However, Yan Cheng didn't realize that just as the Seven Star Guards were dispatched, a few inconspicuous birds followed behind each team, silently staring at them silently.

"Hehe, the mantis catches the cicada, and the oriole is behind, this scene is really interesting, captain, what should we do next?"

A soul hall killer let out a playful chuckle. He was a saint-level killer. He had been killed for a long time, and was most sensitive to murderous aura. He had already felt that as the green-robed assassins receded, all the breaths of the witnesses lingered. All disappeared without a trace.

"Don't take it lightly, the truly powerful people are still behind."

Yu Xin's voice was flat, she had transformed into a ruthless mode, and through the perception of the surrounding vegetation, she could clearly 'see' that there was a white-clothed shadow coming and going like the wind, frantically hunting those green-clothed assassins and the Seventh Prince's Mansion 's master.

He doesn't have a mask, but his speed is so fast that people can't capture his face. His weapon is also very special. It is a white feather, which is more terrifying than the indestructible magic weapon. He was killed by him alone, and his strength was terrifying.


A huge white bird swept through the air, its wings fluttered, and a large piece of white feathers fell, like falling goose feathers in heavy snow.

Such a vision made many guards unable to help but look up, and some even raised their hands to pick up the feather.

Just when the feather was about to fall on the guards' heads, the giant axe suddenly shouted, "Be careful!"

However, it was too late, an illusory shadow fell from the sky, and the movement was as fast as lightning. Those fluttering white feathers suddenly turned into sharp blades, and those who guarded and armored were weak. Throat crossed.

And the shadow ran to the back of the giant axe from a very incredible angle, and his right hand swept towards his stamina as fast as lightning. In the palm of his hand, a feather was boundless.

Until then, Yu Xin could not really see the person's appearance, but seeing his sharp brows and sharp eyes, his face was sharp and angular, he looked very young, but the depth and indifference in his eyes revealed the vicissitudes of his life, and he killed him in a row. There were so many people, but he didn't show any emotion, as if it was carved out of ice.


The giant axe let out a scream, and although he leaned down at the most critical moment, the feather cut a scary scar on his back, and his flesh was blurred.

The white-clothed man had a cold look in his eyes, and was about to continue his attack when a sharp and harsh sound of breaking through the air suddenly exploded. The divine arrow was like a rainbow, piercing through the clouds, and shot directly at the face of the white-clothed man.


The arrow burst and shredded the man in white directly, but it was just an afterimage.

"There are twenty-four guests in Xiyuan, and one person can be a million soldiers. I didn't expect the general to be so cautious and escort a few witnesses, but he dispatched two famous captains of Xiyuan."

The voice of the man in white reverberated in the forest, as if it came from all directions, there were jokes and mockery, as if he was playing with chickens and falcons.

A slender man with a bow and arrow on his back ran to the giant axe man and pulled him up, but his eyes were fixed on the four directions, and his voice was indifferent:

"Like maggots attached to the bones, like a shadow, the night charm is unparalleled, the wind king Bai Yu, I didn't expect that you are still alive." ,, ..

Chapter 383 Zhang Tian's Visit to Yanliu Lane

"Haha, of course I'm still alive. I've gone through countless hardships and tasted all kinds of bitterness, in order to see the light of day again and take revenge on those of you who claim to be the imperial dynasty!"

Bai Yu's voice suddenly became extremely cold, the sun was hidden behind the clouds, and countless maple leaves rustled.


The cold light suddenly appeared, like lightning piercing the sky, and came to the back of the two Xiyuan captains in an instant. Two white feathers appeared in his palms and stabbed the two Xiyuan captains.

"You are too careless!"

The giant axe shouted loudly, and a golden shield rose up from his body, resisting the two feathers. To Bai Yu's waist.

call out!

At the critical moment, Bai Yu chose to avoid it again, turning into several afterimages and fleeing backwards.

"Where are you going!"

The slender captain took off the longbow, and fired seven arrows in a row, each with a powerful force, tearing apart an afterimage, but unfortunately none of them were real.

"Captain Hu Ben and Captain Po Jun are indeed well-deserved, and I will settle accounts with you another day. I have accepted these few people in Bai Yu."

"No, his goal is to be a witness, hurry up and protect it!"

The shriveled Captain Po Jun immediately took out the jade talisman to activate the seal while giving orders.As soon as this signal came out, it would not be long before reinforcements from the General's Mansion arrived.

"Hehe, the person I want to kill, no one can survive."

A gust of sand swept through, and several soldiers who rushed to the guard were all torn to pieces.


At the critical moment, Yu Xin finally gave an order, twenty soul palace killers attacked at the same time, and the three great saint killers blocked the void, causing Bai Yu's movement speed to drop a lot.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

When the war resumed, Bai Yu did not expect that there was still a force spying on him, and he was caught off guard and suddenly fell into the siege. However, his cultivation was profound, and even if he was surrounded by a group of killers, he still seemed to be able to handle it with ease.

"Remember, my mission is only to protect the witness, don't take the initiative to pursue it. Just stop Bai Yu from approaching the witness and wait for the guards of the General's Mansion to arrive!"

Yu Xin issued orders calmly, directly abolishing Bai Yu's most proud body technique, they were like an iron wall, blocking Bai Yu and the witnesses.

On the other side, Captain Hu Ben and Captain Po Jun were also relieved. Although they didn't fully trust the Soul Palace Killer, they could only choose to join forces at this moment.

After the siege of two more senior captains in the West Garden, even though he was as strong as a white feather, he was still under pressure. The muddy void made his movement skills no longer come and go, and he soon fell into a hard fight.

Half an hour later, the sound of galloping horses' hooves suddenly came from a distance, and before it got close, a mighty voice came from afar: "He Fang Xiaoxiao, dare to make trouble in the holy capital!"

When the words fell, the army had rushed to the front, not the soldiers in the General's mansion, but the forbidden army responsible for guarding the capital. The leader was General Mengwu.

"Soul Palace Killer? You really are so daring, how dare you make trouble at the feet of the emperor and take it down for me!" Read the novel

With a big wave of Meng Wu's hand, the soldiers in the rear immediately rushed forward like tigers and wolves.The army of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty sits on the Quartet, relying on a powerful army formation, the smallest army formation, dozens of soldiers can form an formation, but they can surround and kill martial arts masters far stronger than them, not to mention these banned troops. Possesses extraordinary martial arts.

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