The failure to attract the spirits means that the medicinal pills have become coke, and not only can they fail the assessment, but the large amount of precious spirit medicines they have paid for them have also been wasted. How can they not be angry.

Seeing that the scene was out of control, the president with white hair could not help but stand up, released two spiritual pressures, and said solemnly: "Everyone, don't be impatient, this time you failed to attract spirits, because Zhang Yuxin of Tianzi No. [-] dojo refined a A semi-holy poison pill that exceeds the limit. This is our pill will not consider carefully, and we will return the full amount of your assessment costs."

"It turned out to be the ghost of the Eastern Desolate Tianjiao!"

These alchemists did not dare to be too presumptuous in the alchemy branch, and immediately turned their anger on Yu Xin, staring at the gate of Tianzi No. [-] dojo.

After a while, the door finally opened slowly, and Yu Xin walked out of it with a faint smile on her face. This time, she used two drops of Taiyi Shenshui to forcibly raise the quality of the Necromancer Pill. The effect of the necromantic elixir is also not far behind, which is a big improvement.

"Zhang Yuxin, the poison elixir you refined corrupted all the Danxia I was waiting for, causing me to fail to refine the pill. How do you explain this?"

A group of alchemists questioned aggressively, their eyes full of envy, jealousy and hatred. The reason they were so angry was not because of the loss of a spiritual pill material, but because of Yu Xin's pill technique, which was so strong that it made them despair. You can vent in this way.

"Is there such a thing?"

Yuxin has been concentrating on alchemy, and she is not clear about the vision in the sky. Seeing the excitement of the crowd, she immediately said softly: "This is not what I want. Since it caused trouble to you, I am willing to bear all the losses."

She had obtained a lot of age-old elixir in the Kui Niu Secret Realm. Even if she paid a half-holy elixir material to each of the alchemists present, it was nothing.

"Humph! Do you think it's enough to pay for one elixir material? Could it be that my Shengdulin family lacks a few thousand-year-old elixir?"

The old woman of the Lin family was leaning on crutches and said angrily, she had tried to explore the pill Yuxin had refined before, but she never wanted to be corroded by the poisonous gas. Not only was her soul severely damaged, her life essence was also cut off for more than ten years, and she hated Yuxin in her heart. pole.

"Fellow Daoist Lin, don't go too far. Since Miss Zhang is willing to compensate the elixir, I think this is the end of the matter." Qingqing Novel

The white-haired president spoke out to dissuade her. Although Yuxin was not a member of the Alchemist Guild, she held the highest-level blue-patterned pill of the Alchemist Guild. He wanted to help because of reason.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Just when the old lady of the Lin family was about to argue, the surrounding void suddenly exploded one after another, revealing space cracks.

In the blink of an eye, there were more than a dozen great sages in the hall, and the holy might was like a prison, closing the void.

"Presumptuous, this is the Alchemy Branch of the Holy Capital, who are you, who dares to trespass!"

The white-haired president was angry, but he was a little vigilant in his heart, because these sacred powerhouses hanging in the void were very powerful, and there were even saint kings and saint masters.

Because of the two major events of the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle and the Lingbao Trading Conference, a large number of foreign powerhouses poured into the holy capital. Many of these people are solo masters who are used to being kings and hegemony in the outer regions, and they will not sell the alchemist guild. face.

"Who made the half-holy poison pill just now? This saint is willing to exchange a [-]-year-old pear spirit flower."

"Nearby, thousands of miles of scorched earth, no grass grows, there must be an extremely powerful poison pill in the world. This sage has a door to achieve supernatural powers, and there is only one potent poison pill that is lacking. God helps me!"

"This is an emperor-grade Shuiyun emperor stone, which this sage obtained from a foreign burial ground after thousands of deaths. It can be used to create an emperor-grade magic weapon. Hand over that semi-sacred poison pill, this emperor stone is yours. already."

The strong eyes of the holy realm were eager, and they ignored the white-haired president's reprimands. It was only because after the Poison King incident, the poisonous way in the mainland completely declined. Don't ask, if you miss this one, I don't know how long you have to wait.

How experienced they are, they quickly analyzed the poison pill on Yu Xin through the expressions of the alchemists, and the powerful spiritual pressure was pressing towards Yu Xin like an overwhelming force, which was full of persecution.


The white-haired guild leader rushed to the crown with anger, and also released the majesty of a saint, and said threateningly: "Ms. Zhang has the blue-patterned alchemy decree, so she is a member of my alchemy guild. Anyone who dares to hurt Miss Zhang, my alchemy guild will never die. !"

"Sir President, don't be impatient, I will naturally know the rules of the Alchemy Master Guild, and I won't do anything here, but if you go out here, Jie Jie... If your Alchemy Master Guild has the courage, you can come to Wilderness to find it. I'll do the math."

An old man who was covered in black robes said gloomily, the evil way this person cultivated has a dark energy, and the momentum is even more terrifying than that of ordinary holy masters. He also said before that he would use a water cloud emperor. Stone in exchange for the semi-holy poison pill.

The white-haired guild leader frowned, and immediately sent a voice transmission to Yuxin: "Miss Zhang, these great saints have complicated origins, and they will never be concerned about killing people and stealing treasures. Even the alchemy masters guild will not be able to protect you. See, you might as well exchange that poison pill for some benefits, and you can also avoid a catastrophe."

Yu Xin frowned slightly, looked up at a group of great sages who did not hide their malicious intent, and said calmly, "My father is Zhang Tian."

"Zhang Tian?"

A group of saintly powerhouses were confused by Yu Xin's sudden words, and immediately passed the name 'Zhang Tian' in their minds.

In the next instant, all the Great Sages showed expressions of horror, and some even took a few steps back, and the hall was as silent as death. , , .

Chapter 376 The Price of Intimidating Bendi's Daughter

"Could it be that Ling Zun is the half-step emperor Zhang Tian who was rumored a few days ago?"

The black-robed old man who was arrogant and domineering before, now seems to be castrated, his voice is soft and trembling, as if he has changed his personality.

Yu Xin nodded and said, "That's right."


A Great Sacred Heart was in turmoil, and his strength control was unstable. He directly stepped on a giant blue pillar in the main hall out of a big hole. The remaining Great Sages were even more unbearable. They couldn't even speak, and there was no trace Aggressive demeanor.

"Misunderstanding... Misunderstanding, everything is a misunderstanding."

"Miss Zhang, calm down, I have long admired Senior Zhang. Since you are the daughter of his old man, I will never dare to offend you."

"The old man suddenly remembered that there is something else to do, so let's leave first."

Several great sages looked panicked. After defending three or two sentences, they planned to flee, and even planned to escape directly from the holy capital. After all, a half-step emperor was completely standing at the peak of the continent, not them at all. can be compared.

However, when these great saints tried to shatter the void, they were stunned to discover that all the spaces had become as solid as a rock, unable to crack even an inch.

"After intimidating the emperor's daughter, I want to leave in vain. How can there be such an easy thing in the world."

An incomparably majestic voice exploded in the void, indifferent and cold, as if it was an aloof emperor, with the invincible might to suppress the heavens and the world.

"It's Zhang Tian!"

"It's so terrifying, you can actually imprison a space in the air, is this the strength of a half-step emperor?"

"Senior Zhang, forgive me, this junior is just an unintentional mistake. If you know that Miss Zhang is your daughter, you will never dare to disturb her."

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