The ruthless man watched patiently, and was even more surprised. This sword art requires the cultivation of two types of sword qi, one yin and one yang, and then using a special secret method to combine yin and yang, the negative pole produces yang, and the positive pole produces yin. No shortage of intentions!

"Nice sword art." Zhang Tian praised and said with a chuckle: "This sword art requires the cultivation of two king-level sword qi, one yin and one yang, which can be regarded as harsh conditions. Presumably this time, Lie Wuji is ambushing you, and he also wants to seize it. The Taiyin Sword Qi in your body has been cultivated into a Yin-Yang Ice and Fire Sword in this tricky way, but I didn’t expect that in the end, it would make you a wedding dress!”

"That's also thanks to Dad's help. Now I'm not his opponent."

The ruthless man smiled and spread out his hands. Lie Wuji's ten thousand-year-old Sun Sword Qi appeared in her palm, like a blazing scorching sun, exuding incomparably scorching pressure.Lele Literature

"What a pure and pure yang qi. Although this Lie Wuji's character is extremely inferior, his accomplishments in the Great Sun Sword Art are not bad. My Tai yin sword qi has also been completed. "Ice and Fire Sword"'s mental method is enough to combine the two sword qi, which is equivalent to gaining Lie Wuji's ten thousand years of insight, and the swallowing magic art is really domineering!"

The ruthless man sighed with emotion, and directly operated the magic power to inhale the sword energy of the sun into his body. He saw that in the dantian of the Zifu, nine great round seas surrounded the surrounding like a skyque.In the center, there are two sword qi, Da Sun and Tai Yin, which are faintly attracted to each other, and behind these two sword qi, a shadow of the emperor is looming, ruling Cang Ming and suppressing the ages!

Just when the ruthless man was about to investigate the remaining treasures one by one, he suddenly raised his eyebrows, and his figure disappeared directly from the place.


Young Master Xiaoyao looked at the ruthless man who appeared in front of him, he was so frightened that he took two steps back, and sat down on the ground, sweating profusely, and stammered: "Oh, isn't this Miss Zhang, it's really good... ...what a coincidence."

It turned out that Young Master Xiaoyao planned to leave early, but he didn't expect Lie Wuji to suddenly kill him. How dare he make small moves in front of the legendary king, and now he hides back, trying to hide his breath, planning to wait for Lie Wuji to kill the ruthless man. leave again.

Next, he saw an extremely terrifying scene: a warrior who was only at the fourth level of the Transcendent Realm, actually stepped on the stars, put his back against the moonlight, and instantly killed the king of the Three Transformations of the Legendary Realm with a star-moon sword!

If this matter is spread out, it will be enough to shake the entire Shengyuan Continent!

In the eyes of Young Master Xiaoyao, the ruthless man suddenly became mysterious, as if the demon who came to the world from Jiuyou didn't dare to raise the slightest fighting heart.

"Auntie, it was my Xiaoyao dog who didn't know Taishan and bumped into you. I am willing to hand over all the treasures to atone for my sins. Please, my lord, spare me a dog's life! Spare me a dog's life!"

Faced with the coercion of the ruthless man, Young Master Xiaoyao's mood was completely shattered, and instead of attacking himself, he desperately kowtowed and begged for mercy.

A look of disgust flashed in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he said sternly: "A sinister villain like you, if I let you go today, I don't know how many innocent people will be trapped by you. Go to hell now to repent!"

The voice fell, and a slanting moon sword light shone out. Young Master Xiaoyao had no will to resist, and was directly split in half, dropping a pile of debris in bottles and jars, as well as two volumes of exercises, hundreds of dollars. Spirit Stone.

The ruthless man glanced at it roughly, and said with disdain: "The scattered cultivator is really shabby, and this is not even a drop of Lie Wuji's nine cattle. It is worthless to me, but it can be used as an auxiliary material for refining the psychic ice soul!"

Thinking of this, the ruthless didn't dislike it either. A sword light shot out from his right hand, and all those bottles and jars and heaven-grade spirit stones were involved in the hell oven. Roaring and roaring in the furnace.

Chapter 47 Ninety-nine dragon powers!

The ruthless man felt it for a moment, frowned and said, "This amount of energy is too little to refine the psychic ice soul."

After he finished speaking, he jumped up and returned to the battlefield where he fought against Lie Wuji. There were spirit treasures all over the ground, Ye Ye was shining brightly. Not to mention, the three holy spirit stones alone are enough to be worth the ordinary legend. The entire net worth of the king of the realm, not to mention the thousands of fast king-grade spirit stones and a pile of spirit pills and ores.

Looking around, the ruthless man nodded and said: "This place is very hidden, and it is suitable for refining the psychic ice soul. If you can improve the two levels of cultivation, you will be more confident in the next treasure hunt!"

If you want to do it, the ruthless man first takes out a set of flags and scatters them around the lake to monitor the movement around them, and then sinks his body directly into the bottom of the lake, the gate of hell opens, and all the treasures that Lie Wuji dropped are sucked into hell. In the furnace, smelting frantically.

"Psychic Ice Soul, I hope you don't let me down."

The ruthless man took out the ice soul and held it for a while, and felt that half of his body was about to be frozen. He couldn't help but feel even more satisfied, and threw it directly into the hell oven.


The ice soul entered the hell oven, like the thunder of the sky, and the earth-shattering explosion suddenly erupted, struggling frantically.

The birth of this psychic ice soul is not easy, and it has absorbed the essence of heaven and earth for nearly ten million years, so it is extraordinary.But Ruthless Man's "Swallowing Devil Technique" has a bigger background. It was created by Zhang Tian imitating the will of the ancient devil, and even the origin of the world can be swallowed and suppressed, not to mention the mere psychic ice soul.

In a short time, most of the ice soul was swept away by the flames, and the spiritual wisdom disappeared, leaving only the majestic and pure vitality.


After the refining was completed, the hell oven made bursts of roars, and the pure vitality turned into the azure-blue Yangtze River, madly poured into the body of the ruthless man, filling the dantian of the Zifu, rushing and surging in her body, breaking the pulse of the meridian, and quickly. Repair, forging time and time again, the power of the sleepless immortal body is activated in large quantities.

Transcendent Realm [-]th Layer, Breakthrough!

Transcendent Realm Sixth Layer, breakthrough!

The ruthless man's body has turned into a nearly transparent ice blue, so clear that you can see the bones inside, but her bones have also undergone earth-shaking changes, crystal clear, like jasper.

It is the supreme physique of water movement - ice muscle and jade bone!

Above the head of the ruthless, the void collapsed layer by layer, and evolved a picture of a flooded dragon .Abdsc Bookstore

Sixty, seventy, eighty, ninety, ninety-nine!

A full ninety-nine ancient flood dragons shattered mountains and rivers, shaking the world, far exceeding the eighty-nine flood dragons of the nine-level peak powerhouses of the ancient transcendent realm.

Zhang Tian appeared in the void in the form of a spirit body, and when he saw the ruthless man breaking through the bottom of the lake, he couldn't help but exclaim: "It's such a domineering Heaven Swallowing Demon Art, if an ordinary person wants to refine such an ancient psychic ice soul, even with a large amount of Wang Pin Ling It takes at least a year to build a spiritual gathering circle with stone, and it can be done in an instant. I wonder what it will be like when it devours the source of the world and the avenues of the heavens?"

After the emotion was over, Zhang Tian couldn't help frowning slightly, turned away, and an invisible wave burst out from him.

All the warriors who noticed the shocking wave coming towards this side were all blasted out by a vast force, and when they got up again, they found that the wave position just now could not be found, as if it had disappeared out of thin air. .

Tianshen Academy, Lingxu Xiaodongtian.

Yan Qingxuan practiced cross-legged, her whole body was wrapped in water aura, and the shadow of the sea dragon behind her became more solid, roaring and roaring, swallowing the water aura in a big mouth, and the overwhelming dragon breath shook the sky and rustled. tremble.


Yan Qingxuan exhaled lightly, and the water aura in the air turned into runes and flowed to her chest like hundreds of rivers meeting the sea, condensing into an aqua blue heart, the size of a slap, beating continuously as if breathing, exuding A gloomy breath.

Qin Haoran stood to protect the Dharma, looked at the blue heart, and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Is this the heart of the ocean? Legend has it that this object is the unique treasure of the Sea God College, born in the source of the North Sea, and can be kept incessantly. Spitting out pure water aura. My Deity Academy is known as the No. [-] university in the mainland, and I can't find a few treasures of the same value. I don't know where the junior sister got it?"

"This was given to me by the Crown Prince Zhetian when I first joined the academy." Yan Qingxuan put away the heart of the ocean and stood up slowly. She changed into a long sapphire blue dress, fluttering like a fairy. It is more beautiful than that day, with an extraordinary temperament, so that men can only look up and worship, but not blaspheme.

Qin Haoran sighed softly: "I didn't expect that Prince Zhetian was so powerful, that he could get such a treasure, and he was even more willing to give it to his junior sister. No wonder the junior sister's cultivation has progressed by leaps and bounds. I'm afraid it is only a matter of time before she surpasses me."

Yan Qingxuan stroked her hair and said softly, "I have the blood of a sea dragon. I joined the Deity Academy a year and a half ago, and I have been using the heart of the ocean to quickly improve my cultivation. So far, I'm only at the sixth level of the Transcendent Realm. That Zhang Ruan Human, she has only been in the academy for a year, but she has already reached the fourth level of the transcendent realm. It can be seen that she must have a treasure on her body, which is probably more precious than the heart of the ocean. I really want to meet her for a while."

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