Chen Beixuan said ponderingly, but he had a bad premonition in his heart, and he always felt that something big was happening.

"It's over, I will die for this prince!"

In mid-air, Chu Xiangtian roared up to the sky, like a peerless god of war, slammed out Fang Tianhua halberd, and on the tip of the huge halberd, white lightning flashed wildly, slamming into the four men in black like punishment from the sky.


There was a loud bang, and a hundred meters of dust rose up on the ground, completely blocking everyone's sight.


An extremely terrifying ghost howl came from the smoke and dust, and it shook the sky, swayed down into the nine secluded places, and spread layer by layer, making the surrounding Tianjiao feel a tingling in the eardrums, as if it was about to explode.

The wind and sand dissipated, and everyone showed a horrified expression. I saw that the four men in black were intact, and Chu Xiangtian's violent and invincible halberd was caught by a terrifying corpse monster with two wings on its back. catch.

"What, how is it possible!"

With an unbelievable expression on Chu Xiangtian's face, he desperately dragged Fang Tianhua's halberd, but he didn't move.

"Jie Jie, let you see the real power of our Corpse Demon Sect!"

The four men in black let out a sinister laugh, and the chains on their bodies were all tied to the dead corpse, controlling his limbs.

I saw one of the chains vibrated, and the huge corpse also moved. The hand holding Fang Tianhua halberd with a slight force, directly flung Chu Xiangtian out, and the direction was Tantai Mingyue and Hun Xiuya. battle group.

"What, what kind of monster is this?"

Soul Clan Young Master Soul Xiuya, who has always been known for his cruelty, was also shocked when he saw this huge corpse monster.

Tantai Mingyue stared at it and said in shock, "This is a god, you are so brave, you dare to make a god's sacrifice into a corpse, aren't you afraid of incurring divine punishment?"


All Tianjiao were scared back a few steps, their faces pale.

Chen Beixuan narrowed his eyes slightly, he felt a chaotic aura similar to his from the corpse. , , .

Chapter 404 I am Emperor Yan, and I am seeking the way of heaven today

"Haha, I'm afraid, this corpse king is just the lowest corpse demon in our corpse demon sect."

The four men in black were extremely arrogant and waved their chains. The two-winged corpse king immediately became more powerful. He lifted Fang Tianhua halberd and slashed towards the ground. His strength was unparalleled. Heaven's hands are ten times more terrifying.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The explosion sounded, and every time the Two-Winged Corpse King made a move, the ground shook for a while. In just a few breaths, more than [-] Tianjiao died tragically, and the scene was mourning.


Chen Beixuan looked at Fang Tianhuaji, which was pressing down from the sky, and shouted, pushing Nangongfeng and other students of the Martial God Academy away, the long knife around his waist was unsheathed, and a tyrannical knife was drawn.


With a roar, under Chen Beixuan's sword, the Fang Tianhuaji in the corpse king's hand was directly blasted away, and even his body trembled, and he staggered back two steps.

"Huh? I didn't expect that there was a master hidden in the crowd."

One of the men in black looked towards Chen Beixuan, with a cold light flashing in his eyes.

Chen Beixuan's expression was solemn, he flew into the air, and said loudly: "Don't be afraid, this is not a real god, just a servant!"

Tantai Mingyue's expression changed, and then she looked at the corpse king, and saw that he was thin and tall, one arm seemed to be torn off, and the pair of bone wings on the back were also full of cracks, as if he had experienced a very cruel battle before his death. The key is that the divine aura on his body is very weak, mixed with the death aura, and it is difficult to distinguish.

Chu Xiangtian flew to catch Fang Tianhua's halberd and said loudly, "Fairy Tantai, can you tell if this is a god or a servant?"

He was very angry. Being robbed of his weapons in front of so many geniuses was undoubtedly the most humiliating moment in his life. He just wanted to destroy this corpse king immediately, but he was also rational. If this was really a corpse demon made by a god, It was clearly not something he could deal with.

Tantai Mingyue said softly: "Brother Chen is right. It has very little divinity. It is indeed not a god, but a god servant with divine blood."

The most essential difference between God and man is not blood, but the divine nature of God, which is a symbol of innate dignity and cannot be offended.

In the ancient times, the gods were in charge of everything and educated all the people, but between the gods and the people, there was still a class, that is, the servants of the gods.It is a devout believer chosen by the gods from the people and bestowed with the blood of the gods. Although the power is also very powerful, it cannot be compared with the real gods.

"Hmph, even if it's a servant of the gods, it's more than enough to kill you."

The four men in black seemed a little embarrassed, and once again commanded the Two-Winged Corpse Dynasty to overwhelm the arrogance of the heavens.

"Fairy Tantai, the young master of the soul clan, the prince of Chu, the three of you will fight this corpse king with me, and the rest will retreat!"

Chen Beixuan commanded calmly, and the nine round seas in the dantian roared and vibrated, running the family's Xuan Gong, and sending it to the long knife in his hand, a vast aura like an abyss erupted from him.

Tantai Mingyue still looks calm, with a fairy lotus on her feet, her hands are imprinted, and it seems that she is preparing a powerful Taoist method.

Although Hun Xiuya and Chu Xiangtian were dissatisfied with Chen Beixuan's order, but just now Chen Beixuan smashed the two-winged corpse king with a knife, which shows his strength. .

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Four Great Heavenly Martial Artists, the Golden Dragons, and the arrogance of the heavens, at the same time, made a move with all their strength, and their momentum was extremely shocking.

"Give it to me, the corpse demon seal, the second level!"

The four men in black were a little angry and chanted a strange incantation. The aura on the corpse king suddenly increased, becoming extremely irritable, with a hoarse roar, and a palm slammed towards the four.

"Destroy the Heavenly Hand!"

Chen Beixuan's long saber was blasted away, and he quickly used his other hand to display his family's unique skills, forming a purple gold palm in front of him.

"Boom..." Ouou e-book

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