Listening to the discussion around, the white-haired president's face was also a little embarrassing. He was the one who gave the Tianzi No. [-] dojo to Yuxin for use. If even Danxia was not motivated in the end, he would also become a laughing stock.

Thinking of this, the white-haired president was about to speak to remedy a few words, but suddenly his mind was turbulent, and he whispered: "Dan Cheng."

Everyone was stunned. Before they could ask any questions, they felt that there were [-] volcanoes erupting at the same time in Dojo No. [-].

A thousand feet!

Three thousand feet!

Five thousand feet!

Seven thousand feet!

Nine thousand feet!

Ten thousand feet!

Wanzhang Danxia covered the sky, and the waves were spectacular.

"Wanzhang Danxia, ​​this... is this a semi-holy level elixir?"

An alchemist who mocked Yuxin before only felt a burning sensation on his face. The ten thousand zhang Danxia in the sky said brightly that it was not that they could not refine the elixir, but they wanted to refine the strongest elixir, surpassing everyone else's elixir. .

The rest of the alchemists were shocked by this vision and could not speak. The semi-sacred elixir, Wanzhang Danxia, ​​was a limit. A top-quality elixir, regardless of the difference in this step, is actually very difficult to break through.

Many alchemy masters have tried their best to reach this step. This kind of extreme power cannot be touched by ordinary alchemists. Most of the talented alchemy masters skip this step and are promoted to alchemy. Grandmasters, only a few amazing alchemists can break the rules and refine half-holy level elixir.

Therefore, in a sense, semi-sacred elixir is more precious than ordinary fifth-grade elixir, and it is even more difficult to refine. Any alchemist is proud to be able to refine semi-sacred elixir in his life. .

"Humph! Pretending to be a ghost, you are obviously a top-level alchemy master of the fourth rank, but he has forged a semi-holy level elixir. Will an alchemist in Donghuang really only attract publicity?" The only Chinese website

The old lady of the Lin family in Shengdu said sneeringly, with a bad expression on her face. Her Lin family seems to have great beauty, but in fact it has declined. She is the last existence of the four ancient Dan family. She planned to rely on Lin Yao, the genius of Dan Dao, who has not been seen for thousands of years. Declining trend, but did not expect to encounter two evil spirits in a row, covering all the limelight.


Just as everyone was talking about it, the sky was suddenly covered with dark clouds. It used to be a sunny sky, but now it is really dark as night, and there were bursts of low thunderous sounds resounding continuously, as if there was a mighty force surging in the clouds.

"Look, Danxia, ​​Danxia has risen again!"

An alchemist in the alchemy meeting exclaimed, everyone looked up, and they were all stunned, only to see the rising ten thousand zhang Danxia in the Yuxin dojo, unexpectedly rushing upwards two thousand zhang!

A full [-] feet of Danxia!

If Wanzhang Danxia means the limit, then now, it is breaking the limit!

"Crack! Kick! Kick!"

Several silver electric snakes rolled in the clouds, dazzling and piercing the sky.

"I can't provoke Dan Lei, this is not a holy pill."

I don't know which alchemist said something with a strong sense of vinegar, but even he couldn't listen to it. He was able to inspire a [-]-zhang Danxia. This kind of achievement is not comparable to an ordinary five-rank holy elixir.

"It seems that in the hands of this Donghuang Tianjiao, there is a heaven-defying treasure that can bless Dan Yun. It is really prosperous, and the Donghuang Dan Taoist world is afraid that it will rise from her."

The white-haired president sighed with emotion, but his eyes were fixed on the sky, and he did not dare to relax for a moment. The semi-sacred elixir that surpassed the limit was the only thing he had ever seen in his life, and he did not want to miss the slightest vision.

"Patriarch, can you tell what kind of elixir she is refining? There don't seem to be many semi-holy elixir formulas that are widely circulated on the mainland."

An alchemist of the Lin family asked curiously, he knew that his ancestor's spiritual sense was very strong, although it was not yet at the level of 'knowledge of the pill', but if he was familiar with the elixir, Danxia alone was enough to identify it.

The old lady of the Lin family also moved in her heart when she heard the words, and a ray of divine soul swept towards the vast Danxia.


A scream came out, and the old lady of the Lin family took a few steps back, and a mouthful of black blood spurted out. Her hair, which was half black and white, suddenly turned white, her face was full of ravines, and she suddenly aged ten years.

"What happened?"

All the alchemists in the hall focused their gazes, looking surprised.

The old lady of the Lin family quickly took a few pills with strong spiritual energy, and then she recovered a little, and said in shock: "Poison pill, that Donghuang Tianjiao is refining a poison pill! A poison pill that exceeds the limit of the semi-holy level!"


All the alchemists were panicking again. Poison masters have a bad reputation in the mainland. Unless there is a unavoidable reason, it is obvious that some people will go to refine poison pills. Who can think of a quasi-world who accepts the orthodox inheritance of pill emperors? Tianjiao, the first elixir publicly unveiled on the mainland turned out to be a poison elixir!

At this moment, the [-]-meter Danxia actually surged violently, turning into a pitch-black demonic flame, rolling towards the surroundings, and all the Danxia burst in response, as if they had been absorbed in aura, dim and dull. That Demon Flame Danxia became even stronger because of this, approaching [-] zhang, dominating the sky, and rolling again, within a thousand miles, there was no grass.

My Pill is refined into a hundred Pills to kill! , , .

Chapter 375 My Dad is Zhang Tian

"This Dan is so overbearing and poisonous!"

All the alchemists couldn't help but take a deep breath. They could clearly sense that, except for Yu Xin's Danxia who successfully collected the spirit, all the auras in the Danxia of the others were corroded and absorbed.

That is to say, in this Pill Dao assessment, apart from Yu Xin, no one else has become a Pill!

This is an unheard of miracle, but it appeared in front of everyone in a grand manner.

"Who, who ruined my Danxia!"

"Who is interfering with my Chengdan!"

"It doesn't count this time, someone deliberately disturbed."

A group of alchemists who failed to attract spirits rushed out of the dojo in a rage, and the sky was full of rage.

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