The eighth prince laughed heartily. It was the first time he was so excited since the King Jinghai case broke out. He couldn't help raising his hand to grab Mu Qiluo and said, "Qiluo, you are really this prince's right-hand man. You have helped this prince a lot!"

Mu Qiluo's figure flashed, avoiding the Eighth Prince's wolf claws without a trace, and said softly: "Your Highness, don't be too happy, Cao Zhengming is not the kind of person who is willing to be controlled by others. This time as long as he is willing to send a killer, it's fine, At that time, whether it is successful or not, he will be tied to our chariot. As for the real fatal blow, we have to do it ourselves."

"By ourselves? You mean..."

The eighth prince seemed to have guessed what Mu Qiluo was saying behind, and his expression became solemn.

Mu Qiluo nodded and said, "These witnesses are too important to decide the fate of King Jinghai. Except for that person, no one can be sure of everything."

As soon as these words came out, the eighth prince was [-]% sure who Mu Qiluo was referring to.That man is his prisoner and his trump card, a former remnant of the South Marsh Kingdom, Bai Yu, who is known as the number one assassin in the world!

Mu Qiluo said: "Bai Yu is the first general Feng Wang of the four generals of Fenghuo Linshan under the command of King Nanmaru. He is unparalleled in movement and has the ability to control birds and beasts. Only by taking action can he be guaranteed to be in the General's Mansion. Under the guards of the masters, they will kill those Beihai witnesses."

The eighth prince was still a little hesitant, and hesitantly said: "Bai Yu is a double-edged sword, you don't know how much the imperial army paid for him to capture him. Being imprisoned in the sky prison, I am afraid that it is easy to take out this sharp blade, but it will be difficult to put it away again."

Chapter 378 The Emperor of Heaven is here, suppressing the great saints from all directions

Mu Qiluo said: "No matter how important Bai Yu is, it can't be compared to a finger of King Jinghai. Don't forget, Your Highness, King Jinghai is your most powerful supporter in the military. If you help him through this disaster, he will I will do my best to help, and then the big thing will be done.”

This sentence hit the nail on the head, and the eighth prince really showed his temptation, and pondered: "You are right, this prince can't live without King Jinghai, Bai Yu has been imprisoned by this prince for decades, and he takes your carefully prepared Mixin powder every day, It must be under control.”

Mu Qiluo said: "Don't worry, Your Highness, that Mixin Powder is the original secret recipe of the Poison King, and its effect is very powerful. I only got one by chance, and there is absolutely no cure in the world. If your Highness is worried, you can give me Bai Yu first. Come to control, I will definitely cultivate him into the sharpest sword in His Highness's hand!"

The eighth prince narrowed his eyes slightly, stared at Mu Qiluo for a long time, and said solemnly: "Okay, this prince will hand over Bai Yu to you. Whether it is to contact Cao Zhengming or intercept the witness, it is all up to you. Once the matter is done, this prince will give you more rights, even if it is to break the earth and seal the king in the future, it will not be a problem."

"Thank you the eighth prince for your appreciation, Qiluo will definitely do her best."

Mu Qiluo folded her fists and bowed her body, with a look of gratitude after being reused, which caused the eighth prince to burst into laughter.

At the same time, the matter was also being discussed in the small courtyard where Zhang Tian lived in the Bloody Marquis Mansion.

I saw a family of four sitting around the dining table, and the ruthless man said slowly: "According to the news sent by Nalan Ruoxue, the witnesses in the Jinghai King case have reached the border of Zhongzhou at noon today and have been handed over to the guards of the Great General's Mansion. Although the strength of the guards has increased, the witness has changed from darkness to light, and I am afraid that there will be some twists and turns on the road to Beijing."

Zi Yan bit the first-class animal meat, and said vaguely: "If I were the eighth prince, I would definitely want to kill these witnesses, and there is no evidence to die."

The ruthless man pursed his lips and smiled, and said, "Zi Yan is really smart, and I think so too, so I have asked Nalan Ruoxue to send a spy to watch the Eighth Prince's Mansion, and report immediately if there is any trouble."

Yu Xin pondered: "I didn't guess before, the dead man who attacked Tianshen Bieyuan last night was probably ordered by the eighth prince? If this is the case, there should be no more dead men under the eighth prince to call. right."

The ruthless man also showed hesitation when he heard the words, turned his head to look at Zhang Tian, ​​and said, "Dad, what do you think?"

Zhang Tian said casually: "Even Zi Yan can think of intercepting witnesses, but the Eighth Prince can't think of it? As for where the interceptor came from, what is there to care about."

Ruthless Man's eyes lit up, and he said in surprise: "Dad is wise. Since we know that the Eighth Prince will definitely go and kill him, then we just need to wait and see, and then we can find the envoy. I will go there early tomorrow morning. Remind the Seventh Prince, let him send some people to secretly protect him, come with a mantis to catch the cicadas, and the oriole is behind."

Yuxin said: "Don't you want to participate in the battle of the crown prince? If you go directly to the seventh prince, I am afraid that it will attract suspicion from others. Tomorrow is the day of the Lingbao trading conference, the seventh prince will definitely go, and let Nalan Ruo go. Xue can help you arrange it, which can save a lot of unnecessary trouble."

The ruthless man thought for a while, then nodded and said, "This idea is good, then go to the auction first. I happen to have [-] king-grade spirit stones sent by Cao Zhengming. Maybe I can buy useful treasures." .net

Yu Xin said briskly: "Today, my father took action at the Alchemy Branch and robbed many of the treasures from those powerful people in the holy realm, and there was even an emperor-grade Shuiyun emperor stone. I will auction the other treasures tomorrow, plus the big sister. The [-] King-grade Spirit Stones from him should be able to be exchanged for a set of materials for making the Emperor-grade Divine Sword.”

"Imperial sword?"

The ruthless man thought of the Jidao Emperor Sword at the bottom of the Beihai Emperor Sword Lake. Although ordinary imperial soldiers were far inferior to Jidao emperor soldiers, they were also precious. At least she had not heard of any ancient sect that possessed imperial soldiers.

There are two major difficulties in forging such treasures. First, the materials are difficult to obtain. Any material needs to be obtained by going deep into those dangerous areas.The second is that it is difficult to find a refiner, and it has not been a long time since the imperial refiner appeared in the mainland.

However, this Lingbao trading conference is claimed to be the most grand one in hundreds of years. In order to trade the desired treasures, many big people will take out the treasures at the bottom of the press box and collect the materials for a set of imperial swords. possible things.

Thinking of this, even with the heart of a ruthless man, he couldn't help but look forward to it.

The next day, the sun was shining brightly, and the Lingbao Trading Conference came as scheduled.

The crowds of people in the holy capital are surging, and the great saints and kings can be seen everywhere. Even as a local citizen of the holy capital, it is rare to see such a grand event. The streets and alleys sit together and talk a lot.

"Surely the world is coming. Those old monsters who have been hiding in the mountains and forests for many years have all run out. I never knew that there were such strong people on the mainland."

The ruthless man stood in the hanging pavilion on the top floor and released his soul perception. He felt the breath of more than a dozen great saints in an instant, and he couldn't help but be speechless.

Nalan Ruoxue said softly: "This grand occasion also exceeded the expectations of Lingbao Pavilion, although a large number of people have been transferred from Beihai Alliance at a faster speed, and the auction has been divided into four parts: Heaven, Earth, Xuan, and Huang. The auction is isolated in this area, but it is still a bit stretched. Especially in the heaven-level auction area, there are too many great saints, and the fish and dragons are mixed. If someone destroys it, the consequences are unimaginable. "

After speaking, Nalan Ruoxue couldn't help showing a worried expression. The party presiding over the auction did not have complete control over the auction. This was a very bad thing and made her a little uneasy.

Zhang Tian said in a low voice: "Don't worry, with this emperor sitting here, you can suppress all Xiao Xiao."

"Senior Zhang is willing to help? That's great."

Nalan Ruoxue took a step forward and said excitedly, a scent of zhilan body rushed to her face.

Having Zhang Tian, ​​the half-step emperor in charge, can not only shock and deter the great saints from all directions, but also greatly enhance the reputation of Lingbao Pavilion. , , .

Chapter 379 Zhang Tian makes another move, the emperor sweeps ten directions

Zhang Tiandao: "It's just a matter of raising a hand."

Nalan Ruoxue said: "Senior Zhang, don't worry, if you really bother you, after the auction, Lingbao Pavilion will definitely thank you."

Zi Yan jumped to the front and said disdainfully: "What is there in your Lingbao Pavilion that can make my dad fancy?"

"This..." Nalan Ruoxue showed a touch of embarrassment.

"Hey, I don't think you want it, so let's make a promise. You still have some good looks and a good figure. Only this reward is so-so."

There was a sly look in Zi Yan's eyes, and she said with a bad smile.

Nalan Ruoxue is pure and clean, no one has ever made such a joke with her, and her face flushed immediately, she glanced at Zhang Tian secretly, seeing that the other party was indifferent, she felt a sense of loss inexplicably.

"The auction is about to start, I'll go down and prepare first."

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