Shi Wuhua quietly said: "Elder, this person is the general Meng Wu, who is in charge of the city defense army and the forbidden army. He is known as the iron-blooded brutality, and he is authoritative in the Holy City."

The ancient lunatic still understands the principle of Qianglong not suppressing the local snakes. After listening to Shi Wuhua's voice transmission, he immediately changed his attitude and explained the previous assassination incidents one by one.

Admiral Meng Wu listened carefully, and said coldly, "This is just one side of your words. Come, take them into custody first, and wait for this general to thoroughly investigate the matter."


The students of Tianshen Academy were stunned for a while. They didn't expect Meng Wu to be so domineering.


From the three directions of east, west and south, there was a loud shout at the same time, and then three escaping lights rushed to it like lightning.

"The Seventh Prince's special envoy is here, please wait for a while for General Meng, and the Seventh Prince's car will arrive immediately."

"As the special envoy of the eighth prince, I will investigate the situation first at the order of the eighth prince, and the eighth prince will arrive later."

"The special envoy of the Marquis of Wu is here, and Marquis Tianwu will be here soon. Before that, the city defense army must not interfere in the affairs of Tianshen Bieyuan."

The three envoys, all semi-holy powerhouses, stood in the void and gave orders to Meng Wu coldly.

A little bit of light, many people in the Holy City have never seen such a big event, and they all ran over to explore the wind. When they saw the three special envoys, they couldn't help but exclaim.

When Meng Wu heard the order, he couldn't help frowning. He snorted coldly and waved the city defense soldiers to retreat.

He didn't expect that a small Tianshen Bieyuan would pull out such a big character. He could still parry the two princes, but he couldn't help listening to the orders of Wuhou Mansion. There is a place where the killing gods are entrenched, and the real domineering is boundless. .


The three cars rolled in with the power to crush the void, and stopped above the Tianshen Garden.

"Lao Qi, you really will join in the fun, you are everywhere!"

The Eighth Prince walked down, and when he saw that the Seventh Prince's people arrived at the same time as him, he couldn't help cursing.

The seventh prince was as rich as jade, and he didn't care about the provocative words of the eighth prince. He only bowed slightly to the ancient chariot and said respectfully, "I don't know if the Marquis of Tianwu has come this far, but this prince has lost his way, and I hope to forgive him. ."

"Marquis Tianwu?"

The eighth prince was startled, and quickly looked at the mighty ancient chariot, secretly thinking that he was blind, and he didn't see this big man.In the past two years, Tianwuhou seems to have eaten gunpowder, and his cultivation base is rushing upwards.

A military boot stepped out of the chariot, causing the void to tremble for a while. This power that shattered the space gave Tianwuhou a peerless divine power that was killed from the ancient times. Everyone's heart couldn't help but follow him. His footsteps jumped nervously, full of suffocating pressure.

But what no one expected was that Marquis Tianwu ignored the greetings from the Seventh Prince, and went straight to the center of Bieyuan, half kneeling on the ground, and said dignifiedly and respectfully:

"The Marquis of Tianwu, please greet Senior Zhang." ,, . .

Chapter 369 Tracking down the real murderer, the prince is dumbfounded

"Marquis Tianwu, please give your respects to Senior Zhang."

This sound was like thunder, mighty, and exploded in everyone's ears, deafening.

What kind of character is Tianwuhou, who has followed three generations of emperors, fought hundreds of battles on the frontier battlefield, and dyed his hands with the blood of tens of thousands of aliens. He has a great reputation in both the civilian population and the frontier army.

The most important thing is that the successive dynasties of Wuhou of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty are very united, and they are deeply trusted by the emperor, so that the Wuhou mansion has a detached status in the holy capital, and its power is far superior to any party.

It can even be said that which prince can get the support of Wuhou Mansion, it is almost a sure thing to reach the top.

It's just that several Marquis of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty are obsessed with martial arts and military affairs, and only obey the orders of the emperor, and they are not close to any power at all, so that many princes have no way to win.

Today, Marquis Tianwu, who has always been known for his ruthlessness, actually knelt down in front of Zhang Tian in public, full of respect. This performance rekindled hope for the seventh and eighth princes.

The Seventh Prince stepped forward and said slowly, "Could it be that Marquis Tianwu and Senior Zhang are old friends?"

Marquis Tianwu shook his head, and in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, he said with emotion: "With my little cultivation, how can I be worthy of Senior Zhang's fellowship, but I was fortunate enough to be enlightened by Senior Zhang two years ago."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone was even more surprised. Although the strength of Tianwuhou was not as strong as that of a half-step emperor, but as a Wuhou of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, the magical powers he cultivated were the best in the world, and there were countless elite soldiers under his command. The half-step emperor is not much different, why should he be so humble and humble.

Marquis Tianwu didn't care about the strange eyes of everyone. Only those who visited the tomb of the Demon Emperor that day could truly appreciate how terrifying Zhang Tian's strength was. What a great sage and a great sage, all of them were like ants in front of Zhang Tian. In general, if you wave your hand, you will not be able to move.

Such invincible power is not comparable to ordinary half-step emperors. Even if there are thousands of elite soldiers, in front of such supreme figures, it is just a matter of waving their hands.

"Two years ago?"

The seventh prince made a secret calculation, and suddenly said in surprise: "The martial arts realm of Marquis Tianwu has been increasing every day in the past two years. Could it be because of Senior Zhang's enlightenment?"

Marquis Tianwu nodded and said, "That's right, Senior Zhang's skills are involved in good fortune, and the realm of martial arts is unfathomable. Just granting a little fur has also benefited this Marquis to this day."

This is the real reason why Marquis Tianwu respects Zhang Tian. With his cultivation realm, he already has his own way. Even if he is as strong as the emperor, he will at most be able to give him a lot of help. But Zhang Tian gave him the feeling of an epiphany.

When everyone heard the words, they couldn't help but take a deep breath. The seventh prince and the eighth prince also showed eagerness in their eyes, and their hearts were a little more eager to win Zhang Tian.

Meng Wu watched for a long time, couldn't help but coughed lightly, and said, "Marquis Tianwu, your two princes, there is such a riot tonight, tomorrow morning, the emperor will be personally held accountable, and he will be responsible for guarding the holy capital, Bear the brunt, urgently need to find out the results, you see..."

The eighth prince said loudly: "Yes, there is someone who dares to assassinate Miss Zhang at the feet of the emperor. This matter must be investigated and found out. After finding the real murderer behind the scenes, this prince will not be lenient!"

The seventh prince said with a half-smile, "We have just arrived here and haven't inquired about the incident yet. How does the eighth brother know that these people are here to assassinate Miss Zhang?"

The eighth prince was at a loss for words, his eyes rolled around, and the back of the hand holding the folding fan burst into blue veins.

"That's it, the Eighth Prince was watching the lanterns in the nearby market tonight when he heard someone shouting 'kill Zhang Ruren', and he was alarmed. He immediately ordered me to wait for the rescue."

A young man who was accompanying the eighth prince explained without haste.

"Yes, that's right, this prince was nearby before and heard the call of the assassin with his own ears, so he came in a hurry. But it's you, seventh brother, the mansion is far away from here, how can you get here so quickly, did you know before that? Someone's coming to assassinate?"

The eighth prince's reaction was very quick, not only cleverly covering up the slip of the tongue, but also taking advantage of the situation to lead the seventh prince's army.

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