As soon as this remark came out, the audience was shocked.

The eighth prince was stunned, and his eyes were full of fierce light, but the seventh prince was ecstatic, and said repeatedly, "Miss Zhang, what evidence is there, bring it up quickly."

The ruthless sighed lightly, and with a flash of light in the palm of his hand, the divine soul of Marquis Zhenhai flew out and hung in the void.

The reason why she didn't sacrifice this person earlier was because she didn't want to cause unnecessary trouble, but the matter had come to this point, so she could only do it, ignoring the resentment of the Eighth Prince.

"This person is..." Qingqing Novel

The seventh prince showed a hint of inquiry.

The ruthless man calmly said: "This person is a confidant of King Jinghai, and King Zhenhai was conferred by the imperial court. I found him in the bloody sea area No. [-] in complicity with the Kraken, so I suppressed him. After repeated inquiries, I finally interrogated him. The truth has been revealed. King Jinghai has been using him for a long time to indirectly communicate with the major tribes of the Kraken clan, and exchange information for rich treasures."

"Is there such a thing?"

The seventh prince was shocked on the surface, but his heart was full of ecstasy. The testimony of a prince was a hundred times more powerful than the testimony of three magicians.

Prince Wei immediately asked: "Is it really the Marquis of Zhenhai? Did he really collude with the Kraken under the orders of King Jinghai, and explain everything clearly!"

The remnant soul of the Marquis of Zhenhai has long been taken care of by the ruthless man, and now he will tell everything he knows. Although he is only in the state of the remnant soul, many of his memories are not fully preserved, but the fact that he just said it , It is also chilling, I didn't expect King Jinghai to do so many evil things behind the back of the court.

The seventh prince said loudly: "What a king of Jinghai, the royal father trusts him so much and makes him guard the frontier, but because of his own selfish desires, he ignores the kindness of his father, the laws of the court, and the safety of the people. He can do it. Discuss, its heart can be punished!"

The shocking reversal of the case caught the officials of the Eighth Prince’s camp by surprise. Seeing that the Seventh Prince was about to present evidence, a slender and slender figure suddenly stood up.

"There are many oddities in this case, and it's too early to draw conclusions now."

Mu Qiluo's voice was flat and indifferent, but it seemed to have a kind of magic power, making the audience instantly quiet.

The seventh prince frowned and said, "Who are you? In the courthouse, the idle people can't wait to make a sound, so hurry back!"

The eighth prince said, "Qiluo is this prince's staff and can speak on behalf of this prince."

The seventh prince's eyes gleamed, and he expected this woman to be the master who gave advice to the eighth prince, and immediately said coldly: "Then go ahead, but if you dare to speak nonsense, this prince will immediately clear you out of the arena! "

"Thank you, Your Highness."

Mu Qiluo bowed slightly, then stood up straight, strolled in the hall, and said calmly: "The girl said that the case is pending, there are three reasons. First, the identity of this person has not been confirmed, just relying on Miss Zhang's one-sided words is not enough to believe. Second, even if he is really the Marquis of Zhenhai, it is very likely that the Kraken Clan was installed in the imperial court to alienate King Jinghai as an undercover agent. Third, he is just a remnant soul with incomplete memory, so it is possible to take it out of context."

The eighth prince was refreshed and laughed: "Qi Luo is right, King Jinghai has been guarding the North Sea for many years, killing countless sea monsters, the two sides have long become mortal enemies, and the sea monsters designed to frame King Jinghai, this is also very possible. A remnant soul alone won't prove anything!"

The officials who were watching also talked a lot, and most of them felt that Mu Qiluo's words were reasonable.

The seventh prince was stunned for a while, but he didn't expect Mu Qiluo to be so skilled in articulation, and his words turned the world upside down, making him unable to forcibly convict him.

"Ha ha……"

Mu Qiluo let out a chuckle, moved in front of the ruthless man, and said softly: "Qiluo is also indignant at the grievances Ms. Zhang suffered, but she can't wrong the good people because of it. Does Miss Zhang think I'm right?"

Although she was talking to a ruthless man, she looked at Zhang Tian with a provocative look in her beautiful eyes, as if to say, this is just the first step in my revenge.

Just when Mu Qiluo was looking forward to Zhang Tian's annoyed look, Zhang Tian suddenly laughed, the surrounding void condensed in an instant, making Mu Qiluo's fingers hard to move, and he could only watch Zhang Tian lift her snow jaws with one hand. , as in the humiliating gesture of that day.

"You are the first woman who dares to provoke this emperor." ,, . . .

Chapter 392 The Divine Might of Burying the Emperor!

Mu Qiluo looked at Zhang Tian without fear, and said coldly: "I have heard for a long time that Senior Zhang has great magical powers, why don't you revive this remnant soul and complete the memory? Unfortunately, even if this step is really achieved, as long as I am here, this case will It's just… undetermined.”

"Why is it so troublesome, if King Jinghai is guilty, just ask him directly."

Zhang Tian's tone was indifferent, and under Mu Qiluo's shocked eyes, he raised his hand and grabbed at the void, and the entire space burst apart.

The void shattered and evolved into the starry sky, the stars fell one by one, endless golden ripples spread, and then the divine power was like the sea, vast and surging, setting up a road to the other side of the starry sky.

"This is……"

Everyone stared at the huge abyss with horrified expressions, as if crossing the boundless void, a shattering force exploded, and on the other side of the starry sky, the space barrier at the other end collapsed, revealing a vast scene of a blue sea. .

"This is Beihai? Senior Zhang has broken through an ancient road leading to the North Sea!"

Someone in the hall was exclaiming, hysterical, Zhongzhou is thousands of miles away from the North Sea, even if the ancient powerhouse is resurrected, it is necessary to set up the sky, according to the congenital great formation, in order to cross the void.

However, they saw that Zhang Tian used his own strength to break the space barrier and manifest his supernatural powers thousands of miles away.

Mu Qiluo took a few steps back, her eyes were filled with the light of death, what a magnificent vision this is. At this moment, Zhang Tian is like the Venerable who opened up the world, standing upright, fearless and invincible. Humble and small, the feeling of surrender.


The vision in the void continued, and layers of huge clouds were broken open and descended on a huge island, which was the headquarters of King Jinghai's garrison.

I saw flags fluttering on the ground, countless heavy soldiers and soldiers lined up, a large area of ​​black pressure, blood and energy rushing from the sky, like a group of tigers and wolves, or fighting Ge, or holding sharp swords, murderous, staring at the void abyss.

Even before the vision of the world collapsing, these soldiers still didn't change their faces. They were the most elite frontier troops of the Holy Ancestor Dynasty. The land is also the best training ground. There are fewer than one hundred soldiers qualified to enter there for training.These soldiers are also the trump cards of King Jinghai.

Above the sky, Zhang Tian's will manifested, as if the ancient gods gave oracles to the mortal world. With just a simple word 'broken', the extremely powerful army formations that were arrayed like mountains and murderous like the sea instantly shattered, tens of thousands of people. The iron-blooded soldiers flew upside down, blood flowing through the flat sand.

"Where...Which senior is coming? In the next emperor's dynasty, King Jinghai..."

King Jinghai was hidden in the crowd, his voice trembling, his strength was stronger, and he knew better than those soldiers the absolute strength needed to set up the ancient road of the starry sky and traverse the boundless void.

It is because of understanding, so fear.

"Calculate Bendi's daughter, do you think you can escape punishment?" Jushuku

Zhang Tian's majestic voice resounded through the sky, and it exploded in Zhongzhou and Beihai at the same time. At this moment, the atmosphere of the whole world changed, the void was condensed, and the sea of ​​stars shook, as if a huge blue dragon broke through the sea, passing across the sky, roaring into the sky. .

Immediately after, Suzaku released the divine fire, rushed up to the sky, and released a rain of blood that swept the entire Wang Island, filled with terror.A [-]-foot-tall white tiger god stands in the eyes of the phoenix, looking down at the world, with a beast's mouth, as if to devour the heavens and the world, shocking people's hearts.

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