"The mission is over, withdraw!"

Yu Xin gave an order calmly, and all the killers of the Soul Palace immediately scattered in all directions. Bai Yu, who had no way to escape, also took advantage of the chaos of the conflict between the Imperial Army and the guards of the General's Mansion, and got out and ran away quickly.

However, Bai Yu could not have imagined that there was a shadow falling far behind him.

Although Yu Xin's cultivation level has not yet reached the Holy Land, but with the help of the three thousand thunders, she is extremely fast, and with the help of the grass and trees along the way, she is able to keep up with Bai Yu. She wants to see, this is Where are people sent from.

I don't know how long after chasing, the two entered the holy capital one after the other, and finally stopped in front of a very charming long street.

"This is... listening to perfume?"

Looking at the name on the plaque of the luxuriously decorated building, Yu Xin frowned slightly, not expecting that Bai Yu's ultimate goal would be this place.

Even pure as she is, she knows what Yanliuxiang in such a prosperous city does.

After a little hesitation, Yu Xin decided to take a closer look. She flashed her figure, slipped in through an empty window on the top floor, and hid on the porch.

"Looking at your face, the mission should not be successful, right? Could it be that after staying in the dungeon for a long time, even the movement skills have also declined?"

"Hmph, I was fortunate enough to be able to escape with two West Garden captains and a group of soul palace killers to stop me. Besides, why should we work for that bullshit prince?"

"Calm down, I haven't found out the exact place where the crown prince is imprisoned. We must use the power of the eighth prince to wait until..."

"At that time, our Nanmaru was prosperous and powerful, but it was..."

The voice of the two people in the room was getting lower and lower, Yu Xin couldn't help letting go of a ray of soul, but she didn't want to be instantly insightful.

"Who is eavesdropping outside!"

When the voice fell, the door of the wing was directly broken open, and Mu Qiluo stepped out from the walk with a cold expression, glanced left and right, and quickly chased downstairs.

At this time, she was extremely nervous, secretly thinking that she had made such a serious mistake. If this conversation leaked out, her plan would be completely lost.

Downstairs, singing and dancing were flourishing, feasting and feasting. Countless noble-dressed sons and wealthy businessmen embraced all the charming and charming beauties, looking for fun.

Mu Qiluo didn't have time to pay attention to it, she swept through the crowd and glanced at her eyes. She expected that the man would not dare to use his body technique, and he must still be hiding in the crowd.

"is her!"

Suddenly, Mu Qiluo's eyes lit up, staring at Yu Xin's back, she was about to chase, but she didn't want a huge force suddenly coming from the side, pulling her arm, she was caught off guard, and she fell into the ground. In a masculine embrace.

"Bold, let go!"

Mu Qiluo was shocked and angry, her jade face was frosty, she rolled up her sleeves and swept towards the frivolous person who dared to embrace her.

"What? Listen to the perfume in the pavilion, are there any women that the emperor can't touch?"

Zhang Tian sat on the chair, holding Mu Qiluo's jade hand that hit his throat with one hand, while the other hand gently lifted Mu Qiluo's snow jaws, and asked with an evil face. , , .

Chapter 384 What If Ben Emperor Wants You?

"you you……"

Mu Qiluo's cheeks were blushing, but her eyes were full of shock. With her cultivation, she had no power to fight back against this person's imprisonment.

"I've heard for a long time that the fragrance pavilion is the most prosperous brothel in the ten-mile Fengyue Long Street. This emperor was a little disappointed. I didn't expect a beautiful woman like you. It's a worthwhile trip. This emperor wants you tonight."

Zhang Tian's movements are skilled, like a prodigal son who has been through the wind and moon, with a domineering tone, the hand that originally carried Mu Qiluo also followed the trend, stroking her cheeks that were carved from flawless white jade, only feeling like stroking silk , slightly cool, refreshing the heart and spleen.

Mu Qiluo was originally a person with a long history, with a distinguished status and as glamorous as an iceberg. Because of the desire for revenge, he has been hiding in the holy capital. The establishment of a smoky willow place like Tingxiangxie is also to hide people's eyes and eyes and collect information. He has always been Xianchen. Not stained.

Now he was suddenly taken into his arms, even wanton and frivolous, and the humiliation in his heart has erupted like a volcano.

But the hand that imprisoned her was like a chain of order. It was indestructible and could not be shaken in the slightest. It made her struggle from frantic struggle and gradually calmed down.Even if the Holy Master existed, it would never be possible to imprison her to such a degree that this person's strength was already so strong that she could not guess.

Half-step king!

Only the half-step emperor who surpassed the holy realm can have such a crushing strength.


Just as Mu Qiluo's heart was turning back and forth, Zhang Tian's big hand had already stroked back and forth, and he went down the snow neck and untied a button on her robe.

"No, no! Seniors please stop!"

Xue Run's first appearance, the beauty is like a short-lived flower, and Mu Qiluo wakes up suddenly. For the first time in her life, she revealed her true feelings and cried out in shame.

"don't want?"

The corner of Zhang Tian's eyes caught Yuxin's smooth escape, so he let go of his hand and said in a low voice, "Could this emperor misunderstand, this is not a place for pleasure? Or, do you think this emperor can't touch you? ?"

Mu Qiluo's hands were freed, and she couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and quickly explained: "Senior misunderstood, although this is the place of Fengyue, the concubine body is not a happy woman. If the senior does not dislike it, the concubine body can make Shuixie the most beautiful. The famous plum orchid, bamboo and chrysanthemum came to serve."

After speaking, Mu Qiluo wanted to get off Zhang Tian's body, but only halfway through, the slender waist that could not be grasped was embraced by Zhang Tian, ​​bringing the distance between the two even closer.

"What if the emperor wants you?"

Zhang Tian's voice rang softly in Mu Qiluo's ears, and there was a breath of pure yang lingering in her mouth and nose.

Seeing Mu Qiluo blushing and not speaking, Zhang Tian moved slightly, his palms like a nimble swimming fish, he unbuttoned her three buttons in the blink of an eye, and drilled in through the gap in the inner lining, suddenly, a warm The extreme touch runs down the palm of the hand to the heart.

"No, senior please do it automatically, this is the property of the Eighth Prince, and the little girl is just taking care of it."

In the panic, Mu Qiluo didn't care about other things, and directly threw out the unknown relationship of the Eighth Prince, intending to shock.Love my novel www.25xs8.com

"Oh? Do you think this emperor will care about the eighth prince?"

Zhang Tian took a step closer, less than three inches away from Mu Qiluo's beautiful face, the two sides were exchanging breaths, extremely ambiguous.

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