The great sages were so frightened that they broke out in cold sweats, begging for mercy again and again. The power of this forbidden space is too powerful, making them despair, and it is not a level at all.

"Leave what you promised before, and you can get out."

Zhang Tian spoke again, his tone indifferent.


All the great saints were shocked and angry. The treasures they promised before were collected through hard work. It can be said that they are the most precious things on their bodies. In order to compete with other great saints for half-sacred poison pills, this Reluctantly took it out, how to cede it in vain.

"Zhang Tian, ​​don't go too far, I am a believer of the wild evil god, if I have an accident, the wild will not hesitate to fight the human race, and then the blood will be thousands of miles, and the world will be pure!"

The menace of the black-robed old man's insidious threat suddenly changed the expressions of many people.The barbarian evil god, that is a big man. It is rumored that an evil spirit has taken away the god's body, converted to Shinto, and has been worshipped by the barbarians for generations. One of the most powerful people in the mainland, even the emperor may not be his opponent.

Seeing the changes in everyone's faces, the black-robed old man became even more arrogant. He didn't lie, and it was precisely because of his identity that he dared to enter the Holy Capital with integrity.Because even the ancestral dynasty, which has always been clamoring to pacify the alien race and conquer the mainland, would not dare to provoke the people of the barbarian evil god.

"Oh? The Emperor wants to see if you are really that important."

There was a slightly playful voice in the void. Zhang Tian did not show up, but the void around the black-robed old man suddenly boiled, the space was distorted, and a big hand appeared in the sky. The divine pattern was shining, engraved with countless laws of heaven and gods. , as if the hand of God was grabbing towards the black-robed old man.

"No, how dare you, arrogant, no, please spare your life..."

From the initial anger of the black-robed old man, to the panic, to the powerless panic when fleeing, everything changed in the blink of an eye, but he couldn't stop the speed of the Void Hand's falling.


For a while, the sky was torn apart, and the vast hand of the void was boundless, directly grabbing the black-robed old man and the space around him to pieces.

In just a few breaths, the Heretic God believer who surpassed the Holy Master-level combat power was completely destroyed, leaving only a blue spar hanging in the void.

But seeing this spar is crystal clear and transparent, as if the water rhythm is generated, reflecting colorful rays of light, if you look closely, you will find that there are several esoteric traces on the surface of the spar, as if the avenue is carved, it is a water cloud with a complete emperor pattern branded Emperor stone, the value is boundless.

The rudimentary flesh and blood covered the hall, and it was even more obvious under the reflection of the crystal king stone.

Killing the Ice Emperor, the lord of the East Pole, and beheading the Black Dragon Demon King of the North Sea, etc., are all showing that this is the real God of Killing, fearless.

"Senior Zhang, spare your life, the villain is willing to donate the pear spirit flower."

"Yes, yes, the younger generation is also willing to hand over the Scorpion Earth Dragon Horn."

The death of the black-robed old man made the others clearly recognize the reality, and without any hesitation, they handed over the treasure and withdrew from the Alchemy Master Guild in dismay.

Leaving a group of alchemists alone, they looked at each other in embarrassment, especially the aggressive old Lin family, who even wanted to commit suicide. She is not as free as the other great saints. The Lin family, which was already in decline, was afraid that it would be completely doomed.

The white-haired president stood still for a long time, until he repeatedly confirmed that Zhang Tian's will had left, then he breathed a sigh of relief, and said in a gentle tone: "Miss Zhang, you have refined a poison pill that exceeds the limit of half-sacredness this time. Astonishingly talented, the president can make an exception for you, grant you a semi-sacred alchemist badge and alchemy robe, and make a name for you. In this way, Miss Zhang can go to any deserted area. The alchemist branch of the alchemist will use resources, which can save a lot of trouble."

Yu Xin pondered for a while, and finally nodded in response. There are two types of alchemists in the Alchemy Masters Guild, one is an honorary alchemist, and the other is an inheritance alchemist. , but at the same time does not need to undertake any obligations, it is beneficial and harmless to her.

"That's great, I'll order someone to order badges and pill robes."

The white-haired president seemed very excited. He only spent a small amount of money to win over a highly potential Dando wizard. This is a big profit, not to mention that there is a terrifying half-step behind this Dando wizard. King.

With this great achievement, his future promotion road will be smooth. , , .

Chapter 377 The Peerless Killing God-level Zhang Tian

"Zhang Yuxin, you were lucky enough to win a game this time, but that's not my strongest strength. After the Zhongzhou Dan Dao battle, let's really decide the outcome."

Xiao Guyan said unconvinced, and then walked away.

The rest of the alchemists also found reasons to leave in a hurry. What happened today was too important. The birth of a poison pill that surpassed the semi-holy level, and Yu Xin’s amazing talent in the way of pills, probably meant the rise of the poisonous way again. Future major events that are enough to affect the alchemy world must be reported to the forces behind them immediately.

Everyone knows very well that Zhang Tian has experienced the war, and the name of the peerless killing god is enough to shock the world. With his support all the way, no one can interrupt Yuxin's growth path. This name will spread throughout the Holy City at most in half a day. , and even after the Zhongzhou Dan Dao War, the name spread to the world!

As night fell, the Holy City was shrouded in lights again.

In the mansion of the eighth prince, the eighth prince was sitting alone on the main seat, looking irritable, until he saw that Mu Qiluo was late, and then he sat upright and said coldly: "This prince sent someone to send a message this afternoon, why did you come here? "

Mu Qiluo's figure is enchanting, and her face covered with veil can't see her expression clearly, she can only hear her say calmly: "Of course I have my own things to deal with, the eighth prince has a lot of talents, and there is no shortage of me if you want to come. One?"

The Eighth Prince said angrily, "Humph! Don't mention those rubbish. When it comes to sharing the benefits, they are all brilliant. When it comes to discussing business affairs, they can't even let out a single fart, so I'll be sent back to the house."

Mu Qiluo smiled slightly and said softly: "If I expected it to be good, His Highness asked me to come, it should be because of the witnesses in the Jinghai King case crossing the border, right?"

"You also received the news? Listening to Xiangxie's news channel is really good. This damn old seventh, shot too fast. When I told King Jinghai to deal with the tail, those witnesses had already been transferred by the people of the Seventh Prince's Palace. In the dark place, the witness has now reached the boundary of Zhongzhou, and is personally guarded by the masters of the General's Mansion, what do you think?"

The eighth prince was furious, and after speaking, he lifted the teacup and slammed a gulp of tea.Because of this incident, his camp can now be said to be losing ground, and there are even many officials who have turned against each other directly, making him very passive.

Mu Qiluo strolled in the hall and analyzed: "King Jinghai is an old-fashioned man, it was just an accident that he was caught this time. I believe he has blocked all the omissions. That is to say, as long as we can make With those few witnesses shut up, it will be difficult for the Seventh Prince to find other strong evidence."

"Shut up the witnesses? Do you want to kill those witnesses?"

The eighth prince was startled, and waved his hands again and again: "This matter is absolutely impossible, and now it is the master of the General's Mansion who is responsible for escorting the witnesses. Last time, in order to assassinate Zhang Ruren, a group of dead men had been lost. , I am afraid that the interception will not succeed, but I will be found by others to find this prince. You must know that the masters of the General's Mansion are not ordinary people."

Mu Qiluo said: "Of course we can't come out of this group of people. Before, I asked your Highness to go down to make friends with Cao Zhengming. Now it's time for Dali Temple to come forward." Ye Ye Chinese

The eighth prince said: "Cao Zhengming? That old fox will help us. You are too naive."

Mu Qiluo chuckled and said: "Cao Zhengming has been cautious all his life, and it is indeed not easy to drag him into the water. However, no matter how shrewd people are, there are weaknesses to be found, and Cao Zhengming is no exception. A well-known secret."

The Eighth Prince hurriedly asked, "What secret?"

Mu Qiluo said, "Does your Highness still remember the massacre in which the Marquis of Changle was bloodbathed in one night three years ago?"

The Eighth Prince said: "Of course I remember that the Marquis of Changle was Prince Wei's favorite son. This case shocked the court and the opposition at the time. Unfortunately, the murderer did such an incredible job that none of the three hundred and twenty-eight family members survived. It is still an unsolved case. Could it be this case? Is it related to Cao Zhengming?"

Mu Qiluo said: "The eighth prince is wise. In fact, according to the information from Xiangxiangxie, the real murderer behind the bloodbath of the Marquis of Changle was Cao Zhengming! The "Tiangang Wuji Gong" he practiced was a quasi-emperor-level practice. However, there is a fatal flaw. If you want to cultivate to the top, you must sacrifice nine men with nine yang spiritual bodies and nine women with nine yin and no veins to form a yin and yang infinite array. And the youngest son of the Marquis of Changle, who happens to be nine Yang spirit body."

"Blood the whole family of the Marquis of Changle for the sake of a Jiuyang spirit body? This Cao Zhengming is really a lunatic! But with this handle in hand, I'm not afraid that he will not accept the softness, haha!"

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