Shi Wuhua and other students were horrified to the extreme. Although they were geniuses, they hadn't grown up yet. Except for Shi Wuhua, Ji Feixue, and Lu Shaoyan, the rest of them didn't have the strength to fight the legendary king at all.

"Yin-yang two-color beads!"

"Blood-robbery finger!"

Yu Xin stood on the thunder light, exerting all her strength, and the four-colored other side flowers in her body continued to pour out an essence of power, and she was able to stop three semi-sages by herself.

Zi Yan also transformed the body of the Taixu ancient dragon, the giant dragon roared, and the dragon breath danced wildly. With the huge dragon body, he cut off half the killer's path and fought hard to block it.

Ruthless people are also surging with sword intent, and every sword light soaring means that the lives of several legendary kings have been harvested. The means are cruel and terrifying.

Under the night, the blood rained all over the sky, and the battle was unprecedentedly fierce.

"Kill Zhang Ruren first, avenge the young master, and leave the rest alone!"

I don't know who shouted, and many killers broke free regardless of their lives, madly rushing towards the ruthless people, each with a semi-sacred powerhouse, the power is connected together, blocking the void, a pair of people who are about to kill the ruthless people. This looks like.


At the critical moment, Zhang Tian finally stepped out of the room, strolled in green clothes, and a mighty emperor's might swept out, besieging the four semi-holy powerhouses who were attacking the ruthless. Set in mid-air, and then turned into powder, without a trace.

Taking a step forward, the Heavenly Dao Divine Mark manifested on the soles of his feet, Zhang Tian moved directly in front of the ruthless man, looked at the legendary kings who were rushing along the inertia, and said coldly: "Death!"

Following the words, several divine chains of order extended from the void and slammed on the killers. In an instant, the blood rained into the night, and the souls of the dead burned in the dark fire, making endless miserable sounds.

The great sage killer who fought against the ancient madman saw Zhang Tian Shenwei, showing a very frightening expression, and immediately feinted, performed a forbidden secret technique, galloped towards the distance, and ran thousands of miles in the blink of an eye.

"Do you still want to run in front of this emperor?"

The corner of Zhang Tian's mouth evoked a sneering color, and he pointed a little, and a power of destroying immortals poured out, the void roared, and the world seemed to be divided into two halves by this power.

Thousands of miles away, the body of the great sage was directly pierced by the finger of the annihilation, bursting with a bang, and the holy blood filled the sky. , , .

Chapter 368: Marquis of Tianwu, please greet Senior Zhang

The imperial city shakes!

A great sage, directly thousands of miles away, was pierced by a white rainbow, locked in the sky at night, blood filled the nine days, and the shrill voice resounded throughout the capital.



The power of this blow made the scalps of the remaining killers in the Heavenly God Bieyuan numb. They came from the Holy Land of Fluctlight.


A legendary king moved, ignoring Ji Feixue's mighty fists, resolutely pounced on her, and then exploded at the moment of approaching.

Fortunately, Ji Feixue's body was extremely tyrannical, and the headband on her forehead emitted a layer of ancient golden shield, barely withstanding this sudden attack.

The ancient lunatic was shocked, and quickly shouted: "Hurry up and stop them!"

But it was too late, all the killers, including the three semi-sages who besieged Yuxin, all chose to self-destruct, which is to instantly evaporate the spiritual energy in the nine round seas in the dantian, and burst out the power far beyond their strength, especially that The combined self-destruction of the three semi-sages evoked a power close to that of a holy king, twisting the void into a black hole, drowning Yuxin's figure.

"Second sister!"

"Second sister!"


Everyone screamed in horror, looking at the distorted void, trembling with fear, even the ancient lunatic did not dare to get involved in it.

At this moment, this powerful and boundless power was easily torn apart like a piece of white paper. A handsome man in black hair and blue clothes was protecting Yu Xin, as if he was just waving his hand at will, and those terrifying space storms were all over the place. All disappear into the invisible.

"It's Senior Zhang who made the move!"

"Senior Zhang is invincible!"

All the students burst into appalling cheers.

Lu Shaoyan glanced at the audience and saw broken limbs everywhere, and said with lingering fear: "What a terrifying assassination. If Senior Zhang hadn't been in charge, we would have suffered heavy casualties today."

The ancient lunatic also showed a look of fear, and couldn't help scolding: "Go to his mother's holy capital, there will be so many killers at the feet of the emperor, and it is not as peaceful as the city of freedom."

"These people are not killers, but dead men. If they miss a single hit, they explode Lunhai without leaving any survivors. It's too scary. What kind of powerful forces can cultivate so many powerful dead men."

Shi Wuhua carefully surveyed, but he couldn't help but feel a palpitation when he got the result. One great sage, seven semi-sages, dozens of kings, all these forces are enough to form an ancient sect, but it is only a wave that can be sacrificed at any time. The dead man shows how powerful the organization behind them is.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

At this moment, the sound of galloping horses came from a distance.

The ruthless man swept away his soul and said softly, "It's the city defense army that has arrived."

As soon as the words fell, countless iron-clad soldiers broke through the courtyard door and rushed in. The iron was as strong as a forest, and a chilling momentum instantly filled the audience.These banned troops are all veterans who have survived hundreds of battles on the four sides of the battlefield. They have a strong suffocation on their bodies. Maybe they are not strong individually, but they can easily crush the so-called martial arts masters when they form an army.

Although all the students were arrogant, how could they have seen such a scene, all of them were terrified.

Gu Luna stood out and scolded: "This is a garden bestowed by the late emperor, who allowed you to break in?" I love e-book

He was in a bad mood, and he didn't have a good face for these late arrivals.

"Presumptuous, this general is responsible for guarding the imperial city, where can I not enter? The spiritual energy was surging here just now, what happened?"

A general wearing liger heavy armor rode out and asked coldly.

Gu Lunzi didn't care at first, but when he looked closely, he couldn't help showing a dignified expression. I saw that this man had a strong back, nearly three meters tall, and every inch of muscle was full of explosive power, which made people daunting. Cultivation has a powerful body training method, and the heavy armor and iron spear he holds are not ordinary. With the strange treasure horse under his seat, he has an invincible power that can kill everything.

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