Transformation Spiritual Art".

Ruthless was startled, and immediately let go of the soul probe, retracted it in an instant, and said solemnly: "There is indeed someone lurking there, and he is a master who is proficient in concealment. If it was not for the reminder from the second sister, I would never have found him."

Zi Yan exclaimed: "Could it be someone from Dali Temple? I knew that old man Cao was full of bad water, and he definitely wanted to secretly trouble the eldest sister."

The ruthless man said calmly: "Don't worry about him, the conspiracy will always surface one day, and the soldiers will come to block it."

The night gradually deepened, and there was still a faint light burning in the other courtyard where Zhang Tian lived, but it was Yu Xin who was sorting out the materials needed to refine the necromantic elixir.

Although the semi-holy-level necromantic elixir that she refined in Bingjue Island is very rare, in order to ensure that nothing goes wrong, she plans to refine another semi-holy-level necromantic elixir before the Lingbao Trading Conference. With previous experience, Two days are enough.

Suddenly, Yu Xin was arranging the herbs for a while, staring out the window, a ray of spirit communicated with the flowers and plants in the yard, vaguely sensed that a few figures had climbed over the courtyard wall and touched the inside, with bad intentions.

Before she had time to think about it, Yu Xin stepped out and shouted, "Who dares to trespass into the Tianshen Garden!"

As soon as this statement came out, the Bieyuan was instantly brightly lit, and a dozen students rushed out.

Those killers who were secretly hiding in front of them no longer concealed it, and shouted: "Kill Zhang Ruren and avenge the young master!" I love watching Chinese website www.52kzw.com

Under the shadow of the dark moon, the overwhelming masters rushed to kill, and the two sides immediately scuffled together.

"Bold, how dare you attack the Deity Academy!"

The ancient madman roared out, the majesty of the great sage was fully displayed, and he sacrificed a bronze-colored short mace, which in the blink of an eye turned into a hundred feet in size, with infinite power, instantly killing two legendary kings.

Unexpectedly, the killer leader was also a ruthless character of the great saint level, and he immediately went up to him and fought against the ancient lunatic.

"One great saint, seven half saints, and countless kings. When did so many masters of unknown origin appear in the holy capital?"

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