
At this moment, the void suddenly vibrated violently, and the golden light in the imperial city was brilliant, as if a golden flame was burning, and it would burn through the sky and overwhelm the whole city.

In the hall of the Ministry of Punishment, the Seventh Prince, Prince Wei and others felt this suffocating oppression, and they were all shocked and secretly said:

"The Emperor is here." ,, . . .

Chapter 394 Heavenly Emperor vs Human Emperor!

Saint Ancestor Human Sovereign, a peerless hero who has not been seen in the mainland for ten thousand years, hundreds of years ago, he succeeded in striving for the destiny with extremely strong skills, casting an immortal soul, and prospering with the world.

Moreover, as soon as he entered the realm of the Emperor of God, he overwhelmed the immortal gods enshrined in the Jinyu Kingdom, and the world was shocked by the strength of the battle.

Under the rule of the emperor, the emperor of the ancestors swept away the decadence of the emperor, the martial arts flourished, the talents gathered, the civil strife was settled, the territory was expanded, the barbarians were swept away, and the aliens were terrified. It took less than a thousand years to create a pair of heavenly dynasty. In the prosperous world, it seems to have the atmosphere of swallowing eight wastes and sweeping Liuhe.

Now, after hundreds of years of sublime cultivation, specializing in the study of the classics of the sects of the sects that have been wiped out, the true combat power of the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign has become a mystery on the mainland, shocking all those who have evil intentions in all directions.

But on the other hand, Zhang Tian is even more legendary than the emperor. He was born less than three years ago, and he made a few shots, but it reached an astounding level.

The so-called half-step emperors are all speculations by the world, because so far, any enemies of Zhang Tian have been dealt with as if they were destroyed.

Zhang Tian vs. the emperor, this will be the pinnacle of the mainland duel, everyone is fascinated.

A vague figure appeared in the air in the hall of the Ministry of Punishment, wearing an emperor's golden crown, wearing a five-clawed golden dragon robe, and his face was shrouded in divine light. Give birth to contempt.

"My minister sees His Majesty, long live my emperor, long live, long live..."

Seven princes.The Eighth Prince, Prince Wei and other court honors all knelt on the ground, long live the mountain.

Even the descendant of the holy land of Tantai Mingyue bowed slightly to show respect for this peerless overlord.

Although the ruthless man did not kneel, but looking at the human emperor's will clone in the void, he couldn't help but feel agitated. I have heard for a long time that the human emperor has the style of unparalleled hegemony, and it is well-known today. It is just a will clone, and it has the majesty of an almost immortal god emperor. , let alone the arrival of the real body, how terrifying it would be.

"The emperor saves the life, the emperor saves the life..."

In the magic flame, King Jinghai's voice became weaker and more mournful. In fact, he had already burned into a wisp of remnant soul. He persisted until now, only relying on a tenacious will to survive.

The Human Sovereign's clone didn't even look at King Jinghai, but stared deeply at Zhang Tian, ​​with an expression on his face that was obscured by the divine light.

"King Jinghai colluded with the Kraken clan, which is like treason, and the law is unforgivable. After his death, he will be buried with the courtesy of a prince."

The voice fell, the emperor's coercion suddenly disappeared, and the figure in the void also turned into aura and disappeared.

Everyone couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, and immediately showed very surprised expressions. These people are old foxes in the officialdom, and they are best at analyzing the situation and thinking about it.

No matter what the King of Jinghai said, he was also a king with a different surname from the imperial court. He was protected by a danshu and iron coupons. Even such a powerful government official as Dali Temple had no right to judge, let alone being beheaded by outsiders for nothing.

However, the emperor's move seems to have acquiesced to Zhang Tian's law enforcement power. This is a matter that greatly damages the face of the ancestral dynasty, not to mention the power of the contemporary emperor, sweeping the hegemon of Liuhe, and inheriting hundreds of thousands of years of ancient times. The Holy Land was trampled under his feet. ok composition network www.okzuowen.com

This face, to give too much!

However, this also confirms the thoughts of many people in disguise. Since Zhang Tian was born, he has acted recklessly, and even slaughtered the old half-step emperor Black Dragon Demon Emperor in Beihai. This kind of behavior is not like a half-step emperor, but more like a half-step emperor. existence above this.

That is... the quasi-emperor!

This is a very miraculous realm, between the ordinary and the immortal, it can be said that a thought falls, and a thought is immortal.The way of heaven is constant, and it is the general trend to replace immortality with humbleness, so the gods and demons with long lifespans have withdrawn from their dominant positions, and the short-lived human race, Daxing, will dominate Cang Ming.

Therefore, whenever a quasi-emperor attempts to attack the Immortal Realm, there must be a divine punishment that will destroy it.

Therefore, the existence of this realm is very critical and very dangerous. Most of them do not walk in the world, but close their bodies, break through the shackles, and try to live forever.

For example, King Zhennan, the father of Jidu County Master, is in this realm. I don’t know how many pairs of eyes are watching the southern region every day. Once King Zhennan succeeds in fighting for his life, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty will have a second immortal emperor. , enough to affect the pattern of the entire continent.

When Zhang Tian beheaded the Black Dragon Demon Emperor before, there were great experts who guessed that he was a quasi-emperor, but because people in this realm were too rare, many people automatically ignored it. confirmed this guess.

After all, with the strength of the Holy Ancestor Human Sovereign, even if the real body is not on the mainland, this clone of will alone can easily suppress the half-step emperor.Only a quasi-emperor who has reached a higher level can make him make concessions.

"Senior Zhang turned out to be a quasi-emperor like King Zhennan. It's terrifying to fight with the sky all the time. No wonder he dares to be arrogant."

Many people are amazed. Although there have been speculations, the real confirmation still makes their souls tremble. This kind of existence will always be among the Immortal Emperors. Once it is spread, the world will be shocked.

"A quasi-emperor? A quasi-emperor can break through the ancient road of the starry sky and deduce Emperor Lin Wu's masterpiece "The Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven" to such a level? It's really short-sighted, and the mainland has been withered so far. It's really a pity."

Among all the people, only Tantai Mingyue still maintains clarity in her eyes. Maybe her cultivation is not high, but as the successor of Tantai Holy Land, her knowledge will crush everyone on the mainland.

In her opinion, Zhang Tian's combat power just now is not inferior to the gods!

"Ah, ah... I hate..."

The emperor's decree shattered King Jinghai's last hope, his will to survive disintegrated, the origin of his soul was completely shattered, calcined by demonic flames, and his body and spirit were destroyed.

The flames were annihilated, and King Jinghai was completely lost. Where he was kneeling, there was a three-foot-sized Azure Dragon phantom circling and whistling across the sky. A Qingmengmeng dragon claw was transformed into an illusion, which seemed to contain infinite power, which could tear the sky and the earth apart.

"Could this be..."

Looking at this dragon claw, everyone couldn't help showing a hot color. , , .

Chapter 395 The famous biography, the quasi-immortal emperor Zhang Tian!

"Qinglong destroys the sky!"

This is the mark of the Martial Spirit that contains a quasi-emperor-level secret skill!

Whoever can refine this mark can quickly master this powerful unique skill, which is equivalent to possessing King Jinghai's thousands of years of hard work.

Even for most ancient sect holy places, quasi-emperor-level martial arts is an unattainable existence, and only the sage ancestor dynasty that swept Liuhe can collect these details.

Even the seventh and eighth princes were full of eagerness in their eyes. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty used martial arts to rule the country and wanted to compete for Huang Wei. Martial arts was a very important indicator. Although the two of them did not lack top-level exercises, they did not have that many. With time and energy to understand, if you can get this Martial Soul Mark, you can instantly increase your combat power several times.

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