"The secret realm is open! Everyone, hurry up!"

The opening of the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death immediately caused everyone to divert their attention and rushed towards the gate of life and death.

Because before this, everyone has done investigations, whether it is the precious stone of life and death, or the magical reincarnation stone, they all exploded from a fierce spirit in the secret realm.

And these fierce spirits are strong and weak. The powerful ones are even comparable to high-level kings. They are not the enemy of ordinary Tianjiao. Naturally, they must enter first and grab more low-level fierce spirits.

"Go away for this world!"

The prince of Chu, Chu Xiangtian, let out a loud roar, being domineering and boundless. The Fang Tianhua halberd in his hand suddenly increased out of thin air, turning into a sky-shattering flame, instantly blasting dozens of Tianjiao who had blocked the gate of light in the secret realm and flying into it with Changhong.

Those Tianjiao who were broken open by the halberd light were a little embarrassed and angry, but seeing that Chu Xiangtian, who was known as the little overlord, could only swallow his anger and retreat into the crowd, charging towards the secret gate of light again.

"Jie Jie, the Overlord Supreme body is really strong, this skin of yours, this young master is the master!"

A shadowy voice came out from behind Chu Xiangtian, the entrance to the secret realm was immediately covered by a thick black mist, and there was a vague howl.

"No, this is the ghost hall of the soul locked ghost fog, the young master of the soul clan has shot, fast back!"

Many Tianjiao screamed in horror and stayed away from the door of light. If Chu Xiangtian corresponds to domineering, then the young master of the soul clan corresponds to insidiousness. The former is terrifying, while the latter is terrifying.

Immediately afterwards, countless geniuses showed their magical powers, and Li Yixuan of the Hanlin Academy released a long river of scrolls that directly crossed the Gate of Light.Tantai Mingyue in Tantai Holy Land is extremely magical, transforming into immortal lotus and escaping into it, followed by Xiao Guyan, Chen Beixuan, Nangong Feng, Ji Feixue...

The ruthless man observed for a long time, his eyes flashed from time to time, and said excitedly: "The great world is coming, this time I should be able to meet a few opponents, I am not alone!"

After finishing speaking, a powerful sword force erupted from Ruthless Man, penetrating the heaven and earth, using his body to control the sword, and the human and the sword to become one.

Everyone saw a huge sword rainbow passing through the sky. Wherever they reached, the sound of gas explosions rang in the sky. Most of the Tianjiao were directly vomited blood and flew upside down when they were dozens of meters away, and their eyes were full of horror.


Just as the Ruthless Man entered the gate of the secret realm, dozens of black-robed men scattered all over the place at the same time, forming an iron chain across the stream, blocking all the arrogances, and entering the secret realm after the Ruthless Man.

I don't know how long it took, the arrogance of the ancients became less and less, and finally the last person entered, and the secret door of light slowly closed.

The Human Race Tianjiao Battle has officially started! , , .

Chapter 398 Ruthless Great Emperor!

call out!

In a huge sand valley, the ruthless man appeared out of thin air, and when he looked around, he saw that the sky was covered with red glow, and the earth was empty, showing a sense of desolation and desolation.

After observing for a moment, Ruthless Man found a very strange scene. Just now, there was still green grass under his feet. At this time, it had already decayed and dried up, the grass leaves had turned yellow, and there was no vitality.

And in the very short period of time that the ruthless man was watching, those withered blades of grass actually revived again, budding from the ground, growing at an astonishing speed, and soon covering the ground again.

Life and death!

Death and bloom!

This scene that would have taken months or even years to happen is actually happening all the time here.

"What a secret realm of reincarnation of life and death. Life is not the starting point, and death is not the end. Life and death are just a reincarnation."

The ruthless man saw the disillusionment of life and death, and suddenly had a very profound insight. It is no wonder that this secret realm is sought after by countless geniuses. This space is almost full of life and death. .

"Roar! Roar!"

Just when Ruthless was immersed in the disillusionment of life and death, a storm suddenly rose in the sand valley, and two fierce spirits with a height of seven or eight meters roared and rushed towards her.

"Looking at this breath, it should be a low-level fierce spirit. My luck is not bad."

The ruthless man chuckled lightly, and without using his sword, he punched out directly. The powerful fist wind brought a sandstorm and swept toward the two fierce spirits.


Without the splash of flesh and blood, the bodies of the two ferocious spirits dissipated out of thin air, and finally turned into a black and white airflow, and disappeared without a trace.

"It's a pity that there is no stone of life and death."

The ruthless man showed a look of regret. All the fierce spirits in this secret realm were transformed by the two qi of life and death, but only a small part could condense the stone of birth and death in the body.

After sweeping around in place, Ruthless Man stomped the ground with his right foot and flew directly out of the sand valley, turning into a shock and running towards the due east.

This secret realm is very dangerous. In order to minimize casualties, the Deity Academy agreed that everyone should gather in the east as much as possible. In case of difficulties, they can also take care of each other.


During the flight, a gray cloud and mist approached. The ruthless man didn't care at first, but he didn't expect that before and after, the cloud and mist suddenly erupted, revealing a fierce spirit in the shape of a goshawk, making a sharp whistle and heading towards it. attacked her.

"This time it's a high-level murderous spirit!"

The ruthless man showed a slightly dignified expression, took out the ice and fire sword and drew a huge ice and fire sword light, with her realm and the strength of the sword soul, although it was just a random blow, the power was also very terrifying, and the half body of the goshawk was instantly swept away. Freeze, and the other half of the body is directly burned into a phantom.


The ice layer shattered, and half of the ice-covered body also dissipated as life and death.

The ruthless man looked around, his eyes suddenly lit up, he raised his hand and grabbed it forward, and a spar lingering in the black and white air flow fell into her hand.

"This is only the third fierce spirit, and a stone of life and death exploded. It's really good luck."

The ruthless man showed a look of joy, and immediately ran the "Swallowing Devil Art", transformed into a hell oven, threw the stone of life and death in it, and quickly transformed into a billowing essence that poured into her body.

If other Tianjiao sees this scene, they must be shocked, because they want to refine a life and death stone, even seven days, which is like a ruthless person, and it will be finished in an instant.

"That's right, the energy of death contained in one stone of life and death is equivalent to dozens of Netherstones. Judging from this level, by refining at most two hundred stones of life and death, I can break through to the second level of the profound entrance of life and death. "518 Chinese website www.518zw.com

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