Yuxin said: "The seventh prince is a shrewd person, and he should follow the advice of the elder sister and send a master to respond, but King Jinghai is too important to the eighth prince's camp. I am afraid that the other party will stop and kill it regardless, and the result is still unpredictable."

The ruthless man nodded. It was like a race between a cheetah and an elk. If the cheetah lost, it was just starving, and it was difficult to stimulate its potential.And if the elk loses, there is only one dead end, so he will definitely do his best.Bibi eBook www.bibitxtxs.com

Because of this, although the cheetah is faster, the elk will often outperform in the end.Now the Eighth Prince's camp is like an elk, no one can guess what trump cards will be played in a life-and-death crisis.

"What should be reminded has been reminded, and the rest will just wait and see."

Ruthless said that, she is not particularly nervous, because in addition to these few witnesses, she has another trump card, which can also kill King Jing Hai!

Yu Xin showed a brooding look, and immediately said goodbye to the ruthless person calmly and returned to her wing.

"Connect to the Zhongzhou Branch of the Soul Palace and issue a mission!"

In the dimly lit room, Yu Xin took out the identity token of the Soul Palace and successfully activated it, with a little nervousness on her face.

"Task type: Blocking task. Task level: Eight stars. Task content: Secretly protect several witnesses in serious cases and stop the assassins who came to intercept and kill. Task reward: [-] pieces of nine-pattern and four-grade spirits that can improve their cultivation. Dan. Mission time limit: three days."

Yu Xin filled it out carefully. According to her understanding of the Soul Temple quest system, the eight-star quest is enough to attract ordinary holy realm powerhouses. As for the rewarded elixir, she refined it in order to improve her alchemy skills when she was in Beihai. of.

At that time, thousands of elixir were refined, and the lowest one was the Qidan pattern. Although most of them were entrusted to Lingbao Pavilion for sale, she kept all the elixir of the Jiudan pattern. use.

"Ding, mission passed."

Hearing this mechanical voice, Yuxin couldn't help showing a touch of joy, and then she moved the panel to the task receiving interface, and she saw the task she just released. Hundreds of elixir, each team member gets twenty elixir, and the remaining sixty are taken as a percentage of the Soul Palace.

"Apply for Captain!"

"Ding, the application is approved, please organize team members to complete the task as soon as possible."

Yu Xin let out a long sigh, showing joy.

Normally, the killers in the various sub-halls of the Soul Palace do not communicate with each other, that is to say, they cannot receive tasks across the sub-halls, but her authority is somehow very high, not only can she ignore the barriers of the sub-hall, but also ignore the killer. Level of access to any mission.

After waiting for another half an hour, the [-] killer team members were finally assembled. With the permission of the captain, Yu Xin was pleasantly surprised to find that there were actually three great saints, seven half saints, and ten remaining team members who took over the task this time. They are also the top kings of the Nine Transformations of the Legendary Realm 'immortal transformation', which shows how powerful the attraction of the Nine Marks is.

"All the killers, gather in the dense forest thirty miles away from Yangping Pass - Captain Bianhua."

The night was heavy, and the lights of ten thousand houses in the holy capital were bright, illuminating a huge city as bright as day. Only the edge of the water chestnut was dark and invisible.

Yu Xin was fully armed, her whole body was wrapped in the black robe of the Soul Palace, and she quickly danced between the shadows, like a night elf. , stretch the branches and leaves, blooming brilliant colors.

Beautiful, but deadly! , , .

Chapter 382 Ye Mei is unparalleled, the wind king Bai Yu

In the dense forest outside Yangping Pass, it was dark and dark, and a wind shadow suddenly came, and said in a hoarse voice: "Come out."


The ripples vibrated in the void, and twenty figures in black robes appeared in all directions, and said in unison, "I have seen the captain."

These voices included males and females, old and young. Although they all stared at Yuxin in the center, no one reached out to explore her cultivation. This is the most basic rule.

Yu Xin nodded slightly and continued: "The mission this time is to snipe the enemy, so you have to stay hidden all the way. How to act, follow my instructions!"


All the killers responded and hid in the darkness again.

Early the next morning, the convoy of the General's Mansion drove out of Yangping Pass in a mighty manner, heading towards the Holy City.

These guards and armored soldiers were exceptionally elite. Obviously, they were all warriors on the battlefield. They seemed to have a premonition that something big would happen, and they were extremely vigilant.


There are dense forests and leaves in the mountain road, and birds are startled from time to time, but it is very quiet, and even the fine sound of feet stepping on fallen leaves can be clearly heard.

The hearts of each of the guards were extremely heavy. They pressed their hands on the hilt of the sword, and their intuition told them that there would be a fierce battle.


There was a loud shout from the guards, and at the same time, a sharp whistle suddenly sounded in the jungle opposite the small river, followed by the shaking of branches and leaves, the bombardment of the void, and the water column on the originally calm river. The masked assassin from Green Water rose up into the sky and came towards the convoy.

"Enemy attack! Enemy attack!"

The two teams converged and the battle broke out.

One team was desperately charging, and the other team was desperately defending. The brutality of the killing was beyond words, but this battle was only a microcosm of the conspiracy of the lower layers of the jungle.

There are at least three teams of people, hiding in the dark, silently watching all this, not to mention those suspicious birds hovering over the battlefield, extremely abnormal.

"Don't speak up, these assassins are just the first wave of enemies."

Yu Xin didn't know which ancient tree was hiding. On the one hand, she sent a voice transmission to the killers of the Soul Palace, while on the other hand, she kept an eye on the surroundings of the battlefield. With the help of Qingdi's spiritual transformation, she had already turned hundreds of kilometers of vegetation into her own. His eyes and ears could clearly distinguish the hiding places of the other teams.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

One of the guards, an ordinary big man suddenly broke out, his blood rushing into the night, and with his violent and boundless physical strength, he instantly killed more than a dozen green-robed assassins.

But seeing that he was as mighty as a god of war, his essence rose like wolf smoke, turned into a huge battle axe, rushed into the battle group, and was invincible. With the power of one person, he saved the whole situation and killed those The green-robed assassin was terrified.

Soon, these assassins were killed and lost their courage. They vaguely said something like 'Xiyuan Principal', 'Hu Ben Sergeant' and so on.

"Don't chase, to prevent the tiger from leaving the mountain, and continue to advance to the Holy City!"

The big man with the giant axe said something.

Seeing those green-clothed assassins fleeing, Yan Cheng, who came to protect him at the order of the Seventh Prince, couldn't sit still. He secretly said, "Seven Star Guards, divide into three teams, keep up with these assassins, and be careful not to startle the snakes."

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