
All the officials showed stunned expressions, and repeatedly discouraged.

The nineteenth prince took the opportunity to say loudly: "Seventh brother, I will say that this Zhang Ruan is not of the same mind as us, and this presiding authority is absolutely unacceptable, otherwise the tiger will not die, and there will be endless troubles!"

Seeing everyone's collective opposition, the seventh prince was also shaken in his heart, and finally nodded, and burned the ruthless man's letter on the candle. , , .

Chapter 386 I want to see the prince, the quasi-emperor Zhang Tian

The night was shrouded, and the Fengyuechang Street was dimly lit.

Here gathers the prosperity of most of the holy capitals, beautiful women of all ethnic groups, singing and dancing, and all kinds of rare treasures.

Listening to the perfume pavilion stands in the center of Fengyuechang Street. It covers an area of ​​[-] hectares and is prosperous. Every day, there is an endless stream of guests. It is the first brothel in Fengyuechang Street.

The secret of listening to perfumes and attracting customers is very simple. It is a beautiful woman. It has a stunning beauty that any brothel in the Holy City can hardly match.Catch a girl at random, maybe she can't sing, maybe she can't recite poetry or draw pictures, but she must be beautiful!

There may be men in this world who don't like singing and dancing, but there is absolutely no man who doesn't like beautiful women.

A beautiful girl is of course worth a lot, but in this holy city, there is no shortage of high-stakes customers. Such a big money-sucking cave, the annual profit has reached an astounding level.

In the Eighth Prince's Mansion, Mu Qiluo, who is mysterious and beautiful, and is widely used, is the behind-the-scenes boss of Ting Xiangxie. With such an identity, no one dares to make trouble here, and no one dares to collect taxes.

Over the decades, Mu Qiluo has quietly built up a huge underground intelligence network, covering every corner of the Holy City, by virtue of the large amount of wealth he has earned from listening to perfumes.

In the early evening, she was frivolously listened to by Zhang Tian in the perfume pavilion. After the search order was issued, within half an hour, a list with portraits and other information appeared on her desk.

"Zhang Tian, ​​half-step emperor."

Sitting on a chair made of thousand-year-old red sandalwood, Mu Qiluo's eyebrows were knitted together. Unexpectedly, the person who insulted her would be like a thunderous Zhang Tian in the Holy City. This person's power is far more terrifying than the ordinary half-step emperor. .No wonder this person has no scruples about the Eighth Prince, this is definitely not someone the Eighth Prince dares to offend.

"What? Could it be that you have some trouble? As long as you are willing to owe me a favor, I can help you solve it."

The wind king Bai Yu appeared in the corner of the room at an unknown time, with a playful look in his eyes.

Mu Qiluo said calmly: "Okay, kill Zhang Tian for me, it's fine to have as many favors as you want."

"Zhang Tian? That half-step emperor? It is said that he also killed the Black Dragon Demon Emperor. I am afraid that he is a quasi-emperor-level powerhouse. Even the prince may not be his opponent. How could you provoke such a person? But don't be fooled."

Bai Yu was speechless for a while, and the originally casual expression became nervous.

Mu Qiluo showed a look of disdain, breathed out his palms, and smashed the list into ashes, and said coldly: "Hmph, even if it is a quasi-emperor, if you treat me like this, he will have to make him pay the price!"

Having said that, the scenes of Zhang Tian wanton and underestimating her were still circling in her mind, lingering, making her confused, and for the first time in her life, she felt at a loss.

"Sect Master, someone from the Eighth Prince's Mansion told you to go to the Eighth Prince's Mansion immediately."

The cold voice of a beautiful maid came from outside the door.

"I see."

Mu Qiluo rubbed her brows and said helplessly: "I'm afraid the witness has entered the capital. Damn it, at this critical juncture, the Eighth Prince can't collapse."

Bai Yu said coldly, "The Eighth Prince is just a reckless man. Without your plans, there would be no climate today. It is already the limit to persist until now. I advise you to get out in time." .520sodu.com

Mu Qiluo put on the veil and said in deep thought, "It's time to make a break."

In the Eighth Prince's Mansion, Mu Qiluo arrived late, and as expected, the Eighth Prince was furious, and most of the porcelain in the room was smashed.

"Qi Luo, see Your Highness."

Mu Qiluo stood in an inconspicuous corner and said flatly.

"It's over, it's over, the witness has already arrived at Dali Temple, and the presiding judge will be determined tomorrow. King Jinghai is doomed, and this prince is completely defeated."

The eighth prince sat down in the chair in despair, completely losing the aloof majesty he had in the past.

Mu Qiluo said: "If His Highness really gave up, I'm afraid he wouldn't ask Qiluo to come over, right?"

The eighth prince's voice stopped abruptly, and said solemnly: "So far, do you still have any way to turn things around?"

Mu Qiluo said softly: "It's not a good thing to turn things around, but it must be better than the idea of ​​those rubbish under His Royal Highness. If Qiluo is not bad, those people want His Highness to work hard for the chief judge, right?"

The Eighth Prince nodded and sighed: "As of now, I'm afraid this is the only way to go. But it's easier said than done, everyone knows that this prince is close to King Jinghai, so how could the emperor let me be the chief judge? ."

Mu Qiluo said: "If His Highness really becomes the chief judge, then King Jinghai will be doomed. On the contrary, if His Highness elects the seventh prince as the chief judge, Qiluo may have a plan to turn things around!"

"Seriously, what's the plan?"

The eighth prince seemed to have grabbed the last straw and asked excitedly.

Mu Qiluo said: "It is better that Your Highness does not know the specific plan. Qiluo can handle all of them on behalf of His Highness, but there is only one request, and I hope His Highness will approve it."

"What request?"

Mu Qiluo looked directly into the eyes of the eighth prince, and said calmly, "I want to see Prince Nanzuma."

The pupils of the eighth prince suddenly dilated. He was trusted by the emperor for the battle against Nanmaru decades ago.

The so-called spy's report is actually just an excuse. The real reason lies in the Prince Nanmaru. This man's talent is so amazing that he seems to be the reincarnation of an invincible powerhouse. He has broken through to the half-step emperor realm at an extremely fast speed. In order to stifle this hidden danger, he used the pretext of sending troops to Nanmaru to personally suppress Prince Nanmaru. In order to explore his secrets, he has been imprisoned in the depths of the dungeon.

Now Mu Qiluo actually proposed to see the Prince of Nanzuma, which immediately aroused the vigilance of the Eighth Prince.

Mu Qiluo said solemnly: "The battle for the throne, the king or the loser, since the eighth prince has embarked on this road, he can only choose to move forward. Nanzhao may not be your enemy."

She is betting that the eighth prince's desire for the throne is more than the safety of the country. Prince Nanmaru is a murder weapon that is a hundred times more terrifying than the wind king Baiyu. There are thousands of Nanmaru survivors behind him. After ten Jinghai Kings, this is a huge temptation.

"Mu Qiluo... Water and wood become a forest. It turns out that Lin Wang, the four kings of Fenghuo Linshan in Nanzhuo, has always been hidden by this prince. It is no wonder that you have deliberately asked this prince to release Fengwang Baiyu."

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