When Young Master Xiaoyao saw that the ruthless man changed the subject, he did not point it out, but said along the way: "Young lady doesn't know something, a few days ago, several legendary kings joined forces to break the ban in the inner area, and they were found in the center of this area. In a small cave, the prohibition is so strong that even if the great sage makes a move, it cannot be destroyed. Obviously, there are treasures hidden inside, and many ancient sect holy places and many demon tribes have been alerted, and they have sent experts to investigate."

"This person seems to be well informed."

Ruthless's thoughts changed, and the thought of continuing the conversation came into being: "So, these people are all here for the small cave in the center?"

Young Master Xiaoyao waved his hand and said: "The girl is joking, the treasures of the demon emperor's ruins are so important, not to mention entering that small cave, you must have a fragmented ancient map, even if you enter it, you will have to communicate with the major ancient sects and the demons. The masters of tribes and tribes compete, without the cultivation of the legendary king, there is only one dead end!

In fact, extraordinary realm warriors like us usually come for the altar in the inner area.Those blood demon kings and blood demon leaders used the prohibition of the inner area to set up altars, and hid the treasures they collected inside. If they were lucky enough to find an altar, they would make a fortune. . "

"That's it. By the way, I still have important things to do, so let's take a step first." The ruthless man arched his hands towards Young Master Xiaoyao again, and without waiting for him to react, he turned into a blue Jinghong and ran into the distance. go.

A stunned look flashed in Young Master Xiaoyao's eyes. He was still thinking about how to introduce the ruthless man into the hole he dug step by step, but he didn't expect that the ruthless man would leave when he said he would leave, making all his meticulous plans go to waste.Online eBook www.txtzaixian.com

"Humph! How can I give away the information of Young Master Xiaoyao for free. With such a big news just now, there must be a heavy treasure born, or else there is a peerless cultivation technique. The students of the Deity Academy, all of them are rich, and I'm already in your body. After planting a shadow poison needle, it won't take long before you turn into a pool of poisonous water, and then all the treasures will be mine!"

Young Master Xiaoyao laughed gloomily on the spot, and then used Qinggong to follow the Ruthless Man.

In front, the ruthless man took out the Qi Haizhu and moved forward in the direction it pointed, with a slightly happy expression: "Looking at the reaction of the Qi Haizhu, the psychic ice soul should be not far away."

In his mind, Zhang Tian said in a low voice, "Nan, why did you suddenly bid farewell to that happy son just now?"

The ruthless man was stunned for a moment, and said, "Dad didn't just teach me to beware of sinister people. That young master Xiaoyao has evil spirits on his body, so he must have come from a wrong way, and he took the initiative to chat with me for so long, telling me all kinds of information, I'm afraid I'm not at ease, I want to stay far away from him."

"A gentleman does not stand under a dangerous wall. Your approach is correct, but you still have too little experience. You know that person has given you a poisonous injection without knowing it. Although it can't hurt your life, it can make you His skill has been damaged." Zhang Tian shook his head and said, Ruthless is only fourteen years old after all, and his experience in this area is indeed much worse.


The ruthless man stopped immediately, used his magic power to examine his body carefully, and soon found the poisonous needle as thin as a cow's hair.

"What an insidious young gentleman! He dares to count on me, and he must pay the price!"

A look of anger flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he smashed the poison needle into the Qi Haizhu. Suddenly, there was another light spot in the Qi Haizhu. shrouded distance.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said: "This young master Xiaoyao is too stupid, thinking that he has the sixth level of Transcendent Realm, and he will be able to eat you. He was wounded by a poison needle, and beheading him was easy. Speaking of which, there seems to be something wrong with your Qi Sea Pearl. Would such a treasure be something a student from an outside school could possess?"

The ruthless man frowned and said, "My classmate from the outer school is named Lin Susu. It is said that he is from an ordinary family, and it is indeed unlikely that he has such a valuable treasure. When I bought Qi Haizhu from her, I also spent a full two thousand heavenly grade spirit stones. After using all my savings, could it be that she also has a problem?"

Zhang Tian said slowly: "In short, be more careful. This time is a good opportunity to exercise you. Unless it is a matter of life and death, Dad will not remind you again."

Chapter 44

After Zhang Tian's reminder, Ruthless became more and more careful, carefully searched the periphery of the area where the psychic ice soul was located, and then walked towards the center.

I saw that the center was a large swamp lake, and bursts of mist rose from the lake, all green, obviously containing highly poisonous.

The ruthless man looked at the blue light spot in the Qi Haizhu, and said condensedly: "It seems that the psychic ice soul is hidden under the lake, but this swamp lake is highly poisonous, and maybe there are monsters hiding underneath, But it's not good to enter rashly."

He glanced at another green light spot on the Qi Haizhu, and after he stopped, he also stopped, the ruthless snorted coldly, waved a sword light, and rolled a green poisonous mist over, Then raise the fingertips of the other hand to touch slightly.

Although the Wugou Immortal Physique she possesses is not a poison-resistant body, it is an Immortal Physique after all, and it is immune to many negative damages. For example, the Shadow Poison Needle carefully configured by Young Master Xiaoyao before, does little damage to her.


The moment the fingertips came into contact with the green poisonous mist, a crackling sound erupted immediately. The ruthless man only felt that his fingertips had been bitten by a mosquito, and the touched part turned light green, but the Wushou Immortal Body spontaneously Lord, the skin will soon regain its fairness and warmth.

"It's very poisonous, but it's even worse than the poison on the Shadow Poison Needle. If the body shield is turned on, there should be no problem in a short time."

The ruthless man analyzed it carefully, and saw that the green light spot at the position of Young Master Xiaoyao was approaching a little bit, and he no longer hesitated at the moment, and flew up directly.


Just as the ruthless man was about to approach the lake, a sharp hissing sound suddenly came from the green lake, and a large swamp flew up, and a huge black python, seven or eight feet long, twisted the bucket. The sturdy snake-like body slammed into the ruthless man, and the bloody mouth seemed to devour the world.

"court death!"

The ruthless man had long expected that there were creatures hidden in the lake, and at the moment when the black python appeared, he immediately turned on his magic power. The python is cut off.

As soon as the sword came out, the dragon roared, causing the void to burst into turmoil, and it was vaguely visible that there were many stars around the sword energy, as if the stars were arching the moon.


The sword qi envelops the power of dozens of dragons, and it arrives in an instant, directly slashing at the neck of the black python, making a terrifying sword mark half a meter deep. Smashed hard into the lake.

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Seeing that the black python was going to take advantage of the situation to get into the bottom of the lake, the ruthless man immediately let out a long roar, operating his magic power to the maximum, and sixty-five flood dragons came out, roaring and shaking the sky.

Behind her, the gate of hell opened, and in the raging demon flames, a huge hell oven was condensed, simple and heavy, and the furnace body was engraved with many Dao textures, as if it was the carrier of Dao, with immortal power, but Devouring the sky and devouring the earth, suppressing the heavens and the world.

"An evil python wants to make waves and refine it for me!"

The ruthless man leaned back against the gate of hell, and the whole person became extremely majestic, full of domineering domineering. Then throw it into the hell oven.

Hearing a screeching sound, the hell oven was burning, and a large amount of poisonous smoke came out of the oven, which was the impurities on the black python.Its flesh and blood essence is transformed into a majestic essence, which pours into the body of the ruthless person like the Yangtze River.

"It's so rich in blood essence, it is worthy of the evil python in the ruins of the demon emperor, it is almost comparable to a thousand-year-old medicine. I wonder if after refining the monster beasts in this lake, can I increase the power of a dragon!"

The ruthless man showed a strong surprise, no longer hesitated, and directly flew towards the green lake. The dragon took off and turned into a silver moon sword energy and slashed towards the lake. The hell oven behind it was burning, releasing a lot of flames. , involving the bodies of monsters one after another, frantically refining them.

The ruthless immortal body is one of the most wonderful physiques in the heavens. It is dust-free and the closest to the source of the Tao. Even in battle, it can quickly absorb the spiritual energy of the heavens and the earth to replenish itself, and there is no need to worry about running out of true energy. worry.

However, within a short time, the entire swamp lake was slaughtered by ruthless people, and a large amount of miasma and poisonous smoke was evaporated. In the hell oven, dozens of huge monsters were struggling and roaring. It was obviously only three people hugged together, but no matter how big The monsters thrown into it will be swallowed up in an instant.

After the refining was completed, the infinite pure vitality poured into Ruren's body in a mighty manner, flooding the Nine Great Wheel Seas, constantly scouring her body.


In the cloud of spiritual energy above Ruthless Man's head, there was a roar of a flood dragon, and a brand new flood dragon was condensed.

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