Mu Qiluo's snow body trembled slightly, with a hint of suffocation in his eyes, and said in a cold tone: "If senior insists on being frivolous, Qiluo promises that senior will pay a heavy price!"

"Interesting, the woman that this emperor wants, even if the immortal world is subverted and the nine mountains and seas are destroyed, it will not be shaken. What are your words of threat?"

There was a smile in Zhang Tian's eyes, and when the voice fell, he leaned down, directly covering Mu Qiluo's red lips, wantonly attacking the city and plundering the ground.

long time, lips

Mu Qiluo was completely sluggish, and it took a long time for her to react. When she looked around with humiliation, she found that Zhang Tian had long since disappeared, as if everything was just a dream just now, only a wisp that had not dissipated on the corner of her lips. The temperature reminded her that it was not a dream. There was really a person who dominated her regardless of her resistance.

"Sect Master, what happened just now?"

A lithe and beautiful maid approached and said cautiously and respectfully.

"No, nothing."

Mu Qiluo tidied up the scattered clothes without a trace, stared at the starry sky outside the door, and commanded coldly, "Tell me all the information about the big people who have recently appeared in the Holy City, and use the fastest speed!"

"Yes, Sect Master."

The beautiful maids walked away neatly.

Mu Qiluo stroked the corners of her lips, but her eyes were cold, and she whispered softly, "No matter who you are or where you are, I will be ashamed of today!"

The bright moonlight illuminated the earth, and Zhang Tian slowly headed towards the bloody Marquis mansion. After he entered the mansion gate, a servant immediately informed him that dinner was ready and asked him to go to the main hall for dinner.

"Senior Zhang, please take a seat."

Seeing Zhang Tian walk in, Fang Lin and Fang Yin's mother, Mrs. Xianglian, immediately stood up and helped Zhang Tian pull the chair away.

Halfway through the meal, Yu Xin suddenly said, "Mrs. Xianglian has lived in the Holy City for a long time, she is well-informed, do you know the place 'Nanmaru'?"

Madam Xianglian was shocked when she heard the words, and the rice bowl in her hand fell to the ground, shattering into pieces.

"Oh, I'm not careful, you guys continue to eat, I'll ask someone to clean up."

Madam Xianglian hurriedly stood up and walked out without waiting for everyone to react.

Fang Lin looked strangely at the back of his mother leaving, and said, "I know a little about Nanmarsh, it is a vast land north of the Southern Wilderness. Garrison management. Therefore, the first emperor named a local native leader as the king of Nanzuma, and managed the Nanzuma area. I went on a personal expedition and led a large army to destroy the South Marsh Kingdom. My father and the eighth prince were both on the expedition at that time." ,, .

Chapter 385 Zhang Tian taught the emperor's mind

Yuxin said: "I heard that there are four generals in the South Marsh, Fenghuo, Linshan, and the four generals. They are capable of acting independently. In addition to the harsh environment, this battle must be extremely difficult, right?"

Fang Lindao: "When I fought in Nanmaru, I was not yet born, but I occasionally heard from my father that because of the sudden arrival of the imperial army, there was almost no countermeasures in Nanmaru, so the battle ended soon, the Nanmaru kingdom was destroyed, and the remnants were left behind. After moving westward to become a slave, the emperor changed the terrain of Nanmaru with his supernatural powers, established Nanmaru Mansion, and officially incorporated this area into the ruling territory of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty."

Ruthless said strangely: "Since this Nanmaru is going to rebel, why is there no countermeasures?"

Fang Lin showed a hint of hesitation, looked left and right, and whispered: "This matter is a secret, I also heard about it from my father when he was drunk. It is said that the reason that Nanmaru was going to rebel was because a Nanmaru was important. The characters tipped off the news. Because of the tight time, the court did not have time to make more judgments, and directly chose to strike first. However, during the war, there were various signs that the upper and lower Nanzuma Kingdom were unaware of the rebellion, but the war had already started, and it was a human being. The emperor is driving the expedition in person, so I can only make mistakes..."

Yuxin exclaimed: "It's wrong to be wrong? So, all the citizens of Nanquan Country have been wrongly killed? Since they know it's wrong, why are they still turning Nanquan's survivors into slaves?"

Fang Lin sighed: "That battle was the biggest mistake my father made in his life, and he often regretted it secretly. But the state is important, right and wrong are sometimes not important. The emperor decided to turn that battle into a just crusade, even if it was me. Father has the heart, but he is unable to reverse the case for those Nanmaru survivors."

After dinner, Zhang Tian's family returned to their small courtyard. Ruthless asked curiously, "Second sister disappeared today, where did you go? Why are you suddenly interested in Nanmaru?"

Yuxin didn't hide it, omitting the murder of the Soul Palace, and only said that she followed Bai Yu all the way into the listening perfume pavilion, and overheard a conversation.

After hearing this, Ruthless Man was very shocked and said: "Second sister, you are too bold, that wind king Bai Yu, who is the best in the world, is a famous top master in the mainland, next time, don't take it with you. I'm in danger. But it's hard to imagine that Bai Yu, a remnant of Nanmaru, would actually do things for the Eighth Prince, knowing that the Eighth Prince was one of the executioners back then."

Yu Xin said softly: "I heard the tone of the two people, it seems that they are not really serving the Eighth Prince, I am afraid they have other plans."

The ruthless man nodded and said, "The remnants of Nanmaru and the Ancestor Dynasty have a revenge for the country's subjugation. I'm afraid they have a big plan. But these things have nothing to do with us, as long as those few witnesses enter the capital smoothly, the next step is to Fight for the right of presiding over this case. If you get the right to be the presiding judge, plus the testimony of those few witnesses, King Jinghai will surely die!"

Zhang Tian sipped his tea and quietly listened to the discussion between his two daughters. After they finished speaking, he said calmly: "Nangnan, you have exercised for the past two years, and you have quite a lot of experience in battles in rivers and lakes. On the other hand, it is still a bit too naive, and this matter is not as simple as you think."

The ruthless man frowned and said, "Shouldn't we fight for this presiding authority? If this presiding authority falls to the Eighth Prince, wouldn't it be possible for them to control it?"

Zhang Tiandao: "King Jinghai is a member of the Eighth Prince's camp, and it is precisely the seventh prince who exposed the King Jinghai case. In the eyes of the people of Shengdu, the case is more like a party dispute. Right or wrong doesn't matter, only the result matters. But there is one person who wants the truth."

The ruthless man looked thoughtful, and immediately said in shock: "Dad is referring to the emperor?"

"That's right, King Jinghai is one of the eight kings with different surnames in the Holy Ancestor Dynasty, and plays a pivotal role. The Emperor will never tolerate such characters colluding with alien races, and similarly, he will not tolerate anyone who is guilty of slandering. So, no matter who is the master In the trial of this case, under the supervision of the emperor, everyone must uphold justice and dare not make the slightest move. On the contrary, the other party will not have such scruples."

Zhang Tian patiently analyzed the ruthless people a little bit. He had high hopes for the ruthless people. In the future, the situation will be ten thousand times more complicated than this.I love novels

The ruthless man was very smart, and he quickly understood what Zhang Tian meant, nodded and said, "So it is, because the emperor is supervised, the person who presides over this case is equivalent to being put on a shackle, which is harmful and not beneficial."

Yuxin said: "We all know that King Jinghai colluded with the Kraken clan for the truth, so we can hand over the case to someone from the Eighth Prince's camp to preside over the trial. In this way, even if he really has a way to overturn the case, I am afraid he will not dare to sentence King Jinghai. Not guilty. Otherwise, the matter will be exposed, and the crime of a fellow party will be suppressed, even if he is a prince, he can't bear it."

Zi Yan stroked her palm and said, "This method is good, let them judge themselves and mad at them!"

The ruthless man said with a smile: "It's still wise Dad, I'll call the Seventh Prince and ask him to cede the presiding authority."

After speaking, the ruthless man walked directly to the door.

Zhang Tian looked at the back of Ruthless Man leaving, and shook his head secretly. He didn't think Ruthless Man's advice would be accepted, but he didn't remind him again that the improvement of the emperor's ingenuity did not happen overnight. Learn from failure.

At this time, in the mansion of the Seventh Prince, there was a staggered crowd, and the officials of the camp sat next to each other, and everyone was flushed and excited.

A young official said loudly: "Now that the witness has been accepted by Dali Temple, as long as we win the right to preside over from the Emperor, the big thing will be settled!"

Another official said: "When King Jinghai dies, the Eighth Prince will lose his arm, and his influence in the military will drop to a freezing point, and he will no longer be able to compete with us!"

The seventh prince has always been calm and reserved. At this time, he couldn't help but smile. He nodded and said, "Tomorrow morning, this prince will enter the palace to see the father and emperor, and strive to win the presiding over the trial of King Jinghai's case."

Just then, an attendant stepped forward and handed the Seventh Prince a letter.

After the seventh prince finished reading, he frowned slightly. When everyone asked why, they only listened to him: "Zhang Ruren advised me to give up the trial of King Jinghai, and asked me to recommend the eighth prince to my father as the chief trial judge."

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