The ruthless man's cultivation base has accumulated to a very terrifying realm, especially after blessing the "Flying Immortal Art" tactics, every move and every move contains great divine power, even the top fierce spirits can't escape one move and a half, so I simply put these The fierce spirit was used as a target for practice, and he displayed the martial arts and supernatural powers that he was proficient in one by one.

After three hours, the ruthless man who was immersed in the sea of ​​sword qi and martial arts finally realized that something was wrong. The canyon was not big from the outside, but she kept rushing forward, but she never came to the end. It was very strange.

What made her feel even more wrong was that, in these three hours, she had killed as many as [-] murderous spirits, but the number of murderous spirits was still steady, far exceeding the number she could perceive with her soul.

"It's weird."

The ruthless man slowed down his sword stance, and his expression became solemn. "Flying Immortal Art" consumed a lot of spiritual energy. In these three hours, she had used all her strength, and she had already consumed nearly [-]% of the spiritual energy without knowing it.The secret realm of life and death reincarnation is full of life and death energy, the concentration of spiritual energy is far lower than the outside world, and the recovery speed is very slow. If she is blindly killing, it is very likely that she will be worn to death by endless ferocity.

Leaning on the edge of the canyon, the ruthless man mobilized the sword souls in his dantian with all his strength, sweeping across the entire grand canyon.

Soon, she discovered the clue. There was a natural formation here, like a spirit gathering formation, which could continuously gather the energy of life and death.After those fierce spirits were beheaded, life and death were separated, and they should have disappeared between heaven and earth, but they were reunited into fierce spirits by this natural formation.

"No wonder the ferocious spirits I killed later became weaker and weaker, and all of them didn't have the stone of life and death."

The ruthless man showed a look of crying and laughing, and immediately became serious, and swept his sword towards one of the eyes of the great formation.

The formation in this canyon is completely formed naturally, so it is difficult to detect, but there are also no artificial protection measures. Once you observe carefully, as long as you destroy one corner, the entire formation will be self-defeating.


At the moment when the formation was broken, a loud noise erupted in the entire canyon.

The ruthless man looked left and right, just like last time, he blasted out a huge secret room underground, escaped into it, the storage ring flashed, and hundreds of life and death stones floated out. Hundreds of them, all sank into the hell oven, frantically refining.

"I don't know how my cultivation will improve after refining these life and death stones."

There was a look of anticipation in the eyes of the ruthless man, and he slowly closed his eyes.

At the same time, Chen Beixuan also got a reincarnation stone on the other side, thousands of miles away from Ruthless Man, and immediately searched for a secret place to seal his body.

After sleeping in the Immortal Devil Cave for millions of years, his memory seemed to be cut off by a sword. How powerful was the Chen family in the Middle Ages, and his father was invincible in the world. Why is he the only one left now?

He needs an answer!

"Reincarnation stone, refining!"

Chen Beixuan's eyes were bloodshot, and he was enveloped by a burst of red smoke, tracing his blood, crossing the river of time.

He saw a man who stood upright with the sky on his back, his black hair draped like a waterfall behind his back, seemed to be forced, and let out an unwilling roar:

"My name is Chen Zhantian, the Great Emperor Zhantian, the way of heaven is not benevolent, I will fight it, the glory of the Chen family, I will bear it. Give me time, I don't need to resurrect Chen Tiandi, I will surpass Chen Tiandi!" ,,..

Chapter 402 The Great Emperor Zhantian Overturns the Heavenly Dao!

This is the roar of a great emperor, shaking the world, weeping ghosts and gods, and those around him who pointed at him, under this roar, all flew upside down, their bodies cracked, and their flesh and blood splashed.

"My Chen family has worked hard to resurrect the distant ancestor Chen Tiandi for generations. As long as Chen Tiandi is resurrected, the Chen family will be able to rise to the top of the nine mountains and seas. Chen Zhantian, you are the ninth son of the Chen family, this fate. , you can't escape!!"

The people around are also roaring, their eyes are full of resentment, the ninth person they have spent a lot of effort to cultivate, and now they are going to betray the family's ancestral teaching, which makes them very angry.

"Fate! Fate! My son Bei Xuan, because of fate, the body will die and the soul will perish. Who of you can pay for this fate? Now, I want to enter the ancient land of the corpse and continue the destiny for my son. If you have the courage, you can do it. Come after me!"

Emperor Zhantian's black hair danced wildly, he had thousands of hatred in his heart, hated his own fate, and even more hated his own blood, as a Chen family member, after becoming Chen Tiandi, it was his great luck and his great misfortune , but how hard he works, no matter how amazing he is, all the glory will be obscured by Emperor Chen Tian, ​​it is like an ancient sacred mountain, insurmountable.

"You ignorant fellows, just immerse yourself in the glory of the distant ancestors. One day, I will surpass the distant ancestors, overturn this heaven, and accomplish what Chen Tiandi failed to achieve!"

Emperor Zhantian roared again, and directly tore open the ancient starry sky road leading to the ancient land of the corpse. Countless huge stars fell one by one, and the space storm raged, annihilating the figure of Emperor Zhantian.

"Chen Zhantian, come back to me, do you want to betray the family?"

"Chen Zhantian, even if you become a great emperor, you can't escape your fate!"

"Chen Zhantian, you are crazy, your son is dead, and even if you go to the ancient land of the corpse, you can't save him!"

Countless Chen family members shouted, but no one dared to pursue along the ancient road of the starry sky, because the end of the ancient road is the ancient land of corpses, which is a place where the living are forbidden, and one of the most mysterious forbidden areas in the nine mountains and seas.

Different from other restricted areas, it is not occupied by powerful aliens, but a land of the dead, which is the largest ancient cemetery in the nine mountains and seas.

Although this forbidden area is located in the Ninth Mountain and Sea Star Region, the peerless powerhouses of the other eight great mountains and seas often drag their remnants here to bury themselves when they are on the verge of death.

Since time immemorial, I don’t know how many earth-shattering Supreme Beings have been buried in it.

The reason why it is so sought after is because the ancient corpse has a very magical power of law, and any strong person buried in it can hang the last mouthful of life essence and not die, and may even be reborn from ashes and live a second life. World!

Although the hope of surviving the second life is very slim, it is a hope that is enough to make countless powers flock to him.

Hundreds of millions of years, there are always some people who are lucky enough to get the second and third life in the ancient land of corpses... But more, they stay there forever, the true spirit falls into a deep sleep, the corpse is wandering, and it becomes An ancient corpse like the living dead.

Accumulated from generation to generation, the number of these ancient corpses has reached a very staggering number. According to instinct, they guard the ancient corpse and kill any angry trespassers.


Chen Beixuan shouted in Yangtian, tears streaming down his face. He didn't expect his father to betray his family and go deep into the forbidden area of ​​the ancient corpse in order to resurrect him.

He wanted to follow his father's back, but the moment before entering the ancient road of the starry sky, the picture in front of him collapsed, and the energy of the reincarnation stone was exhausted, pulling him back to the real world.

"Father..." 90 look at the novel

Returning to reality, Chen Beixuan couldn't help but shouted again. He finally got a glimpse of the truth after his death, but he had more questions. The ancient world claimed that unless he lived a second life, he would never be able to Walking out, did his father break the curse, if not, how did the fairy cave come into being?

At the same time, he also discovered another shocking thing. His bloodline distant ancestor turned out to be one of the most eye-catching Zhantians in the Zhantian era, the peerless Emperor Chentian.

He is the Queen of Heaven!

Taking a deep breath, Chen Beixuan's eyes showed a look of determination. He swore in his heart that one day, he would return to the Immortal Demon Cave to find out. To break through.


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