All the alchemists around were sneering when they heard the words. At the age of [-] or [-], they wanted to test a fourth-grade top alchemy master?This is simply a fantasy, even the Pill Emperor back then was just like that.

The white-haired president was also stunned for a while, staring at Yuxin for a long time, suddenly his eyes flashed, and exclaimed: "Could it be that the little friend is the descendant of the Pill Emperor, Zhang Yuxin, who is recognized as an unparalleled arrogance in the Eastern Desolate Pill Dao world?"

As soon as these words came out, the sneering in the room stopped abruptly. , , .

Chapter 372 The big case shocked the government and the public, and the emperor was furious

Unparalleled Tianjiao, the descendant of the Pill Emperor, any of these two identities is enough to cause shocking waves, especially the title of 'Unparalleled Tianjiao' means that all the alchemists of the same generation must be trampled under their feet, who can bear it?

For a time, the situation in the test hall converged, and every alchemist's face showed a bad look.

Seeing Yuxin nodding, the white-haired president's eyes became more eager, and he said, "I knew that there would be no second person in the world with such talent. After a while, I will ask someone to prepare the dojo."

At this moment, a young man next to him who applied for the yin prey said coldly, "Since the Pill Emperor and the Poison Queen in the East Desolate Pill Dao Realm, there have been no wizards, and now it is really funny that he wants to rely on a little girl to restore the decline. ridiculous."

"That's right. When it comes to alchemy, we should take our Southern Wilderness as our respect, and even Donghuang even dare to recommend the 'Unparalleled Talent', and we are not afraid of making the world laugh at it."

Another handsome young man opened his mouth proudly with a folding fan, but when he saw that he was wearing a silver robe with a wind and thunder pattern on his face, he was an alchemist trained by the Southern Wilderness Fenglei Ancient Sect.

"Haha, the great world is really a lot of heroes, Yao'er, you have to do your best this time. The hope of our Shengdulin family's generation is all on you."

An old woman with a wrinkled face pulled the hand of a girl next to her and said, the girl nodded timidly, seemingly very shy, and immediately hid behind the old woman when she saw everyone's gaze.

"Is it the Shengdulin family, one of the four great Dangu families?"

Xiao Guyan looked at the timid girl with a dignified look in his eyes, and then looked at Yuxin again, and said solemnly: "Master President, Xiao Guyan at the Lower Wind Seminary will also be assessed for the badge of the fourth-grade top alchemy master."

As soon as this statement came out, it immediately attracted the attention of many people. Nanhuang has always been a prosperous place for alchemy, but Xiao Guyan was able to stand out from it and gain the reputation of 'Danwu Double Cultivation', which naturally attracted the attention of many alchemists.

The white-haired president nodded slightly and said loudly: "Don't worry, everyone will soon arrange a corresponding dojo for assessment."

It didn't take long for Yu Xin to be introduced into the Tianzi No. [-] Dojo. Alchemists need to use their souls to control the fire when refining alchemy. disturb.

Feeling the rich aura of vegetation in the dojo, Yu Xin nodded with satisfaction, sitting cross-legged on the futon, a flash of inspiration flashed on her storage ring, and the Purple Gold Dragon Cauldron and thousands of herbs all appeared in front of her.

There is no time in alchemy, and a day passes by in the blink of an eye.

Two flowers bloom, one branch each.

After receiving the jade slip of record presented by Ruthless Man, the seventh prince immediately activated all his energy to operate, and finally brewed to the extreme and exploded with a bang.

"King Jinghai colluded with the Kraken clan and privately opened the protective barrier, resulting in the fall of hundreds of islands and the loss of hundreds of thousands of frontier troops!"

The news spread rapidly throughout the city at a hurricane-like speed, and everyone knew about it.It was as if a Jiuxiao Divine Thunder exploded in the Holy City, causing many people's brains to roar and their breathing to stagnate.

What kind of character is King Jinghai, one of the eight kings with different surnames in the ancestral dynasty, it is not an exaggeration to say that he is the cornerstone of the pillar country, such a big man, even eating inside and outside, the plot behind him makes people shudder.

The Eighth Prince's Mansion Fate

"Who, who is it, is spreading this news maliciously!"

The eighth prince was so furious that he threw away two vases in a row. He never thought that he just fell asleep, and the news of 'King Jinghai colluded with the Kraken to rebel against the sea monsters' spread all over the city. By the time he wanted to stop the news from spreading, it was already The city is full of trouble, and it can't be covered.

"Eighth prince, please calm down. There must be a major conspiracy behind this incident. The other party is obviously powerful. If he wants to kill King Jinghai, he will not leave any room for relaxation. The most urgent task is to find out the mastermind behind the scenes."

In the first place, a spirited old man said calmly, but seeing that he was wearing a unicorn robe and had a noble temperament, he was obviously a second-rank official of the court, Xu Rong, Minister of Rites.

Another official said: "It's impossible to cover up this matter now, and the Hanlin Academy will also make a big fuss about it. I'm afraid it won't be long before His Majesty the Emperor will be disturbed. Then..."

Before the official's words were finished, there was a shrill croak like a drake's voice from outside the door;

"The emperor's decree declares that the eighth prince will enter the palace immediately."

When a young official heard the words, his legs felt weak, and he said tremblingly: "It's over, the emperor is furious, this is going to invite a teacher to ask the guilt."


The eighth prince slapped the table heavily, and couldn't help but scolded the emperor. This was the worst kind of result, which meant that he could no longer make small moves from it, but until this time, he even wanted to appease the people of King Sea King. I don't know who and what is behind the other party.

"You all retire first, and I will discuss with you when this prince comes out of the palace."

The Eighth Prince waved his hand irritably, and the ministers below immediately bowed and retired.

After everyone left, a masked woman wearing a manluo gauze slowly stepped out from behind the screen, and said softly: "This holy city is really not calm for a moment, but I didn't expect that the accident would be this time. King Jinghai."

The Eighth Prince said, "Haven't you even heard the slightest bit of wind from listening to your perfume?"

Mu Qiluo shook her head and said coldly: "Although there is no conclusive evidence, but the opponent's attack this time is so ruthless, it is obvious that he is not afraid of His Highness's revenge, such a person, the whole Holy City will not be able to find a second one. ."

"You mean the messenger behind the scenes this time is Lao Qi? Hmph, this guy really hurts my heart, I'll go to the father and sue him for slandering the important officials of the court!"

"Don't! This time the seventh prince is acting resolutely, I'm afraid he has already obtained deadly evidence. If His Royal Highness is still trying to protect King Jing Hai in front of the emperor at this time, it is easy to be regarded as a party, and it will be a big disadvantage."

The Eighth Prince frowned and said, "You mean, King Jinghai really did something stupid to collude with the Kraken? And was someone caught?"

"That possibility is not ruled out."

"How should the prince respond?"

Mu Qiluo thought for a moment, then said slowly: "Your Highness can speak uprightly, neither favoritism nor slander. Only in this way can the seventh prince be freed." , . . .

Chapter 373 The wrath of the emperor, the corpse of a million

"Okay, just do as you said. I want to see what evidence Lao Qi can produce!"

The eighth prince snorted coldly and strode out of the mansion.

Mu Qiluo was left alone in the main hall, a mocking look flashed in Danfeng's slightly long and narrow eyes, his figure flashed, and disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a willow leaf falling slowly.

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