The stone wall shattered, Chen Beixuan stepped out of the secret room, and a lot of dust was stained on the leather armor, making him look like a hunter in a remote mountain village.

After releasing his soul to feel it, Chen Beixuan immediately showed his movement and ran towards the due south, where he sensed a very powerful aura fluctuation, and there should be top talents fighting for the front.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Before he could get close, there were bursts of violent roaring sounds that came into his ears, which made Chen Beixuan horrified and rushed to the front, which was not what he expected.

I saw that this was a vast plain, where countless geniuses gathered and formed a circle, watching the fierce battle in the sky intently.

One is the young master of the soul clan among the six ancient clans in the Southern Wilderness, Soul Xiuya!

The other is Tantai Mingyue, the descendant of the Tantai Holy Land in the Western Wasteland!

This is not only the battle between the Southern Wilderness and the Western Desolation, but also the battle between the evil way and the right way, and it is the pinnacle of this human race's arrogance battle!

"Lock Soul Ghost Mist!"

In the face of the descendants of the transcendent holy land like Tantai Mingyue, even if they are conceited and cultivate their careers, they do not dare to be careless. He seems to be pure and clean, but I'm afraid he's very hungry behind his back, why don't you abandon the rules and regulations, join my soul clan, and be a fallen fairy?"

The onlookers were stunned for a while. The Tantai Holy Land had an incomparably noble status on the mainland. Every generation of descendants would be sought after by a large number of young Tianjiao. Only the ancient tribes such as the Soul Clan with the background behind them dared to provoke the world.

Tantai Mingyue turned around and wiped away the ghostly mist. Her face was peerless. Her white long dress was swaying and dancing in the air. From a distance, she looked like a fairy, with a graceful posture and a beauty like heaven.

"Transcendent Immortal Lotus."

Tantai Immortal Law is boundless and mysterious, I saw Tantai Mingyue forming a seal out of thin air, turning into a huge immortal lotus, emitting a soft immortal light, instantly dispelling the unavoidable ghost fog, moisturizing things without interest, Very easy to write.

This is an extremely exciting battle of good and evil, even Chen Beixuan is watching it with relish.

Just as the battle was raging, Chen Beixuan suddenly narrowed his eyes and looked towards the northwest. He felt several very terrifying breaths approaching. , , .

Chapter 403: The Battle of Sanctification, the Ancient God Comes

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Before Chen Beixuan could explore it carefully, those auras were already approaching. They were four men in black, all with strange patterns on their faces, with a gloomy aura.

But seeing these four people separated by a distance, connected by an iron chain, and when they got close, they said loudly: "Today is really lively, the two top geniuses of righteousness and evil are fighting here, but they are in a holy war? How can there be less? Our Corpse Demon Sect!"

"Corpse Demon Sect?"

Many Tianjiao are stunned. The Shengyuan Continent is extremely vast, and there are countless ancient sects of holy places. Every time in the world, there are amazing Tianjiao entering the world, representing the forces behind the competition, ranking the holy places. Never heard of the 'corpse demon sect' force?

"Hmph, the Holy War seals the top [-] forces in the mainland, not just any cat or dog can get involved."

A Tianjiao of the Southern Desolate Starfall Ancient Sect laughed loudly, and immediately drew a chorus of echoes.

"Ha ha……"

The four men in black standing in the sky laughed instead of anger, and the one on the far left said: "It seems that we don't show some means, no one knows how powerful our Corpse Demon Sect is!"

When the voice fell, the man was suddenly covered by a burst of black energy, and rushed towards the people of the Xingyun Ancient Sect like lightning.

"How brave, dare to challenge my Xingyun Ancient Sect!"

The Xingyun Ancient Sect is a major force in the Southern Wilderness. In addition to the six ancient clans, it can at least rank in the top ten. This time, ten Tianjiao came here. They have used their magical powers to fight against each other.

"Bang bang bang..."

What shocked everyone was that these powerful magical attacks were all annihilated and shattered after encountering the huge devil's palm, and they couldn't even stop the speed of the fall of the devil's palm, causing it to slam on the ground.

After a gust of sand, the devil's palm disappeared, and the ten geniuses of the ancient Xingyun sect were all shattered into bones, without a trace of flesh and blood.

At this moment, whether in the air or on the ground, everyone sucked in a breath of cold air and killed ten world-shattering arrogances with their own power. This level of strength can at least be ranked in the Tianwu Vermilion Bird List.But what shocked everyone even more was that this man's method not only used magic power, but also was extremely cruel.

"Hey, is this the strength of the top talent in the Southern Wilderness? It's really vulnerable. This continent is really ruined, and it's time for my corpse demon sect to rule the world!"

The man in black who shot before wiped his eagle-like palm and said sarcastically.


There are at least hundreds of ancient sect holy places in the Southern Wilderness and the Western Wilderness concentrated here, and even the young master of the Soul Palace and the descendant of Tantai, who are on the Tianwu Golden Dragon List, but this person dares to speak out and is invincible.

Many Tianjiao are sneering, pretending to be forced to pay a price, although they are not as strong as the men in black, but among the hundreds of people on the scene, someone can always cure him.

Sure enough, just as the black-clothed man's voice fell, a rebellious voice resounded in the crowd: "Although this prince doesn't like people in the Southern Wilderness, he can't stand people who are crazier than me. You four. A guy who came out of nowhere, let's go!"

"Little Overlord Chu Xiangtian!"

The crowd instantly boiled over. This person was not inferior to Soul Xiuya and Tantai Mingyue's top talent, and one of the top talent in Xihuang's contemporary era.

"The halberd splits the sky!"

As soon as Chu Xiangtian made his move, a majestic force erupted, Fang Tianhuaji seemed to be about to shatter the void, traversing the sky and the earth, wrapping all the four men in black.Egg Pain Novel Network

"If it's good, I'll kill you first, and then ask the number one on the gold list!"

The four men in black started to surround and surrounded Chu Xiangtian in the center.

"Little Chenzi, where did you go before, our Martial God Academy has been bullied to death!"

Chen Beixuan was watching the battle attentively, when he suddenly heard a complaint in his ear, turned his head to look, it was the students of the Wushen Academy headed by Nangong Feng, who immediately shrugged and said: "Even Sister Nangong is not an opponent, and it is useless to add me. ."

Nangong Feng said angrily, "Don't be rude here, I don't care, if you encounter that ruthless man from the Deity Academy again, you must help us out."

Seeing that Chen Beixuan's eyes had been staring at the battle in the air, Nangong Feng couldn't help but look over and said in amazement: "What a domineering magic art, the magic way on the mainland has been declining for a long time, where did these people come from to be able to fight with Chu? Xiangtian has been fighting for so long. Xiao Chenzi, who do you think will win?"

"It should be Chu Xiangtian."

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