"Eldest sister, are you ready? The sedan chair in the Bloody Marquis Mansion is already waiting outside."

Yuxin's soft voice came from outside the door.

The ruthless man said: "Then I will go ahead and take care not to be discovered when His Highness goes out."

After speaking, the ruthless man directly pushed the door and walked out.

The night was hazy, a cyan sedan slowly drove, and finally entered a secluded mansion in the depths of North Street. The moonlight shone lightly, reflecting the four characters 'Xueyi Houfu' on the plaque, which was particularly eye-catching.

But that night is far from over.

In the holy capital known as the 'city that never sleeps', no news can be hidden until dawn.

In less than an hour, the news that Tianshen Bieyuan was assassinated by a powerful group of dead soldiers spread all over the streets.

Along with the spread of this news, there is also the name 'Zhang Tian'.

He killed four semi-sages with his might, and killed the great sages from thousands of miles away. He once bestowed Tianwuhou's heaven-defying good fortune, and let the seventh and eighth princes try their best to win over...

Overnight, Zhang Tian's name spread all over the Holy City! , , .

Chapter 371 Concubine and sister, Dan will slap in the face

The next day, the morning mist

A middle-aged beautiful woman knocked on the door of the small courtyard where Zhang Tian lived, brought a few food boxes, and said apologetically: "The daily expenses at home are very small, and there is no time to prepare in a hurry. I hope Senior Zhang Don't dislike you and the ladies."

The ruthless man stepped forward with a smile and found the food box, and said, "Madam, you are being polite, the mere appetite is nothing."

When his eyes swept across the face of the beautiful woman, the ruthless man's movements were abrupt. I saw that this woman looked like she was in her thirties, but the years did not leave any traces on her face. The eyes are like stars, and the skin is like a delicate white zhe carved from flawless white jade.

The most important thing is that her appearance is so similar to Concubine De, one of the five noble concubines today, almost exactly the same.

"Could it be that Madam and Concubine De..."

The beautiful woman said softly, "Has Miss Zhang ever been in the palace? To be honest, Concubine De is the concubine's sister."

Ruthless people admire even more in their hearts. The five noble concubines have a great influence in the harem. Coupled with the blood-robed lord, Fang Lin and Fang Yin's backgrounds are not much different from that of the young lord, Cao Yanzhang. They are so low-key. There is no domineering or arrogance at all, which shows the uprightness of the family style.

After breakfast, Yu Xin said, "I want to go to the Alchemist Guild."

The ruthless man wondered: "You want to join the alchemist guild? With your current level of alchemy, there is no need to rely on the alchemy guild, right?"

Yu Xin said a little embarrassedly: "When the Alchemist Guild tests the level of the alchemy path, they will ask to make alchemy on the spot in a special dojo. I just want to borrow the dojo there."

Zi Yan clapped her hands and said with a smile: "Second sister is so smart, when the time comes, she will leave immediately after refining the elixir, and be mad at those people!"

The ruthless man also chuckled and said, "Second sister, don't worry about it, when an alchemist goes to the alchemist guild to conduct an assessment test, he needs to pay a large sum of spirit stones as a handling fee, and you bought the right to use the dojo. Yes. As for whether or not to join the Alchemist Guild in the end, it is entirely voluntary."

Yu Xin nodded, her face was really relaxed.

The Alchemist Guild is extremely powerful. Although the headquarters is located in the Southern Wilderness, there are also branches of various sizes in the major wastelands. The Holy Capital is the center of the situation, and the branches built are also very spectacular. Occupying thousands of acres of land, the inner tower and attic are breathtaking.

After Yu Xin was included, two waiters immediately greeted her and said respectfully, "Is this young lady here to find someone?"

Yu Xin said: "I'm here to conduct an assessment test."

"Assessment test?"

The two waiters had strange expressions on their faces, looking at Yu Xin who was only fifteen or sixteen years old, his attitude suddenly became cold, and the messenger on the left frowned and said, "The little girl regards our Holy City Alchemy Branch as something. Do you think anyone can come in for the assessment? We only accept the assessment of third-grade alchemists and above, you can go to other branches to test for the identity of third-grade alchemists first.”

Some of the alchemists who were about to undergo the assessment test also came over after hearing the reputation. After seeing Yu Xin, he couldn't help laughing. Alchemy is a profession that requires profound knowledge. Just remember the millions of herbs. It would take at least a few decades to change, and they obviously did not think that the young Yu Xin had the level of a third-grade alchemist.

"Haha, it seems that Miss Yuxin has been rejected by others." Express Novel www.ems999.com

A burst of laughter came from the door, and walked into a man wearing a dark red robe, looking like a good show, it was Xiao Guyan.

"Fourth-grade intermediate alchemy master?"

Seeing the star marks tattooed on the front of Xiao Guyan's front, the two waiters immediately became extremely enthusiastic and stepped forward to greet them in three steps. Counting the number one figure, let alone Xiao Guyan so young, he may hit the realm of Dan Dao master in the future.

After welcoming Xiao Guyan, the waiter said indifferently to Yuxin: "The assessment is about to start, girl has nothing else to do, please leave."

Xiao Guyan said with a smile: "Do I need to ask the branch elder for mercy and make him make an exception?"

Yu Xin sighed softly, her warm and jade-like right hand raised, and there was a wave of aura, and in the next moment, the entire hall was rendered by azure light, and a strong force of vegetation spread out.

A huge 'Dan' character, lying in the air, is full of coercion comparable to that of a great sage.

"This is... the blue-patterned pill?"

Everyone was horrified. This order is the highest status symbol of the Alchemy Masters Guild. Anyone who sees this order is like seeing the master of the Alchemy Dao!

The two mocking waiters were all dumbfounded at once, showing trembling expressions. Who would have thought that this little girl would actually possess a blue-printed pill that even a grand master of pill path might not have.

The smug smile on Xiao Guyan's face also faded away at once, and he can't wait to find a seam to get in. His proud identity as an alchemy master is not worth mentioning in front of the Qingwen alchemy. Like a loud slap on his face.

"Who sacrificed the blue-patterned pill!"

A white-haired old man came directly to the void, and it was the president of this branch.

Yu Xin said: "It's me, I don't know if I can do the assessment test here with this token?"

"Of course you can, I don't know which level of alchemy master badge you plan to test, this club can get the highest grade [-] top alchemy master badge."

The white-haired president's attitude was very gentle.

The dojos corresponding to different assessment difficulties are also different. Yuxin naturally wanted to occupy the best dojo, and immediately said: "I want to assess the badge of the fourth-rank top alchemy master."

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