Bai Yu said: "Since the King Jinghai case, you have been behind closed doors. The Eighth Prince sent people over several times, but they were all driven out by your subordinates. If it wasn't for your unclear relationship with Zhang Tian, ​​then the eighth The prince is afraid that he has already set foot on the door."

Mu Qiluo said coldly: "What is the relationship that is unclear, don't blame me for turning my face and being ruthless!"

"Okay, okay... I don't say it." Nine Cakes Chinese

Bai Yu didn't seem to dare to really provoke Mu Qiluo, so she immediately restrained her expression and said solemnly: "In short, although this eighth prince does not dare to trouble you directly, there are a lot of small actions behind his back. The most crucial point is that he Strengthened the defense of the Royal Heavenly Prison, and transferred General Meng Wu to guard it day and night, thinking that we were afraid that we would rob the prison and rescue the prince."

Mu Qiluo chuckled: "Tiao Mengwu guards the prison? This is really a good thing. The eighth prince, that idiot, finally lived up to my painstaking efforts. Otherwise, I don't know how much trouble it will take."

Bai Yu said: "Yes, with the help of the eighth prince, our plan can be greatly advanced. I'm afraid he can't even dream of it... Meng Wu is the king of Mount Tai among the four kings of Nanzhao Fenghuo Linshan!"

Mu Qiluo said quietly: "For this day, in order to avenge the innocent and tragic deaths of thousands of people in Nanzhuo, we have endured for too long. Now, we are left with the Crown Prince and Concubine Yan."

"Since Meng Wu has been placed in, we have to keep up with our follow-up actions. I will call the White Bird Guard. You are still in charge of the overall situation on the Holy City side."

After speaking, Bai Yu's figure flashed and disappeared out of thin air, leaving only a white feather, which slowly landed.

Seeing Bai Yu leave, Mu Qiluo turned her gaze to the secret music in her hand, and said coldly, "Someone!"

Two beautiful maids walked in and respectfully said, "See the sect master."

"You use all the forces of the Anbu to spread the content of this secret record and try to hide it as much as possible."


Mu Qiluo regained her usual ice-cold expression, watched the two beautiful maids leave, and murmured, "Zhang Tian, ​​if you can't even solve this trouble, then you are not qualified to conquer me Mu Qiluo."

Under the impetus of listening to the fragrance forces, a piece of explosive news quickly spread among the major forces.

The content of this news is that three years ago, the tomb of the demon emperor was opened in the battlefield of the gods and demons in the Eastern Desolation. The major forces sent experts to sneak in to seize the treasure of the demon emperor. As a result, in addition to a few human forces, whether it was an alien master or a demon. The masters, and even the masters of the Jiaochi clan who descended from the ninth mountain and sea, are all gone forever, and the culprit is Zhang Tian!

This is a big secret. In the past three years, all the major forces in the mainland have been exploring the truth. On the surface, it is to find out the real murderer who killed the masters of all races. In fact, it is to pursue the treasure of the demon emperor in the tomb of the demon emperor. The people who came out of the tomb of the Demon Emperor were all tight-lipped about this matter, and they have never been able to find out the truth.

Now the truth has finally come to light, and in the process of spreading, through constant fuel and vinegar, there have been many versions.

Legend has it that Zhang Tian is not a hidden world powerhouse at all, but an ordinary martial artist. He was chosen by the undead of the demon emperor and became the heir of the demon emperor. Kill the Quartet and open the legendary road.

The reason why his daughters are so amazing and brilliant is also because of the treasures left by the demon emperor in the tomb of the demon emperor to help increase their potential, and their aptitudes are very mediocre.

Demon Emperor Treasures, Demon Emperor Treasures, throughout the ages, how many demon emperors have emerged from Shengyuan Continent, how can such a large treasure be monopolized by one person?

Driven by greed and desire, even the quasi-immortal god emperor halo on Zhang Tian's body cannot restrain the hatred that pervades the entire continent! , , .

Chapter 397 Father and daughter tenderness, supreme breakthrough

Bloody Marquis Mansion, in a quiet cultivation room.

The ruthless man sat cross-legged, his eyebrows were tightly locked, and he suddenly raised his two fingers towards the void in front of him. Immediately, one-tenth of the aura like a river was taken away from the body. The void roared, and a huge black-yellow finger strength appeared in the air. Lifelike, with mottled texture on it, it seems to be engraved with the laws of the Dao, mysterious and unpredictable, revealing the coercion like a prison.

"go with!"

The ruthless man pointed a little, and the huge black and yellow fingers flew out immediately, piercing the clouds and breaking the fog, and slammed into a crystal stone wall.


As if the sky was falling apart, the stone wall shattered, and countless huge stones rolled to the ground, but at the moment of landing, they all dissipated, and in a blink of an eye, the stone wall was restored to its original state.

"The secret art of "The Great Wilderness Prisoner of Heaven" is really powerful, and it definitely beats "The Qinglong Destroying the Heavens". I only practiced a fingering technique, and I have divine power, but the spiritual energy consumed is too terrifying. I lost one-tenth of my aura and can only be used as a killer."

The ruthless man secretly analyzed that she was very satisfied with the power of this unique skill, and only she had the capital to use such a hugely consuming martial skill.

"Today should be the day to enter the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death."

The ruthless man snapped his fingers, and immediately stood up and took a step forward, ripples suddenly appeared under his feet, and in the next instant, he appeared in an ordinary stone room.

The quiet room just now was an illusion built by Zhang Tian specially for her to practice the "Great Desolate Prisoner's Hand". She was not afraid of damage. .

"Eldest sister, you finally got out of the customs, how did you practice that secret skill?"

Yuxin seems to have been waiting outside for a long time, and when she sees someone, she immediately greets her.

The ruthless man nodded with a smile: "This secret art is more focused on ferocity, and there are no particularly profound laws, so it's barely a beginner."

Yu Xin said happily: "That's really good. I heard people say that the secret realm is very dangerous, and the older sister has more life-saving means, and also has more safety."

The ruthless man looked at the sky and said, "The secret realm is about to open, so I'll go first. After the Human Race war is the Dan Dao War, and the second sister has to prepare more. By the way, what about the third sister?"

Yu Xin pursed her lips and said with a smile: "That girl has obtained the Martial Soul Mark of "Qinglong Destroying the Sky", and she is still sleeping and refining. It is estimated that the demon clan Tianjiao won't be able to wake up before the battle."

At this moment, Zhang Tian strolled over and handed the ruthless man a green necklace, saying, "Something has happened during your retreat in the past few days. In the secret realm, someone should target you. This necklace You hold it, and if you encounter a danger that is difficult to solve, just throw it directly."

After speaking, Zhang Tian raised his hand to pull up the ruthless man's hair, and personally brought the necklace to the ruthless man's jade neck. The crystal clear gem hung between her two collarbones, lining her skin. More white and attractive.

"Go, remember, no matter when, Dad is by your side and will clear up all your troubles for you."

Zhang Tian stroked Ruthless Man's profile and said softly.

The ruthless man's face was slightly red, but he did not resist. Instead, he raised his hand to cover Zhang Tian's palm, feeling Zhang Tian's temperature more closely, and said softly, "Don't worry, Dad, I will definitely not let you down."

The Secret Realm of Reincarnation of Life and Death is located in a desolate ancient place thirty kilometers away from the Holy City.Beauty Nest Novel

The Eastern Wilderness, the Western Wilderness, the Southern Wilderness, and the Central Province, countless arrogances gathered, representing the holy places of the ancient sects, the noble families, and some people from the outer realms who were dressed in fancy clothes or even covered in black robes.

"Zhang Ruren is here."

I don't know who said a word, the audience fell silent for a while, the crowd separated from the middle like a knife breaking the water, making way for a passage, almost everyone turned their attention to the ruthless man, with different expressions in their eyes.

The ruthless man frowned slightly. She felt an unusual atmosphere, but she couldn't tell. When she was about to explore carefully, the void suddenly trembled, and a huge door of light was born out of thin air. Twisting power.

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