Nalan Ruoxue concealed her expression without a trace and withdrew.

"You girl, don't make such jokes in the future."

Zhang Tian flicked Zi Yan's forehead angrily, and she cried out in pain.

"Why? Could it be that Dad doesn't like Nalan Ruoxue? She is honorably called 'Xue Fei'. I don't know how many people want to kiss Fangze. I'm helping Dad!"

Zi Yan looked like a little adult, arguing unconvincingly.

Zhang Tian was speechless for a while, he was the supreme emperor of heaven, peerless and peerless. He had never seen any fairies or goddesses in the Nine Great Mountains and Seas. Even though his appearance was limited, the fairies and goddesses were towering in nature and exuded immortal rhythm and charm, how could they be ordinary women? the atmosphere can be compared.

In his eyes, a goddess such as Nalan Ruoxue recognized by the world will at most make him a little brighter, that's all.

However, this little girl Zi Yan is too embarrassing. If I don't give her a satisfactory explanation, I'm afraid it will be endless. Zhang Tian pressed his eyebrows, suddenly had an idea, looked at a few daughters and smiled: "It can make Dad interested. A woman, at least at your level."

Ruthless and Yuxin heard that their faces were flushed, and they quickly looked away, but Zi Yan was very happy, and suddenly jumped on Zhang Tian, ​​and said softly: "Zi Yan also likes Dad the most."

After finishing speaking, Zi Yan held her pink mouth and pressed it directly towards Zhang Tian, ​​the two petals touching each other warmly, and the naughty little tongue got into his mouth when Zhang Tian was not paying attention. , making waves, all kinds of trouble.

"Yeah, third sister, what are you doing, come down quickly!"

Seeing Zi Yan's bold actions, the ruthless Yu Xin was shocked and hurried forward to pull her down.

"Giggle, it's really interesting, the eldest sister and the second sister also try it, it's fun."

Zi Yan sat on Zhang Tian's lap, her two black and beautiful eyes squinted into crescent shapes, looking very playful and cute, making the two sisters shy and angry, helpless.

"Everyone, the heaven-level regional auction will officially start now."

Standing on the shining central platform, Nalan Ruoxue's slightly nervous voice came.Biquge vp

Because there are too many people participating in the Lingbao Trading Conference, and the level of the treasures varies greatly, as a last resort, the Lingbao Pavilion can only activate the spare space and divide the entire auction into four areas: heaven, earth, Xuan, and yellow. conduct an auction.

Anyone who can participate in the heaven-level auction must at least have the realm of a great saint. With so many great saints around, even Nalan Ruoxue, who has seen many big scenes, can't help but feel turbulent.You must know that among these people, there are a few of them with monstrous backgrounds, and even the Beihai Alliance dare not provoke them.

"Xia Nalan Ruoxue is the auctioneer of this auction. I hope everyone will be satisfied."

Nalan Ruoxue, who had been in battle for a long time, quickly suppressed her nervousness, showing a charming smile, and the sound of nature played in the audience.

"Oh? What a beautiful girl."

"I've heard for a long time that there are so many beautiful women in the North Sea, and when I see it today, it really lives up to its reputation."

"This woman's aura is translucent. If you use it as a cauldron, the old man's phoenix skill will be greatly improved."

There was a commotion in the heaven-level auction area. These great sages came from all over the continent. They were all overlords. They didn't know Nalan Ruoxue's background. , and dozens of tyrannical wills swept across the stage recklessly.


Several great saints of Lingbao Pavilion hidden in the dark all showed anger, and each released a powerful consciousness to compete, and suddenly there was a muffled thunder in the void.

Although these great sages who participated in the auction did not know each other, but they were experienced and experienced, they soon joined hands tacitly, and instantly shattered the guardian will of the great sage of Lingbao Pavilion with absolutely tyrannical power.

"Puff puff……"

In the dark corner, several Great Sages of Lingbao Pavilion took a few steps backwards in a row, spewing a mouthful of blood, and the souls fought, seemingly invisible, but in fact the most dangerous, just shocking them is already the lightest consequence, If they cut off the source of the soul, their cultivation will drop a lot, and if it is serious, they will be confused.

"Ha ha……"

Victory in the confrontation, unbridled laughter emanated from the suspended buildings everywhere, the tyrannical will of the saints swept towards Nalan Ruoxue again, such a beautiful beauty, the flower of the North Sea, made these big men who were used to domineering couldn't bear it. Live to be light.

Feeling the will of these ill-intentioned saints, Nalan Ruoxue's unparalleled face was immediately covered with frost, and said coldly: "My dear guests, the little girl just forgot to remind, in order to maintain the order of the heavenly auction area, This pavilion specially invited the half-step emperor Zhang predecessors to sit in the auction hall, if anyone tries to disrupt the order, don’t blame my Lingbao Pavilion for being ruthless.”


The wanton laughter in the suspended building stopped abruptly, and was replaced by panic.

In the next instant, an extremely powerful imperial prestige came crashing down, sweeping across the ten directions, covering the auction venue, as if Tiandao had personally shot, all those who tried to intrude on Nalan Ruoxue's imperial will were shaken and shattered.

A wisp of imperial power instantly crushed the will of more than [-] great saints.

"Ah ah ah..."

A series of heart-piercing screams emanated from the various suspended pavilions, making those Great Sages who did not participate in the trouble also feel their scalps numb and shiver.

It's so terrifying, so powerful, it's comparable to a god. , , .

Chapter 380 The Emperor's Language Shocks, Mentions the Seventh Prince

"This is just a warning, this emperor is here, if there is another life incident, kill me!"

In the hanging pavilion where Zhang Tian was, a dull voice came out, but all the great saints couldn't help but shudder in their hearts.

In the past few days, Zhang Tian's name of the God of Killing can be said to have spread all over the Holy Capital. No matter who provokes him, he will be killed in one move, and he will never use the second move, even if it is a strong man at the Holy Master level.

Those great sages whose souls have been injured can only grit their teeth and swallow the bitter fruit at this time, and dare not complain at all. Too many lessons from the past have made them understand one truth, that is, they must not provoke Zhang Tian!

Seeing that the hanging attics were all honest, Zhang Tian showed satisfaction, hugged Zi Yan's slender waist, and said casually: "The auction will begin."

On the central platform, Nalan Ruoxue let out a long sigh of relief. Her gratitude to Zhang Tian was indescribable. She dared not imagine how bad the situation would be without Zhang Tian. The hard work invested in Lingbao Pavilion will be wasted.

"Senior Zhang, thank you."

Looking at the hanging pavilion where Zhang Tian was, Nalan Ruoxue murmured softly.

The auction has officially started.

Ruthless and Yuxin's eyes widened, not daring to miss an auction item.

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