"Oh, so that's what it is. It's a coincidence. I'm also viewing the lights in the nearby market tonight. If you know that the eighth brother is so elegant, I invite you to travel with me."

The seventh prince made an expression of regret, which made the eighth prince anxious for a while.

Marquis Tianwu narrowed his eyes and looked between the two princes, with a majestic aura, and said solemnly: "Do those assassins really say something like 'kill Zhang Ruren'?"

Shi Wuhua respectfully said: "I did say this, and also said something like 'revenge for the young master'."

The Eighth Prince said: "This is the key to solving the case! Miss Zhang first arrived in the capital, and she has come into contact with not many people. As long as she investigates one by one, she will definitely be able to find someone who fits the status of the 'Young Master'."

Lu Shaoyan exclaimed: "That must be Dali..."

"shut up!"

The ruthless man directly interrupted Lu Shaoyan's words and said softly: "Although the assassin said this sentence, it may also be misleading. Don't make a conclusion without evidence."

When he said these words, the ruthless man kept observing the eighth prince's expression from the corner of his eyes. She had a glimpse of the eighth prince's flustered expression just now, which made her have a vague guess.

Marquis Tianwu calmly said: "This is a clue that needs to be investigated. In addition, the Holy Capital underwent a strict investigation half a month ago. It is impossible for such a large number of powerful killers to not show their clues, so it is very likely that they were brought into the city recently. , This is also a clue to see which dignitaries in the city have been frequently transferred recently."

The ruthless heart moved, thinking of what Nalan Ruoxue said when he left Lingbao Pavilion during the day, his suspicion of the Eighth Prince couldn't help but deepen by three points.

The seventh prince said: "The Marquis of Tianwu is really thoughtful, and this prince admires it. General Meng will follow these two clues to investigate down, and he will be able to track down the main messenger behind the scenes. As for the people in Tianshen Bieyuan, don't bother."

After finishing speaking, the seventh prince looked at Zhang Tian again, and said respectfully, "This other courtyard has been changed beyond recognition by assassins, and it is not suitable to live in. If Senior Zhang doesn't dislike it, he can take Lingyuan to this prince's residence for a few days."

The eighth prince was in a hurry, he planned all this, and he did not hesitate to sacrifice a large number of dead men, just to win over Zhang Tian, ​​how could he be willing to be preempted by the seventh prince, and immediately said: "This prince has a different garden, quiet and pleasant, and planted The two ancient imperial trees that were transported from the Holy Land of Fluctuation are rich in spiritual energy, like a paradise in a cave, and are the most suitable for living, which will surely satisfy Senior Zhang.” ,, .

Chapter 370 (True) The name of Zhang Tian is passed on to the Holy City

PS: The previous chapter 370 was a background system bug. The content was empty and the money was charged. Please don't click. For those who clicked, Jiuwei can only say sorry.Really system failure, nine tails can't find anyone to modify it in the middle of the night, speechless and tearful~~

Zhang Tian smiled indifferently, just looking at the ruthless man, meaning to let her make the decision.

The ruthless man frowned slightly. She went to the Holy Capital only to participate in the Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, and had no intention of participating in the battle for the crown prince. If she really chose a prince's mansion to live in, it would easily cause a series of troubles.

At this moment, a young girl stepped out of the crowd and said cautiously, "My home is in the Holy City, and there are still several small courtyards uninhabited. If Senior Sister Zhang doesn't dislike it..."

Ruthless Man turned his head and said in surprise, "Fang Yin? Your home is in Shengdu, why haven't I heard you mention it."

Fang Lin secretly said that his sister is not well-versed in the world, but now that the matter has come, he can only bite the bullet and say: "My father is the blood-robed prince of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and he was given a house by the emperor, but my parents are simple people, and there is nothing in the mansion. The decoration is definitely not as luxurious as the mansion of the two princes."

"Fang Miesheng, Marquis in Blood, is the father of you and Fang Yin? You are hiding deep enough."

Not only the ruthless man was taken aback, but the rest of the students of the Deity Academy were also surprised.

It should be known that contemporary emperors advocate military affairs, and there are countless people who have been named princes due to their military exploits. These princes are also divided into three, six, and nine.Blood-clothed Marquis is a dignified first-class prince. He has followed the emperor all the way since he was a teenager. He has made countless military exploits. He won the title of 'Blood-clothed' for killing a lot of blood and refining magic armor. His reputation is second only to the eight kings with different surnames.

The Eighth Prince hurriedly said: "The blood-clothed Hou is very fond of killing, and often collects blood-stained armors and hangs them in the martial arts pavilion. The people of the Holy City are well aware of this. Therefore, the blood-clothed Hou's mansion is extremely sinister, and there are often rumors of hauntings. A few young ladies are delicate and precious, how can they go to this filthy place, let’s live in this prince’s Mingjing Garden temporarily.”

The ruthless man said: "No need, I am also a martial artist, I don't like luxury, and it is best to be simple and simple. As for the evil spirit, I have even encountered 'Hundred Ghosts Night Walk' in the Necromancer Mountain, and it is a mere evil spirit. What does it count."

The eighth prince was about to speak again, but suddenly he felt a chill, as if a cold air rose from the soles of his feet all the way to his forehead.

"Since the nan-nan has been decided, you should all withdraw."

Zhang Tian retracted his gaze and said something lightly.

"Yes Yes……"

The eighth prince exhaled and said sweating profusely, he had a feeling that if Zhang Tian looked at him again just now, his soul would be directly crushed.

This is too terrifying. You must know that as the emperor's favorite prince, the secret successor of the Holy Land of Fluctuation, he has used all kinds of treasures to wash his body since he was a child. He is very powerful in both body and soul, but even Zhang Tian's eyes can not bear.

After a while, the forces of several parties all retreated, and along the way, the crowd of onlookers were dispersed.

Zhang Tian also took his three daughters back to the small courtyard to sort things out, and the world returned to silence.

But he said that the ruthless returned to his wing, and not long after, there was a knock on the door, and a young man walked in, wearing a soapy white royal robe, handsome and handsome, it was the seventh prince who had just left.

"Ms. Zhang's voice transmission left this prince, but what is the important thing to explain?"

The seventh prince asked in a calm tone with his hands behind his back. In fact, he was very nervous, constantly deducing various situations that might arise next, and what he needed to do to deal with it.

"Does the seventh prince want to get rid of King Jinghai?" Yipinshuba www.1pinshu.com

Ruthless Man's words were not astonishing and died endlessly, and in one sentence, all the conjectures of the Seventh Prince were instantly shattered.

"What... what?"

The Seventh Prince suspected that he had heard it wrong.

Ruthless said: "I mean, if there is a chance, is His Highness willing to put King Jinghai to death? I want to hear the truth."

The Seventh Prince was finally sure that he had heard it right, and countless thoughts suddenly popped into his head.King Jinghai is one of the most important figures in the Eighth Prince's camp, and he can be regarded as his right-hand man. He wants to get rid of it in his dreams, but how can he say this in public? He is invincible.

After weighing for a long time, the seventh prince finally fixed his eyes and said slowly: "The father promotes the rule of law and the rule of law. The prince is guilty of breaking the law and the common people. This prince is willing to follow suit. No mercy!"

This is a very clever answer, not only responding to the ruthless man's question, but also not overstepping it in the slightest.

The ruthless man showed a look of admiration, and without asking any more questions, he directly threw the record jade slip that Nalan Ruoxue gave her to the seventh prince.

The seventh prince probed with his soul, and after a while, his face showed a look of shock, and asked, "Is this true?"

The ruthless man nodded and said: "It is absolutely true. I have no intention of participating in the battle of the crown prince, but King Jinghai's revenge must be avenged. With this evidence, I think it is most appropriate for His Highness to handle the next matter. "

"Miss Zhang, rest assured, this prince hates collaborating with foreigners the most in his life. King Jinghai's actions are complicit in his rebellion. This prince will do everything in his power to bring him to justice and set an example!"

The Seventh Prince's voice was loud and righteous, but his grip on the jade slip revealed his excitement.He never imagined that there would be such a big harvest tonight. With this jade slip, he could not only cut off the arm of the eighth prince, but also make a great contribution. dominant position.

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