The power of sixty-six dragons!

"Fuck, are all the students of Deity Academy so perverted?"

In the jungle a mile away from the swamp lake, Young Master Xiaoyao stared at the ruthless man with a stunned look, almost scared to pee.If nothing else, the vicious python just now wasn't something he could easily deal with, but under Ruthless Man, he couldn't even stop it with two swords.

"Zhang Ruren from Tianshen Academy, this person is too scary. I actually wanted to hit her for attention before, but I was just courting death. Fortunately, I didn't do anything."

Young Master Xiaoyao suddenly raised the heart of retreat. After all, treasures are precious, but life is more expensive!

Chapter 45 Xingyue Great Sword, kill Lie Wuji!

"Got you!"

The ruthless man stood by the lake, and suddenly there was a flash of light in his eyes, the sword energy washed away, a huge boulder at the bottom of the lake burst immediately, and a azure blue shadow rose into the sky.

"Where are you going!" The ruthless man chuckled lightly, unleashed his undefeated imperial fist and threw a punch in the air, directly knocking the psychic ice soul into a stun, and swaying and falling down.

Just when the ruthless man was about to go forward to catch the ice soul, the swampy land next to it suddenly exploded, and a fiery red sword energy split open, extremely powerful, and directly blasted the ruthless man out.

"Lie Wuji!"

Seeing the person coming, Ruthless Man immediately burst into two balls of light in his eyes, and said calmly, "The student has seen Elder Lie, and since Elder Lie also likes this psychic ice soul, the students dare not fight for it, so this is why Treasure hunt somewhere else."

"and many more!"

Lie Wuji put away the psychic ice soul, revealing a cruel color, and said in a gloomy voice: "Zhang Ruren, you are clever, where did the arrogance in the Deity Academy go? I asked why you were able to defeat my apprentice. , It turns out that you have cultivated such evil magic arts, and those who are cognizant of appearances will immediately abandon their cultivation, hand over the peerless magic arts, and then follow me to the Criminal Law Palace to be held accountable!"

The ruthless man saw that Lie Wuji directly tore his face, and no longer concealed it, he said loudly: "Lie Wuji, I respect you as the elder of the academy, I will give you three points. But your greed and shamelessness are not worthy of being respected by others, just like an animal, It's disgusting to eat ancient food!"

"Little bastard, how dare you call me an animal! It really is an evil demon, and I will suppress you now, so as not to harm the common people!"'

"Destroying the Ghost Flame Palm, slaying the demon!"

Lie Wuji roared loudly, and he shot directly with five fingers like sharp edges, pressing down hard, the oppressive void rustled, forming a huge flame of palm, which appeared on the top of Ruthless Ren's head, and suppressed her.

"You say I'm a demon, and I'll show you the power of a demon!"

The ruthless man's eyes were boiling with anger, and the gate of hell behind her was opened again. Her body was like an ancient giant, her breath was majestic, her eyes were like electricity, and the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art was operating to the extreme, and she stabbed out with a sword, as if there were endless hell evil spirits roaring mournfully.


The moment the huge flame palm touched the sword glow, it shattered and exploded. 000 Literature

"What?" Lie Wuji was shocked at first, and then said with ecstasy: "Okay! What a powerful magic art! Even my ghost-killing flame palm can be cracked. It must be the unparalleled magic art handed down from the ancient times. Back then, the Western Regions When the devil is in the world, the mountains and seas that he casts can't compare to the one in case. I will definitely capture you, extract your soul and refine your soul, torture the mind of this magic art, and then you will become a supreme sage and swept away. Xuanyu, I will definitely remember your contribution today, haha..."

Lie Wuji was like a mad demon, his whole body was boiling with infuriating energy, the great sun sword was scabbard, and a nearly hundred-zhang-long scorching sun sword shot up into the sky, traversing the heaven and earth, like a sword that lifts the sky, pressing towards the ruthless man. Come, the powerful power of the three-transformation king of the legendary realm directly locks the surrounding void, and he can't even escape.

In his mind, Zhang Tian said solemnly: "NanNan, Lie Wuji's sword has the power of nearly ten blue dragons. In addition, he has mastered spatial changes, and you can't stop it. Now give the command of the body to Dad!"

"Okay, Dad!" The ruthless man didn't try to be stubborn, he let go of his body.

Beside the green lake, the "ruthless man" opened his eyes slightly. The depths of his pupils revealed unparalleled dominance and majesty, just like a king above the nine heavens, overlooking his subjects, suppressing the heavens and the world, and I am the only one. .

In the face of this tyrannical sword energy of the sun, Zhang Tian not only did not retreat, but rode the body of the ruthless person to directly attack, slowly raised the sword of Yin Ling, and a desolate and desolate aura washed out from him. .

"Nan, look carefully. Strength does not equal strength, the key lies in the use of strength, that is, martial arts. As long as you have a deep enough understanding of martial arts, even if the rank of martial arts is not high, you can make your strength explode dozens of times. Even hundreds of times the power!"

The voice fell, Zhang Tian had rushed to the front of the Great Sun Sword Qi, behind him, a full moon as vast as a river and sea rose, and the void above his head swayed with ripples, showing a night sky with stars shining.

As soon as the sword came out, it condensed into a vast star and moon sword light, and directly smashed the hundred-zhang-long Great Sun Sword Qi.

"No, it's impossible..."

Lie Wuji showed a look of extreme astonishment, and retreated frantically!

Zhang Tian smiled slightly and took a step forward. Countless stars paved the way under his feet, just like walking in the starry sky, rushing behind Lie Wuji in an instant.

"Since you want to get the Heaven Swallowing Devil Art, come and experience it yourself."

Zhang Tian was like that god, standing aloft, raised his hand to fish forward, and dragged Lie Wuji into the furnace of hell.


The raging flames swallowed Lie Wuji, causing his screams to stop abruptly, his soul collapsed, his flesh and blood evaporated, and finally only a small red sword remained.It was the Great Sun Sword Qi that Lie Wuji had cultivated for ten thousand years, including all his insights into this sword art.

Chapter 46 Imperial Sword Art: Yin-Yang Ice-Fire Sword!

"Bang bang bang..."

The space ring Lie Wuji was wearing exploded, and a bunch of messy things fell to the ground.

"Isn't this the ancient scroll I handed over to the Hall of Merit?"

The ruthless man took back control of his body and locked a sheepskin scroll on the ground at a glance. I remembered that there were dense ancient characters engraved on it. On Promise.

Zhang Tian glanced at the scroll and said in a low voice, "This scroll was banned before, and now the ban has been cracked. You can try to enter infuriating energy to see it."

The ruthless man acted according to his words and put a ray of infuriating energy into it. The sheepskin scroll immediately showed ripples, the ancient text on the surface was twisted and changed, and finally it turned into a broken map, which could be vaguely seen. A huge bronze palace.

"Could it be that this is the incomplete ancient picture that Young Master Xiaoyao said can enter Xiaodongtian? No wonder it is worth a celestial order, Lie Wuji, you paid a huge price to exchange this ancient picture from the Hall of Merit, you should also want to enter Xiaodongtian for the last time. Well, I didn't expect it to end up in my hands."

The ruthless man put the incomplete ancient map into the storage ring, and looked at the other treasures. With a wave of his jade hand, there were two more items in his hand. One was the psychic ice soul, which had been banned by Lie Wuji. The other is a sheet of gold foil.

According to Ruthless Man's knowledge, this kind of gold foil paper is generally the paper used by major sects in ancient times to inherit advanced martial arts and martial skills, and it records all the earth-shattering magical powers.

Putting the psychic ice soul into the storage ring, the ruthless man carefully studied the gold foil paper, and quickly figured out the exercises recorded on it.

"Imperial Sword Art: Yin-Yang Ice and Fire Sword!"

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