As soon as this statement came out, the whole room was shocked, and no one could have imagined that the witness would suddenly switch sides at the final fatal blow.

"Bold! In front of this prince, dare to speak nonsense, tamper with confessions, and want to serve with a big sentence?"

The seventh prince said angrily.

The three witnesses immediately kowtowed: "Everything the villain said is true, and this matter has nothing to do with King Jinghai, please enlighten me."

"So brave, come here, give me a..."


The Eighth Prince raised his hand and pushed back the four soldiers who had stepped forward, saying, "This case is very important. In front of Senior Zhang and Prince Wei, does the Seventh Brother still want to beat him? If this is the case, don't blame the Emperor for this. Father Ming, replace you as the chief judge."

The seventh prince pointed at the eighth prince and said angrily, " did it right?" 186中文网

"There is no basis for empty words, seventh brother, don't wrong a good person."

The eighth prince shook his head, extremely proud.

Prince Wei frowned and said, "Since the three of you said it wasn't under the orders of King Jinghai, then who ordered them? It's not your own hotheads who did such evil deeds, right?"

The three of them seemed a little confused and looked at each other. One of them said, "I was coerced by others, and I had to destroy the circle. As for the person who coerced us, we don't know his identity."

"How could this be?"

The Seventh Prince was completely stunned and couldn't help but look at Ruthless Man. After all, the jade slip with the confession was given to him by Ruthless Man.

The ruthless man was also a little confused at this time. She didn't believe that the Beihai Alliance dared to point the finger at King Jinghai without certainty. In other words, the reason was still due to these few witnesses.

Thinking of this, Ruthless said in a low voice: "True is true, false is false, a person can lie, but his soul can't deceive others. I know that there is a kind of miraculous technique in this world, which can directly observe the soul of a person. In his mind, the Seventh Prince might as well give it a try."

Hearing this, the seventh prince was pleasantly surprised: "Could it be that Miss Zhang is proficient in this kind of secret technique?"

The ruthless man smiled and said, "Although I don't know it, I know that someone must be proficient."


"The Tantai Holy Land is a descendant of the world, Tantai Mingyue."

The Seventh Prince's eyes lit up and said, "Yes, Tantai Immortal Art is amazing. Last time, this prince has opened his eyes, come here, Xuan Tantai Bright Moon!"

The corner of the ruthless man's mouth twitched, but when his eyes caught sight of the Eighth Prince, he saw his expression as usual, even with a faint mockery, and he couldn't help frowning.

Feeling the eyes of the ruthless man, the Eighth Prince smiled and said politely: "I heard that the Bingjue Island guarded by Miss Zhang was the first to bear the brunt when the North Sea border guard circle was broken, and she almost had the worry of her life, which is really abominable. Although the mastermind behind the incident is not King Jinghai, this prince can assure Senior Zhang and Miss Zhang that he will definitely catch the real culprit and avenge Miss Zhang in the future!"

The ruthless man said coldly, "I hope it really isn't King Jinghai."

After everyone waited anxiously for nearly half an hour, Tantai Mingyue finally arrived late, but when she saw her wearing a colorful feather coat, her bright eyes were shining, as if a fairy rhyme was flowing, as if she was really a Yaotai fairy who came down to earth, and saluted everyone. Say hello.

A fascination flashed in the seventh prince's eyes, but he recovered immediately, and said solemnly: "Fairy Tantai, I am summoned today, I really have something to ask for..."

Tantai Mingyue listened quietly, smiled sweetly, and said softly: "Mingyue people outside the world should not be involved in worldly affairs, but they fell in love with Miss Zhang at first sight. Since this case is about the truth of Miss Zhang's distress, there is a place to help. , Mingyue will do her best."

The ruthless man did not expect Tantai Mingyue to have such a rhetoric. Although he did not want to accept this favor, he still felt a little more favorable towards her in his heart, and gave her a gift.

Tantai Holy Land is a very long-standing holy place, with a profound background that surpasses that of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. It is said that there has been more than one immortal, and they all have records of ascension. It is one of the most prestigious holy places in the mainland.

However, this holy place has always avoided the world for cultivation, and no one even knows where its immortal gate is. It is just that the descendants who are born every few decades will dominate and become one of the contemporary leaders.

I was fortunate enough to see Tantai Immortal Fa today. , , .

Chapter 391 The first woman to provoke this emperor

The seventh prince raised his spirits and said solemnly to the three witnesses: "You three, repeat the complete testimony again, dare to conceal the slightest bit, don't blame the ruthless criminal law!"

"Yes Yes Yes……"

Those few people answered tremblingly, carefully telling the story from beginning to end.

Tantai Mingyue's expression was solemn, she raised her jade hand and pinched a mysterious magic trick. Suddenly, a cloud of mist surged around, and it was faintly visible that many white auras converged. A pure white lotus platform rose above her head. Dao Yuntiancheng, Mei Lunmei Huan, just looking at it, it gives people a feeling of spiritual cleansing.

"go with!"

Tantai Mingyue pointed a little, and the lotus flower immediately flew out and hung over the heads of the three witnesses. A soft white light poured down and enveloped them all.

Yu Xin was surprised and said: "Is this the pure white lotus that is the inheritance of the Buddha's Pure Land? It is the first-class immortal treasure in the world. It is as famous as the red lotus of Karma. The thought of purifying all sentient beings can purify the soul and make the platform clear and clear.”

The ruthless man nodded and said, "The Tantai Immortal Technique is well-known in the mainland, and it really has its own uniqueness. It can condense the illusory shadow of the white lotus in the world. This magical power is already beyond the scope of martial arts. Only the Tantai Holy Land, where the immortals have been born, has such an inheritance."

Even the eighth prince, who has been calm and relaxed, can't help but feel a little uneasy when he sees Tantai Mingyue's posture, and a layer of fine sweat is looming on his forehead.

After half an hour, the three of them finally finished their speech, their tone changed from nervous at first to neutral and peaceful, and even their expressions softened, which made people feel amazed.

However, the testimony they gave was the same as what they said before, and they had nothing to do with King Jinghai.

Seeing them finish speaking, Ruthless Man immediately asked, "Fairy Tantai, is there anything unusual?"

Tantai Mingyue took back Bai Lian, shook her head gently, and said softly: "If these three people are not sincere, I will definitely be able to detect that what they should say is the truth."

"Okay, what a Tantai Immortal Technique, which will open the eyes of this prince!"

The eighth prince clapped over the case and said proudly: "The father should still wait for the result. Since it has been determined that this case has nothing to do with King Jinghai, I think it is better to close the case and give the father and King Jinghai an explanation."

Prince Wei Laocheng said solemnly: "What the eighth prince said is true. King Jinghai is the pillar of the country, and his status is honorable. If you deal with it early, you will not let the loyal ministers feel cold."

The seventh prince's face was full of unwillingness. For him, if the case could not drag King Jinghai into the water, it would be meaningless, but at this time, he could not be dragged on any longer.

Just when the seventh prince was about to finalize the case, the ruthless man suddenly stood up and said calmly, "I have evidence that proves that King Jinghai has colluded with the Kraken for a long time!"

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