The eighth prince understood everything in an instant. He slumped on the chair, silent for a long time, and said quietly: "I can let you see Prince Nanzuma, but this is the last time, and it doesn't stop there!" , . . .

Chapter 387 The Emperor's Inspiration!

"Thank you, Your Highness, Qiluo will definitely do her best to help His Highness get through this difficult time."

Mu Qiluo bowed slightly, turned and exited the hall.

Outside the Mansion of the Eighth Prince, the soft sedan chair listening to the fragrance pavilion was waiting. Seeing Mu Qiluo coming out, a beautiful maid immediately greeted her and whispered, "Sect Master, how is the situation?"

Mu Qiluo boarded the soft sedan chair, looked at the bright moon, suddenly raised her hand and took off the veil, revealing a peerless smile, and said softly: "Fortunately, the eighth prince is stupid enough to prepare a generous gift and visit Dali Temple tomorrow. "

Entering the sedan chair, Mu Qiluo first closed his eyes for a while, then the corners of his mouth twitched again, and whispered softly: "Eighth Prince, I have been by your side for decades, and my understanding of you goes deep into the bone marrow. The reason why you promised me to see the crown prince is because the crown prince has been abolished by your royal father and cannot escape, right? Hehe..."

Mu Qiluo chuckled lightly, the storage ring on the index finger of her left hand flickered, and a delicate porcelain bottle appeared in the palm of her hand. When she took off the cork, a gleaming green aura floated out, and the surrounding void immediately burst. Distorted, showing its severe toxicity.

"With this extremely strong poison pill that surpasses the semi-holy level, it is enough to restore the prince's power to sixty percent. Even if the prince's strength can only be used for sixty percent, how can he be trapped? The capital will eventually be overthrown by the blood of Nanmaru..."

If Yu Xin was present, she would find that the poison pill in Mu Qiluo's hand was the semi-holy necromantic pill she had refined. Treasure remnants.

Watching the necromantic pill, Mu Qiluo suddenly became confused, thinking that the person who made this poisonous pill was the daughter of Zhang Tian, ​​who was frivolous with herself, her mood suddenly became worse, and she opened the sedan curtain and let out a breath. , whispered:

"Zhang Tian, ​​two and a half years ago, he suddenly appeared in Donghuang. He killed the Ice Emperor and the Demon Emperor. He was very kind to the Marquis of Tianwu, and his three daughters are all extremely talented. How many secrets are hidden in your body? I will reveal them one by one, and let your true body be revealed to the world."

The next morning, the sky above the Holy City was covered with dark clouds, and even ordinary people could feel the overwhelming thunder brewing in the clouds.

In the important part of the imperial city, the powerful figures of the major capitals gathered in the Qianyuan Hall, looking at the nose and the heart, and did not dare to make a sound.

Finally, a bright yellow figure flashed before the dragon case at the top, and the ministers immediately bowed to the ground.

"Wei Chen, see Your Majesty—"

"My son, see the father--"

The emperor's eyes like the hot sun swept over everyone, and said solemnly: "Be flat."

"Thank you, Your Majesty—"

"Thank you, Father--"

The ministers stood up, and the hall returned to silence.

After a long time, the emperor said: "You are all the ministers of the imperial court. Today, you are called to come here, just for one thing, that is, the case of King Jinghai is about to open, but the presiding judge has not yet decided, can you have any one? Willing to volunteer."

The crowd was silent.

The human emperor swept his gaze from left to right, slapped on Cao Zhengming, and said plainly: "Dali Temple has been in charge of criminal law for many years, and he has been in prison for a high-ranking officer, and he punishes evil cultivators in the rivers and lakes. Would you like to take charge of this case?" Book

Cao Zhengming stepped forward and said: "Wei minister thank you His Majesty for your trust, but King Jinghai is one of the eight kings with different surnames. He is protected by Danshu and iron coupons. The clan cannot supervise, I hope Your Majesty will investigate.”

The emperor nodded slightly, then looked at the person next to him and said, "Prince Wei, you are highly respected, how about you preside over this case?"

This mighty Prince Zhou Qing is the younger brother of the Emperor, who has always had little fame and fortune, so he was trusted by the Emperor and allowed him to stay in the Holy Capital.

Hearing the human emperor's name, Zhou Qing's heart jolted, and he quickly said: "The emperor has been away from the government for many years, and he is not familiar with the criminal law. It is acceptable to be a deputy judge.

The emperor frowned, and said angrily: "The case of King Jinghai is about the lives and deaths of thousands of people on the northern coast, and you are lying in temples. Is there no one who can share my worries?"

The whole place was cleared up, and the seventh prince thought that the time was almost right, and was about to take the initiative to ask for his life, but he saw the eighth prince stepped out ahead of him.

"Reporting to the emperor, my son wants to recommend one person to be the chief judge, and he will be able to see clearly and reveal the truth to the world."

The sonorous and powerful voice of the Eighth Prince immediately attracted the attention of the audience.

The emperor said: "Who do you recommend?"

The eighth prince raised his head and glanced at the seventh prince, and said solemnly: "My son recommends the seventh brother to be the chief judge for two reasons. First, the seventh brother has assisted the father emperor in governing the government for many years, and often served as a prisoner during the father emperor's expedition. The country, the prestige and the experience are enough to take on the responsibility. Second, the seventh brother is the one who exposed the case of King Jinghai, and he has no friendship with King Jinghai, so he can enforce the law impartially. Based on these two points, the son believes that the seventh brother can take the lead Judge."

As soon as these words came out, there was a commotion among the ministers. Obviously, no one expected that the Eighth Prince would make such remarks, and he took the initiative to cede the dominance of King Jinghai's case to the enemy, which made many people secretly think that the Eighth Prince had already made up his mind. Give up King Jinghai.

The emperor said with relief: "It's rare that you have this kind of mind and are willing to share my worries.

After speaking, he looked at the seventh prince and said, "Hong'er, would you like to be the chief judge?"

Countless spiritual lights flashed in the seventh prince's mind. Although it was unclear why the eighth prince suddenly said such words, he couldn't back down when the matter came to an end.

"Okay! I will appoint you as the chief judge, and Prince Wei and Huang'er as the deputy judges. What is the matter, the three of you should negotiate, and you should not be arbitrary."

The emperor made a final decision, and the ministers immediately responded, long live.

The seventh prince groaned in his heart, and finally realized that something was wrong. The emperor was the overlord of the ages, and the emperor's mind was very good. How could he give him the opportunity to take advantage of it? It seemed to be arranged at random, but in fact, the case became a three-way constraint, including Prince Wei and the Eighth Prince. As a jury, how did he make a small gesture, the position of the presiding judge is clearly a hot potato, attracting attention, as if cutting off his hands and feet.

"Damn, the nineteenth brother misunderstood me!"

The seventh prince remembered the letter of advice from the ruthless man before, and he couldn't help but feel extremely remorse. If he listened to the persuasion of the ruthless man, why did he get to where he is today? It happened that he caught a glimpse of the eighth prince from the corner of his eye, and the other party's gloomy smile made him cold. .

"Behind the old eight, there is a master plan."

The seventh prince secretly said in his heart that the previous recommendation was actually a way of advancing by retreating. Since he took over as the presiding judge, he has fallen into a passive situation. , , .

Chapter 388 The undead saint, the sword points to Zhang Tian

The emperor didn't care about the expression of the seventh prince, and said to Cao Zhengming: "Cao Aiqing, those witnesses are now in Dali Temple. It is very inconvenient to interrogate them. Find a time today and transfer the witnesses to the Ministry of Punishment."

"The minister obeys the order."

Cao Zhengming gave a neat and tidy answer, and he was relieved. The King Jinghai case has affected the minds of all officials of the court. The focus of the conflict between the two camps is still closely watched by the Emperor. He doesn't want to get involved, it is best It's over a hundred to be able to hand over the witnesses quickly.

Back at Dali Temple, Cao Zhengming immediately instructed the left and right: "Let the Bone God come to see me."

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