It stands to reason that this exercise was given to King Jinghai by the imperial court. Even King Jinghai himself is not qualified to inherit it. After his death, he will take back the state. But in front of Zhang Tian's invincible power, who would dare to say such a thing? .

"Dad, give me this green dragon claw, Zi Yan likes it very much."

Just when everyone was looking forward to it, Zi Yan's voice came out, very casual, like walking on the street and wanting to sell gadgets along the way.

Zhang Tian chuckled and said, "This martial art is essentially transformed from the Dragon Clan's treasures. It's not bad to pass it on to you. It just so happens that your martial arts will is a little worse. With this, it should be taken to a higher level."

After finishing speaking, Zhang Tianping pointed, and the green dragon claw was immediately sensed, flew towards Zi Yan, and sank into the sea of ​​​​knowledge.

"Dad is so nice!"

Zi Yan touched her forehead, showing a very happy expression, jumped directly to Zhang Tian, ​​and kissed him heavily.

This is a heaven-defying good fortune!

Everyone can't help but show an expression of envy, this kind of treatment, I am afraid that no one in the entire continent can enjoy it.

This confirms another speculation of everyone, why Zhang Tian, ​​who is in a critical period of fighting for destiny, will come out to walk the world, it should be to protect the safe growth of his three daughters.

King Jinghai died, a major case that affected everyone's minds. It stopped halfway and ended hastily, but the aftermath of this has not rested for a long time.

The quasi-immortal God Emperor Zhang Tian, ​​this conclusion was quickly spread and spread at the speed of light. In less than a day, the city was full of storms, and no one knew about it.

The minds of many people have quietly changed. If a half-step emperor has the power to shock a wilderness, then a prospective emperor can shock half of the world. If the emperor does not appear, who will compete?

As for those well-known immortal emperors, there are still a few real bodies in the mainland, and there is also a question mark. It can be seen from the regression of the ancestors of the emperor.Literary novel

For a time, the wind was surging, and a huge storm spread from the Holy City, affecting the holy places of the Three Wildernesses and tens of thousands of ancient sects, affecting countless thoughts.

With the passage of time, the legend about Zhang Tian in the Holy City gradually subsided, because another major event is about to happen, that is, the much-anticipated human race in the Zhongzhou Tianjiao Battle!

People who are less than fifty years old and whose cultivation base is below the legendary realm can participate in the war. This is a real battle of the wind and clouds. It brings together the talents of the Three Wildernesses and Zhongzhou. Whoever can win the leader is equivalent to automatically obtaining the 'Unparalleled Talent'. The title, become a contemporary leader!

The Bloody Marquis Mansion is located in another courtyard, where the students of the Deity Academy gathered. After the rumors fermented some time ago, everyone was a little more respectful to the ruthless man. Even the ancient lunatic did not dare to show the majesty of an elder in front of the ruthless man. .

Half-step emperor and quasi-emperor are completely two concepts. The former can attract and please the Deity Academy at most, while the latter has the power to destroy the Deity Academy, which is enough to make people awed.

The ruthless man did not change, as always, he sat in the top position and said with a chuckle: "Before, Senior Sister Shangguan came to Beihai to find me, saying that in this Zhongzhou Tianjiao battle, the Holy Ancestor Dynasty gave a very generous reward, enough to make everyone Tianjiao is tempted, I don't know what this reward is?"

Ji Feixue said strangely: "Senior Sister Zhang, don't you know? This time the human race's arrogance battle is held in the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death, which in itself is a chance against the sky. The Holy Ancestor Dynasty has swept the Quartet for nearly a thousand years, destroying a large number of ancient sects. The Holy Land, in addition to the inheritance of many exercises, also occupies many rare secret realms handed down from ancient times, and this 'life and death reincarnation secret realm' is enough to rank among the top three of all secret realms."

Shangguanqin explained: "There are two special products in the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death, one is the stone of life and death, which contains the majestic energy of life and death, which is very beneficial to the understanding of the profound entrance of life and death, and is the treasure that all monks below the legendary realm dream of. It is a reincarnation stone, which is more powerful and can be integrated into the bloodline, taking you across the long river of time and space, back to the power of your bloodline origin."

"The power to trace the origin of the bloodline?"

The ruthless man let out an exclamation of exclamation, that is the ability to defy the sky. Any bloodline that can be passed down to this day means that the ancestors have had very powerful characters. If it can be successfully traced back, the fortune obtained is unimaginable.

Shi Wuhua said: "The reincarnation stone contains the power of reincarnation, it is very mysterious, and it is also the real treasure of the secret realm of life and death. If it hadn't been for the fact that warriors above the legendary realm could not enter the secret realm, and the reincarnation stone could not be brought out, those reincarnation stones would have been taken by the holy ancestors long ago. The dynasty has been wiped out."

All the students couldn't help showing their excitement. Many of these students were from civilian backgrounds, and they had no idea who their ancestors were. Now this is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.

The ancient lunatic shook his head and said: "Don't be too happy, even in the secret realm of life and death, the reincarnation stone is very rare, and one person can use at most two. According to the experience of the predecessors, the efficacy of this reincarnation stone is related to the bloodline. Proportionally, the stronger the bloodline, the stronger the ancestors that can be traced back, on the contrary, if the bloodline is flat, there is no powerful ancestors that can be traced back, so it is better to exchange for some heavenly materials and earthly treasures."


Most of the students were like being poured a basin of cold water, and their interest was greatly diminished.

Only the ruthless man has a strong look of anticipation in his eyes, not to mention the magical reincarnation stone, the life and death stone alone is the treasure she desperately needs.

There is no way, her background is too deep, and the resources that need to be consumed in one step to advance are hundreds of thousands of times that of ordinary people. I don't know how many years to accumulate to break through.

This secret realm of reincarnation of life and death was tailor-made for her.

Ruthless even had a hunch that the day she stepped out of the secret realm would be the moment when she became a peerless king! , , .

Chapter 396 Zhang Tian's True Identity Revealed

Although the Human Race Tianjiao Battle is about to start, not everyone can participate. In addition to meeting the conditions, the total number of people is limited to [-].

In addition to the top Tianjiao who were listed on the Tianwu Ranking, the rest of the Tianjiao had to pass the competition first and get the top [-] rankings.

Ruthless was not interested in the so-called challenge competition, and after meeting with the students of the Deity Academy, he entered the closed state again.

Listening to the perfume pavilion, Mu Qiluo was wearing a tulle, and sat upright behind the desk. A piece of high-grade animal charcoal emitting a vision was roaring in the stove, and the heat released made the entire study feel as warm as spring.

Although King Jinghai's death caused unimaginable damage to the Eighth Prince's formation, for Mu Qiluo, the Eighth Prince had basically lost its use value and didn't care much. At this time, all her attention was devoted to another item. things are up.

"Half a month, the whole half month, Zhang Tian, ​​finally let me investigate the tip of the iceberg of your true body!"

Behind the curtain, Mu Qiluo showed a very excited smile on her face, like the spring when everything in the earth is in full bloom, she repeatedly weighed the secret music in her hand, and hummed softly: "I'll take the handle now, no matter how strong you are , how can it be stronger than the greed of people in the world, I will publicize this matter, and then there will be countless ancient sect holy places to come to trouble you."

After speaking, Mu Qiluo suddenly realized that her tone was wrong, and immediately a blush appeared. She looked around as if she had done something wrong, and when she saw no one, she was relieved, and she wanted to go. I hate Zhang Tian, ​​but I find that I can't hate him.

In the hall of the Ministry of Punishment that day, she was deliberate and thought it was foolproof. She wanted to take revenge on Zhang Tian, ​​who had humiliated her, but she ended up stealing chickens without losing money. Not only was Zhang Tian breaking the game with his arrogant power, but she was even molested in public. Fan, suffered the greatest shame in my life!

However, it was also helped by this. Most of the people in the Holy City now know that the glamorous boss who listened to Xiangxianxie was very popular with Zhang Tian, ​​so that although she broke up with the eighth prince, no matter whether it was the eighth prince or the seventh prince, neither dared to Come to listen to the perfume pavilion for trouble.

The thought that she could have the comfort she has now is because of being frivolous by Zhang Tian, ​​which made the arrogant Mu Qiluo very angry.

At this time, a gust of wind blew through, moistening things silently, only the blue smoke rising from the fire was slightly twisted.

Mu Qiluo's eyes narrowed and she said, "You came to me, what's the matter?"

"I have something good to tell you."

A very lazy voice came from the void. Bai Yu did not know when to appear, leaning against a stone pillar on the left side of the study, with a cynical chuckle on his face.

"What good thing?"

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