"Ling'er, I'm going to trouble you again this time."

Cao Zhengming looked at the cherished girl sitting in the wheelchair with a hint of concern in his eyes.

"Where, Ling'er is just a waste person. I'm very happy to be able to help my foster father. By the way, where's my brother?"

The girl's mentality is very optimistic, and in those beautiful eyes that are as bright as stars, there is a passion for life and some kind of pursuit beyond the world.

"Oh, God of Swords is working on a major case, and he should be back in a few days."

Cao Zhengming replied casually, screened the person, pushed the girl's wheelchair, and said as he walked, "Linger, although you have a special physique and cannot cultivate, but you have an unimaginable formidable soul power that can be directly torn apart. A person's mental defense can reveal his true thoughts. But this time, the foster father does not want you to help the interrogation, but wants you to change a person's memory, can you do it?"

"Changing a person's memory? That's very, very difficult. With Ling'er's current strength of the soul, it can only be tried. But if the other party reaches the holy realm and has the defense of the holy soul, it will definitely not be possible."

The girl thought hard and replied very seriously.

Cao Zhengming said with a smile: "Don't worry, they are Array Masters with very low cultivation. Ling'er, you are the psychic arrester of our Dali Temple, you can definitely do it."

During the conversation, Cao Zhengming and the girl walked into a secret room in the depths of the dungeon. Three people were locked in it, their eyes were closed, and they seemed to have fallen asleep.Yaoyao Literature Network www.11wxw.com

"Is that the three of them?"

The girl tilted her head and asked. After getting Cao Zhengming's affirmative answer, the girl's momentum suddenly changed, as if a powerful storm erupted from her.

The void screamed, and an invisible force lifted the girl from the wheelchair, hanging in the void, the blue silk fluttering, those eyes were unprecedentedly bright, like the sun rising in the morning glow, and they could always maintain a kind of mysterious and unpredictable calm. .


The earth trembled, as if an ancient existence had awakened, shaking the heavens and the earth.

Li Linger, one of the four gods of Dali Temple, is also the sister of Li Changfeng, the first god of swordsmanship. Both parents died, and she was adopted by Cao Zhengming since childhood.She is terminally ill and cannot practice cultivation, but her spirit is so strong that even the Emperor is amazed. No one can hide secrets from her, which is the nightmare of all corrupt officials.

But she has another little-known ability, that is, she can communicate with the Yin Si with the powerful power of the soul, so that the dead powerhouse can come to her body and borrow part of its power.

At this time, she communicated with the remnant soul of a peerless powerhouse sleeping in the underground of Dali Temple, bringing the dead back to life and descending on her.

At this moment, Li Linger was so powerful that even Cao Zhengming felt palpitations.

And she used the power of this ancient powerhouse to forcibly change the memories of the three witnesses.

This is a very appalling ability. Although some masters of illusion can also make people lose their minds, it is actually a kind of hypnosis.But what Li Linger did was a fundamental change, and neither himself nor outsiders could detect the abnormality.


After an unknown amount of time, Li Linger's body suddenly became lighter and fell from the air. Her pretty face, which was slightly pale, was already pale as paper, with a lot of sweat, her eyes were hazy, and her breathing was chaotic.

"Ling'er, are you alright?"

Cao Zhengming asked with concern.

Li Linger smiled to himself and said, "Thank you for your care, Linger is okay, then... those few people have tampered with their memories according to the requirements of the foster father. Ling... Linger did it."

After finishing speaking, Li Linger's eyes closed, and she fainted. The strong possessed her body, and she still did things like tampering with her memory. Even with the strength of her soul, it was difficult to support.

The moment Li Linger closed his eyes, Cao Zhengming's amiable expression disappeared immediately, replaced by a gloomy look.

He stared deeply at Li Ling'er's beautiful face, and murmured softly, "Why, if you are the Nine Yin Dying Vein."

The next day, the sun was shining brightly and the sky was overcast.

In the court of punishment, the seventh prince was sitting under the bright mirror, accompanied by the eighth prince and Prince Wei, and the rest of the officials of the three divisions were listed below. Everyone's faces were filled with excitement and tension that could not be concealed.

Trial of a king with a different surname is such a big case that the Holy Ancestor Dynasty has been established since the establishment of the country, and there are only a handful of them.

"Senior Zhang is here—"

A chanting sounded outside the door, and the Seventh Prince, Eighth Prince, Prince Wei, etc. all stood up in awe, stood in the hall collectively, and respectfully said, "I have seen Senior Zhang." , . . .

Chapter 390 Zhang Tian supervises the trial, Tantai Immortal Law

Zhang Tian walked in with his three daughters and waved his hands at will: "No gift."

Only then did everyone get up, and the seventh prince said, "This matter shouldn't disturb Senior Zhang, but Ling Yuan was involved in it and belongs to the victim, so I can only bother her to go, and I hope Senior Zhang will be considerate of the disturbance."

Zhang Tian nodded slightly and said, "It's about the emperor's daughter, and the emperor also wants to know who the real murderer is. If there is nothing else, let's open the hall."

Prince Wei followed closely and said: "Last time at the Deity Academy, the junior was fortunate to witness the senior Tianwei, and we can see you again today. It is really a blessing for three lives, and the senior is also invited to sit up and supervise the case."

All the important figures were present, and the seventh prince also sat back to the position of the chief judge, and said solemnly: "Bring witnesses to the hall!"

"The North Sea border guarding array suddenly failed, causing the sea monster army to attack, hundreds of islands in the imperial court fell, and hundreds of thousands of innocent people died tragically. It is to ask witnesses for testimony and find out who is behind the scenes."

The seventh prince read the copy with justice and awe, but the corner of his eye couldn't help but glance at the eighth prince who was sitting at the bottom right. Everything didn't seem to go as smoothly as he expected.

"His Royal Highness, bring witnesses here!"

The four armored soldiers pressed the three witnesses up. These three wizards were the culprits of the failure to control the formation, and they were also the key figures directly related to King Jinghai's innocence.

The Seventh Prince glanced briefly and saw that they were all a little sluggish. He couldn't help frowning slightly, and said coldly: "Half a month ago, the North Sea Boundary Guardian Array failed, did you do it?"

The three slowly raised their heads and said in unison, "Yes."

The Seventh Prince asked: "You have recorded a confession, saying that the master behind the scenes is King Jinghai, is this true?"

Just as the three were about to answer, the Eighth Prince suddenly said sharply: "You guys should think about it clearly, and then, slandering the emperor's royal seal with a different surname is a big crime to annihilate the nine clans!"

The three shivered, and the one on the far left said tremblingly: "The villain is guilty, the villain lied, and was forced to record a confession. In fact, this matter has nothing to do with King Jinghai."


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