Qin Haoran smiled and said: "Unfortunately, Junior Sister Qingxuan is destined to not have this opportunity. Lie Wuji is the king of the three transformations of the legendary realm. He personally took action, and Zhang Ruren will die..."

Before the words were finished, Qin Haoran suddenly heard a "bang", and a crystal jade pendant was directly blown into powder.

"Damn it! This is the jade card that sealed Lie Wuji's soul fire, and it actually shattered. Could it be that Lie Wuji suffered an accident? Zhang Ruren, I will never forgive you!"

Qin Haoran showed a frantic expression. Lie Wuji was the legendary three-transformation king and the Supreme Elder of the Deity Academy. He was very helpful to him.

Chapter 48 Alien arrogance, recalling the Emperor Buried!

Yan Qingxuan looked surprised, and said in a low voice, "Zhang Ruren was able to get the treasure, which means that he has great luck, but Lie Wuji was first broken by Elder Yuehua, and he lost his proud disciple. It can be seen that the loss of luck is serious. It makes sense that the ambush is not successful."

"Haha... I didn't expect the dignified Prince Pingcang to show such an ugly expression."

A young man wearing a golden imperial crown came forward with a big smile, but he saw that he was tall and burly, with an ancient face, a layer of golden hair on both cheeks and exposed palms. , Weng Sheng said: "Junior Sister Qingxuan, I still say that, as long as you promise to owe me a favor, I will immediately kill Zhang Ruren for you."

Yan Qing said calmly, "Thank you for your kindness, Senior Brother Shi Yan, but Zhang Ruren is just a small person to me. When I become a core disciple, I will be able to kill her easily. Right now, it is the most important thing for me. The important thing is to break through to the seventh level of transcendence and be promoted to core disciple. If senior brother really intends to give me a favor, I currently lack a group of king-grade spirit stones to arrange spirit formations."

"Wang Pin Lingshi? Junior sister wants to set up a great spirit gathering formation, but I still have a batch of free Wangpin Lingshi on hand, so I can't give it to the junior sister. But my debt of favor is not so easy to owe. When necessary, I will ask for it. Junior sister asks for something, I wonder if junior sister is willing?"

After speaking, Shi Yan looked up and down at Yan Qingxuan, with a meaningful look in his eyes.

"As long as the relationship is strong enough, I have nothing to refuse." Yan Qing smiled sweetly, revealing a beautiful face that was enough to charm all beings, and said softly: "But the Crown Prince speaks from his own mouth, so that the people of the Zhetian Alliance will speak. Treat me with special care, Shi Yan is not afraid to let the prince know about his idea?"

Crown Prince?

As soon as these four words came out, Shi Yan's mind was immediately clear.

Ye Bufan, the Crown Prince, is not only the leader of the Zhetian Alliance, but also a 'saint' of the Deity Academy. He overwhelmed the heroes in the last four-academy meeting, and even the Supreme Elder of the Legend Realm can only look up, no one knows. What a terrifying level his cultivation has reached.

The Zhetian League he created is the first party of the Tianshen Academy, with experts like clouds, and the four major academies of Megatron. Although Shi Yan has a prominent background and is pretentious, he never dares to disobey the will of the Crown Prince Zhetian.

"Haha, I'm just joking. Since junior sister is someone that Prince Zhatian values, I naturally dare not force senior brother." Shi Yan chuckled twice, intending to change the subject.

Yan Qingxuan didn't go into it, and instead said: "Speaking of this time, when the ruins of the demon emperor were born, the golden lion clan where Senior Brother Shi Yan belongs is one of the thirteen holy clans of the demon clan. Is the Demon Emperor a treasure?" Quickly read www.kuaiyankanshu.org

Shi Yan's face sank, and he sighed: "The dignified demon emperor, even in the ancient times, was an earth-shattering overlord, and the treasures he left behind are certainly extraordinary. If it were normal, it would be even with the ancient holy places of the human race and The demon tribes are fighting at the same time, and my golden lion is also fearless.

But this time is different. The clan elders received secret news that the Jiaochi clan of the Ninth Mountain and Sea Realm had been eyeing this relic as early as ten thousand years ago, and made a lot of arrangements. With their participation, my Golden Lion clan How dare you go into this muddy water. "

"Jiaochi clan?"

Yan Qingxuan and Qin Haoran both took a deep breath. This is a powerful alien. It is located in the ninth mountain and sea world, which is a higher level than Shengyuan Continent. There are many immortal existences in the clan, far from any one on Shengyuan Continent. Powers can contend.

"These damn alien races have been active since the emperor was buried in the world. It's ridiculous that my human and demon races have occupied the nine mountains and seas for tens of millions of years, and now even the tomb of the great emperor of the monster race has to be allowed to be ravaged by these alien races. !"

Qin Haoran showed a look of anger, but there was nothing he could do.His father, King Pingcang, was in charge of guarding the Western Wilderness and resisting the Cangyun alien race, so he was well aware of the power and ruthlessness of these alien races.

Yan Qing said in a low voice: "The Emperor Buried Heaven was wise and wise, when he was in charge of the ancient heaven, he had been strictly encircling and suppressing all major alien races, and this was the only way to keep the nine great mountains and seas peaceful for tens of millions of years. All the alien races that can survive to the present are all possessed by them. The powerful background, coupled with the numerous branches of the human and demon clans, have a grudge against each other, so in a small area, it seems that the strength of the alien race is far superior to the human and demon clan."

Shi Yan said with a heavy face: "Junior Sister Qingxuan doesn't need to be too pessimistic, the number of strong men and monsters is far more than these alien races, at least on the Shengyuan Continent, there must be something that makes the Jiaochi people jealous, otherwise, before ten thousand years, the Jiaochi clan must be afraid. The Chi clan has annexed this continent. So this time, they will not dare to stay any longer. At most, they will take away the treasure of the demon emperor, alas...the day when the alien races are rampant, I don’t know when it will end.”

"If the Emperor Buried returns, which alien race will dare to make trouble?"

The remains of the Demon Emperor, at the bottom of the Green Lake.

The soaring hair of the ruthless man gradually fell, and the boundless power was also absorbed into the body, the eyes opened, and two electric lights flashed from the depths of the pupils.

"Huh... The power of ninety-nine Flood Dragons seems to be the limit." The ruthless man sighed softly, soared out from the bottom of the lake, and leaped to a peak. The powerful power stunned all the surrounding birds and beasts away.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said: "As a human race, you have the power of ninety-nine dragons at the sixth level of Transcendent Realm. Even if you put it in ancient times, you can be regarded as a peerless arrogance that is rare in ten thousand years. With your current strength, the ninth level of Transcendent Realm can be regarded as a peerless genius. Even if you encounter a legendary warrior, you will not lose the power of a battle. Now that small cave is about to open, are you interested in seeing it?”

Chapter 49 The blood demon altar, fist and sword are invincible!

The ruthless man thought for a moment and said, "Since I have obtained the incomplete ancient picture, it is natural to try my luck. But there is no need to rush this matter. I will first temper the "Yin Yang Ice and Fire Sword", and wait until those ancient sect holy places and demons. The melee between the tribes and tribes is over, and it’s not too late to enter.”

Zhang Tian applauded: "The idea is good. Those big forces are used to being domineering. When they first entered Xiaodongtian, they would definitely fight against those who were left alone. If you go in later, you can save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

The ruthless man got Zhang Tian's affirmation and couldn't help smiling. He didn't think about Xiaodongtian's affairs at the moment, but concentrated on comprehending the "Yin-Yang Ice-Fire Sword" mentality, and walked through the inner area at will, looking for monsters and blood monsters. Come to practice swordsmanship.

After walking for a while, Ruthless Man suddenly noticed that there were more warriors around, and they were all heading in the same direction. He was curious and followed the crowd. He soon arrived at the destination, which was actually a huge black. The altar, the surrounding fire burned, like a wild beast that has been crawling on the ground.

"This should be the blood demon altar that Young Master Xiaoyao said before. It really attracted a large number of warriors."

The ruthless mind turned around and rushed in, only to see that the interior space was huge, and there was a shadow of swords and swords, and dense figures were fighting and tearing at this altar. These people have obviously been here for a long time, and the ground is full of Ganoderma lucidum. The rhizomes and fruits have long been picked.

"Ancestor Black Blood, you have been seriously injured. You are definitely not our Sohying Sect's opponent. You should stay with this Ten Thousand Years Blood Ginseng."

"Ah... This person stole my poisonous python inner pill, let's go up and hack him to death!"

"Junior brothers, I grabbed a volume of "Nine Serenity Magic Tome", you should escort me away, with this volume of exercises, our sect will be able to rejuvenate!"

The first floor of the blood demon altar was extremely chaotic. The original treasures were all robbed, and the rest were scrambled by the major sects and loose cultivators, making the ruthless people dazzled.

At this moment, a jade box suddenly flew towards the position of the ruthless man, let her catch it subconsciously, and opened it, it turned out to be a fiery red elixir, crystal clear, exuding strong fluctuations, faintly. It can be seen that a miniature dragon is wandering in the elixir.Taking a light breath, bursts of visions filled the nostrils, and even the speed of infuriating energy was accelerated by three points.

"It turned out to be a fourth-grade Chilong Pill. If you put it in an external auction house, you can at least fetch the sky-high price of [-] king-grade spirit stones. This blood demon altar really contains countless treasures."

Such a pie fell from the sky, making the eyes of the ruthless man crooked with laughter, and happily put the jade box into the storage ring.

"Damn it, little bitch, how dare you rob this uncle, and hand it over soon!"

Just when the ruthless man put away the jade box, a big man with a blood knife rushed towards her with a roar, his eyes were red as blood, as if he was going to swallow the ruthless man alive. Several young men in Taoist robes followed closely.

Obviously, two groups of people were fighting for the jade box, but they accidentally knocked the jade box into the air and landed on Ruthless Man.

Hearing the big man's words, the ruthless man's face suddenly darkened, and he said sternly: "If you speak unkindly, you are courting death!"

After he finished speaking, the ruthless man didn't even use his sword, he just threw a punch in the air.The void roared, and the majesty of the emperor who was dominating the sky and the Jedi was washed out, and the void was compressed into a huge fist mark, which slammed on the blood knife big man.

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