Dali Temple, as the violent organ of the ancestral dynasty to deter the ancient holy places of the world, the four gods can be said to be the strong ones who stand alone. Among them, the bone god ranks third among the four gods, and has a unique talent. Able to control at will, as long as there is a bone left, he will not die in a hundred battles, known as the 'immortal saint'.

Of course, the Bone God can be ranked among the four great gods. In addition to his powerful combat power and undeath in a hundred battles, there is another magical ability. Because he can control all the bones in the body, he can easily change into any appearance, which is difficult to see through.

This person is also the most loyal person to Cao Zhengming.

Not long after, there was a sound of footsteps outside the door, and a tall and ruthless man strode in, bowed graciously, and said respectfully, "See Duke Cao as an official."

Cao Zhengming was sitting on the main seat. When he saw this person, he immediately leaned forward and asked with concern, "Aotian, how is your injury?"

Leng Aotian is the name of the Bone God. Hearing Cao Zhengming's words, he said gratefully: "Thank you for the magic medicine given by Duke Cao. There is no serious problem at present, but the 'bone differentiation technique' can no longer be used in a short period of time. ."

Cao Zhengming had a look of regret on his face and sighed: "Without the 'skeletal differentiation technique', you can't be considered immortal. This is all the fault of this gentleman. During this time, you can rest in peace. , those dangerous tasks, I will arrange for Sword God and Sword God to do them."

Leng Aotian hurriedly said: "Cao Gong's words are serious, who would have thought that Bai Yu, the wind king who had been missing for many years, would suddenly appear. This person is the head of the four kings of the South Marsh. He died in his hands, and he can't blame others."

It turned out that the leader of the assassins sent by the Dali Temple to intercept the witness the day before yesterday was the bone god Leng Aotian.

The current him was resurrected from those three bones. This is his life-saving means of pressing the bottom of the box. Even with the help of high-level magical medicine, this time it is considered a serious injury to his vitality, and it will take a long time to recover.

Cao Zhengming nodded slightly and said, "I came here this time to ask you to lead a team to escort the witness to the Prison of Punishment. No one dares to make small moves. You can just walk around."

"The subordinate obeys the order."

Leng Aotian bowed respectfully, and was about to retreat, when suddenly he saw someone coming to report: "Mu Qiluo asks for an interview."

Leng Aotian suddenly showed a look of anger, and said coldly: "This woman is here again, it seems that she has grasped the weakness of the adults, should you..." He made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Cao Zhengming's face was also very ugly. He barely suppressed his anger and said, "Let her come in."

After a while, Mu Qiluo walked in with her graceful figure swaying, but unfortunately the mask was veiled, so that people couldn't see her peerless face, and she couldn't help feeling regretful.Beautiful Fictionwww.meilixs.com

"The people's daughter, Mu Qiluo, has seen Duke Cao. This time I came here to ask for something, and I hope Duke Cao will grant me."

Mu Qiluo Yingying bowed, and her voice was clear and cool, with a hint of confusion, so that there was no sense of malice in life.

Cao Zhengming said indifferently: "Mu Qiluo, don't think that you are from the Eighth Prince, so you can be presumptuous in front of this gentleman one after another, you can't bear the consequences!"

Mu Qiluo smiled slightly and said: "The majesty of Duke Cao, the people never dared to question, especially after the completion of "Tiangang Wuji Gong", looking at the Holy City, I am afraid that it will be under one person and above ten thousand people. Even if you face Zhang Tian, ​​Duke Cao can stand in court, and the day of revenge is not far away."

When Cao Zhengming heard the words, his face was even more ugly, and he said coldly: "Do you still want to threaten this gentleman with the matter of "Tiangang Wuji Gong"? Do you know what will happen to those who dare to threaten this gentleman?"

Mu Qiluo said: "Duke Cao misunderstood, the Minnu came this time, not as a threat, but in fact as a big gift for Cao. There are two nine-yin women, and in the hands of the people, there is a nine-yang man, and they also know the whereabouts of a woman who is a nine-yin dead vein."


Cao Zhengming blurted out and asked, and immediately reacted, calmly said: "What do you want to exchange?"

Mu Qiluo said with a smile: "Duke Cao is really quick to talk. The thing that the girl wants to do is very simple, that is, to change the testimony of the witness."

"What? This is absolutely impossible!"

Cao Zhengming immediately refused. King Jinghai's case was a big vortex. He didn't have time to break free, so how could he take the initiative to fall into it.

Mu Qiluo said: "Why should Duke Cao be so nervous? The case has been transferred to the Ministry of Punishment and has nothing to do with Dali Temple, so Duke Cao will not be implicated. As for changing the testimony of witnesses, for the psychic under Duke Cao, It should be easy, right?"

Cao Zhengming clenched his fists and frowned, "This is the only thing, no!"

"Then there's no need to talk about it. After Minnu returns, the Jiuyang man will be executed immediately. Duke Cao should not think about taking the lead. The Minnu knows very well what methods Dali Temple has, and has already avoided it."

Mu Qiluo said calmly, calmly, as if everything was under control.

There was a dead silence in the hall, and after a long time, Cao Zhengming said slowly: "With the help of snakes and scorpions like you, it is no wonder that the eighth prince will have today's weather. The guild has properly arranged those few witnesses, and I hope you can fulfill your promise. "

Mu Qiluo said with a smile: "Eunuch Cao is indeed a smart person. Although Qiluo is a woman, she has a lot of money, and the Jiuyang man will be delivered later. Knowing the whereabouts, but saying it out, Duke Cao didn't dare to take people, even if you don't say it."

Cao Zhengming said in a low voice: "Why do you need to use aggressive tactics, my company's Changlehou dares to kill everyone, and who can't move? You just say, who is it?"

"Giggle, that person is Zhang Tian's second daughter, Dan Dao Zhiqiang Tianjiao, Zhang Yuxin!" ,, ..

Chapter 389 The ancient powerful gods come to the world!

"Zhang Tian's daughter?"

Cao Zhengming was stunned for a moment, and his originally confident and calm expression suddenly froze.

Mu Qiluo chuckled lightly: "I've fulfilled my promise. Next, it's up to Duke Cao's methods."

After speaking, Mu Qiluo turned around and walked towards the door.

Knowing that Mu Qiluo's back disappeared, Leng Aotian came out from behind the pillar and said solemnly: "Sir, this woman is very dangerous, and the lower official thinks it is better to be cautious about this matter."

Cao Zhengming said slightly hideously: "I've waited too long to get together the Nine-Nine Yin-Yang Great Array, and I can't drag it on any longer. Now you will take someone to listen to the perfume pavilion, and take the Nine-Yang Spirit Body. The man brought it back to verify his identity, be careful not to be noticed by others."

"Elder Cao... as ordered."

Leng Aotian seemed to know that more persuasion was useless, so he sighed deeply and took his order away.

The Dali Temple dungeon is full of everything, ten times more terrifying than the Heavenly Prison of the Ministry of Punishment!

There are only two kinds of people detained here, one is a high-ranking official, at least a Gyeonggi high-ranking official above the third rank, or a vassal official.The other is the vicious evil cultivator in the rivers and lakes, and many of them exist.

"Father, are you looking for me?"

In the midst of this forest, a beautiful lotus-like beauty standing proudly in the clear water suddenly appeared, dispelling all the haze with her sweet voice without a trace of impurities.

She is like a ray of sunshine that breaks through the empty valley and forest and sprinkles the earth, bright and light, and the entire dungeon seems to be surrounded by layers of rich and fragrant fairy air because of her appearance, just like Yaotai reaching the realm.

The fly in the ointment is that this peerless beauty of 'the hibiscus from the clear water, natural to carve' is a little morbidly delicate, her face is pale, and she is sitting in a wheelchair, which makes people feel pity and love.

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