In the end, the entire Wangdao rose up from the sea, thousands of feet of ocean waves surged into the sky, roaring in the sky, and it was actually lifted up from the North Sea by a huge basalt tortoise.

The four divine beasts, Qinglong, Suzaku, Baihu, and Xuanwu, only exist in the records of ancient books against the heavens. At this moment, across the other side of the starry sky, they appeared alive in front of everyone's eyes, proclaiming their divine might, like a fairy or a devil!


It was as if a divine thunder had slashed through the central heaven, and the clear sky was suddenly covered with overcast clouds, the wind howled, and the waves rolled in rage. Even the four divine beasts had expressions of horror, looking into the void, enough to crush a world. The body of the beast was shaking.

It was a majestic divine energy that absorbed all the spiritual energy within a radius of [-] miles, and condensed into a huge palm, the whole body was black and yellow, and every joint, every inch of skin, was lifelike, engraved with the divine rune. Then, like the hand of God, it grabbed King Jinghai in the center of the military academy.

"This is... the Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven?"

In the hall of the Ministry of Punishment, Tantai Mingyue murmured softly. She read the ancient books of the Holy Land, and there were even records of the battle of the gods. However, she found that she had never seen so many visions before. I vaguely saw a similar picture in an ancient book with a long tradition.

The picture was not recorded in an ancient book, but a fragmented page in the ancient book. It was only a quarter of the size and was dilapidated. , is also the most precious treasure of Tantai Holy Land.

According to the old man in the Holy Land, this fragment was left by the founder of the Tantai Holy Land, the mysterious girl who was famous in the Nine Realms. Kill the devil.

And what was drawn on this scrap page was a mysterious yellow palm. Tantai Xuannv had witnessed this magical power with her own eyes, and imprinted the charm of this palm on the scrap page with her amazing talent.

The reason why it is only a quarter of the size is not because of damage, but even with Tantai Xuannv's means, only a quarter of the size can be rubbed, and the paper can't bear its divine power, and the remaining three-quarters are directly annihilation.

"How is this possible, this is impossible!"

Tantai Mingyue's mind was agitated, and she looked at the palm of the other side of the starry sky, and then looked at Zhang Tian, ​​her eyes were full of incredible colors.

Because according to the handwritten notes left by Tantai Xuannv, the supernatural power of the 'Great Desolate Prisoner of Heaven' recorded on this scrap page has been handed down since ancient times, and only two people are proficient!

One of them is Emperor Lin Wu of the Megatron Nine Realms. The martial arts reach the sky, trace the origin, and use the five prisoner fingers created by him in his childhood to evolve the heavens and myriad laws, transform the palm of the prisoner, the prisoner of the sky and the earth, and the quasi-immortal emperor to prove the Tao.

The other person is the ruler of the nine mountains and seas, the founder of the ancient heaven, and the emperor who is about to fall to the ground with his own power. Immortal law, all proficient. , , .

Chapter 393 The Ninth Immortal King raises a weapon!

"No, it's impossible!"

Tantai Mingyue immediately denied his own idea. Even if there is a gold foil fairy paper, it cannot be completely printed on the divine power of the Emperor Buried.

Then there is only one possibility, this inheritance supernatural power comes from Emperor Lin Wu!

Tantai Mingyue's eyes flickered, recalling the ancient records that in the Zhantian era five million years ago, Emperor Lin Wu was one of the most powerful Zhantians. The place of burial, according to legend, is in this star field.

Although he has died, the will of those strong people has long been imprinted in Cang Ming, and they are immortal. They are also one of the most powerful people in the human race since ancient times.

The most important thing is that Emperor Lin Wu's martial arts can be learned!

For example, this "Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven" is essentially a magical power composed of five prisoner's fingers. It belongs to the martial arts of Emperor Lin Wu when he was not yet famous. At most, it does not exceed the emperor level. can master.

But if you think that this supernatural power is not strong, then you are very wrong.Emperor Lin Wu used Wu to prove himself emperor, and his research on martial arts was more thorough than any quasi-immortal emperor.After he became a quasi-immortal emperor, he sublimated all the martial arts he learned in his early years, pointing directly to the origin of the Dao.

One of the most famous inheritances is "The Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven", which Emperor Lin Wu relied on to prove the position of the Immortal Emperor. This magical power not only contains Emperor Lin Wu's lifelong martial arts insights, but also the blessing of the Immortal Emperor's light, which is powerful and powerful. Absolutely.

Tantai Mingyue is watching the sacred scriptures all over the place, and the more profound the realm, the simpler it is to simplify.

This 'tool' doesn't simply refer to the ultimate weapon, but also refers to supernatural powers and fairy methods, etc. Anything that the great emperor devotes his life to sacrificing and refining has the supernatural power to destroy the sky and destroy the earth.

The ninth immortal king of Emperor Lin Wu, who became a quasi-immortal emperor in the tenth generation, this magical power of "The Great Wilderness Imprisoned in Heaven", just the 'tool' raised by him in one of his lifetimes, has infinite potential. The powerful profound meaning is only stronger than the quasi-immortal-level supernatural powers and immortals!

Thinking of this, Tantai Mingyue's eyes are full of hot color. This is a quasi-immortal emperor's magical power to prove the Tao. With this magical power, the Dao will become a smooth road, and the emperor and immortal positions are no longer out of reach.

Tantai Mingyue's eyes were blurred. She remembered what her master, the master of the Tantai Holy Land, told her before she was born. Every time in the world, a large number of holy places will fall, and Tantai's lineage cannot escape the cause and effect. Only the unparalleled world Tianjiao and Supreme can solve the disaster of destruction.The continent is withered and the Supreme Being is not there. After you join the WTO, you can participate in the battle of the arrogance and choose one of the arrogances of the world to make friends with, and you can avoid disasters.

"Master, you said that the continent is withering, and there is no Supreme. Is this sentence wrong? In this world, there are still Supremes walking."

Not to mention that Tantai Mingyue's mind was changing, and the rest of the people were all shocked by the power of this palm. I saw that under this palm, King Jinghai was like a mayfly above the sea, so small that there was no trace of it at all. The power of resistance was directly captured and imprisoned.


The void and abyss shattered, and the entire hall of the Ministry of Punishment also followed with a roar, and a huge pit with a depth of more than ten feet was suddenly cracked on the ground, and a tall and mighty figure was faintly kneeling during the period.

When the smoke cleared, everyone couldn't help but take a deep breath.Happy novel

I saw that the one kneeling in the center of the hall was not King Jinghai and who was it.One of the eight kings with different surnames of the dignified ancestral dynasty, he is a quasi-emperor-level martial artist "The Qinglong Destroying the Sky", a super-powerful figure in the mainland, but at this time, he is kneeling on the ground in tattered clothes and embarrassed. prisoner.

"Say, why did you collude with the Kraken?"

Tear apart the void, set up the ancient starry sky road, run through Zhongzhou and Beihai, suppress Wang Jue thousands of miles away, and perform such amazing feats as Zhang Tian, ​​still sitting with his hands down. He asked in a low voice, but the fluttering words rang in everyone's ears, as if listening to the sound of the sky, there was no hint of deceit at all.

King Jing Hai, who was kneeling in the center of the hall, had a look of despair on his face, and said loudly: "Don't kill me, I will explain everything, colluding with the Kraken is not what I want, but it was poisoned by the bright left envoy of the Wanhai God Palace. Curse, I can't help myself."

When they heard the word 'Wan Hai Divine Palace', everyone couldn't help but take a few steps back. The North Sea is vast. If you count all the sea areas, it is larger than the Sanhuang and Zhongzhou combined. Naturally, there are countless forces distributed among them. The palace is the first sect in the North Sea, and it is also an undisputed hegemonic force in the entire continent.

Prince Wei said coldly: "Wanhai Shengong actually stretched out its hand to the sea to control the king of my ancestral dynasty, is this trying to start a war with the imperial court?"

King Jinghai hurriedly said: "That's right, Wanhai Shengong has been planning for a long time, and I know many secrets. Eighth prince, please make it clear to the emperor. I have been guarding the northern sea border for hundreds of years, and I have no achievements or hardships. Let me see the emperor. , plead guilty to him face to face."

The Eighth Prince didn't dare to be the master at this time, and only looked at Zhang Tiandao cautiously: "Senior Zhang, although King Jinghai has a serious crime, he also has hidden feelings. Whether he can let him be guilty of his merits, you think this case should..."

Zhang Tianqing took a sip of the tea and said in a low voice, "I plan to murder this emperor's daughter. This crime alone can kill you a hundred times. The emperor will spare you? Will this emperor spare you?"

"What? Senior, please be slow, I hope..."

Before Prince Wei finished speaking, a vast imperial might swept through the audience, and Zhang Tianping pointed at a point, and a monstrous demonic flame gushed out, instantly drowning King Jinghai like a vast ocean.

"Ah... No, the eighth prince saves me, the emperor saves me!!"

King Jinghai roared loudly, begging for mercy desperately, shaking the world.

Everyone can't help but take their breaths. The saints are at the feet of the emperor, and the majesty of the emperor covers. King Jinghai's voice is so loud that the emperor can't perceive it. If he doesn't help, it is equivalent to letting Zhang Tian deal with it by default.

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