As if the power of the thunder had descended, except for Chen Beixuan, all the other three were swept away, and Chu Xiangtian's Fang Tianhuaji was directly broken.

This amazing change made all the spectators stunned, and a chill came from the bottom of their hearts.

"Good Chen Beixuan, worthy of being the third-ranked Tianjiao on the Tianwu Ranking, I will use you first!"

The eyes of the four men in black flickered with cruel colors, and they formed a seal again.


A soft voice suddenly sounded from behind the four of them, but it was Tantai Mingyue who used the method of supreme illusion to circle behind them. Countless flower petals fluttered, forming a forbidden area, trapping all four of them in it. Relentless strangulation.

"Capturing the thief first, the king is worthy of being the descendant of Tantai."

Chen Beixuan breathed a sigh of relief, but found that the corpse king in front of him not only did not stop, but instead became more violent because he lost control.

"Damn, do you have to use that trick?"

When the crisis came, Chen Beixuan couldn't think about it any longer, he shouted loudly, and reversed the profound art!

"The Seven Devil Swords! The Seven Swords in One!"

In an instant, seven terrifying ghosts appeared behind Chenbeixuan, as if seven demons had descended, and they turned faster and faster around Chenbeixuan, and finally merged into a long sword against the sky and merged into Chenbeixuan's body.

"This is……"

The eyes of all Tianjiao in the audience changed. They felt an extremely heavy sense of oppression from Chen Beixuan. The aura of death in him even surpassed the two-winged corpse king for a time.

Chen Beixuan opened his eyes, his eyes were empty and dead, he put his hand into his body, took out the magic knife of death, stroked the blade with his hand, and a layer of blood was stained on it.

"go to hell!"

Chen Beixuan roared loudly, slashed with his sword, and a black sword light of nearly a hundred feet pierced through the sky, breaking through the layers of void and slashing towards the Corpse King.

The Heaven-defying Seven Demons Slash, the blood of the gods breaks the corpse!


In the horrified eyes of everyone, the terrifying corpse king, which was made by the sacrifice of the ancient gods, was directly cut in half and divided into two.

Everyone watching Tianjiao was boiling, shouting Chen Beixuan's name loudly.

Nangong Feng stunned: "Junior Brother Chen has become famous in the first battle. To kill a near-half-holy corpse king by himself is a monster."

Even Tantai Mingyue was stunned for a while, and then bowed slightly: "In the future, the younger generation of Xihuang should respect Brother Chen."

At the same time, in the extreme south of the secret realm, Xiao Guyan was sitting in a cave, holding the reincarnation stone, and the expression on his face was unpredictable.

"My father has always been very secretive about family affairs. Old Dan also said that my bloodline has an extraordinary origin. I would like to see what kind of person my bloodline ancestor is."

Xiao Guyan muttered, and then urged Zhenli to refine the Samsara Stone.

The red smoke filled the air, and a force beyond reincarnation covered Xiao Guyan's body, leading him into a strange realm.

It was a world full of flames, a black-haired man with a resolute look and an independent dome. Below, there were countless strong men, each with a profound aura, especially the few people standing in the front row, as if one look could destroy the Holy Spirit. Yuan Continent.

"I am Emperor Yan, and I am seeking the way of heaven today..." ,, . . .

Chapter 405 Heaven comes, the battle of the emperor

The black-haired man standing on the dome overlooking the world, just opened his mouth, which shocked Xiao Guyan's spirit!

His distant ancestor turned out to be Emperor Yan!The master of the flames that no one knows about the nine mountains and seas, the first person in the fire path from ancient times to the present, and also a dazzling star in the era of Zhantian, the only quasi-immortal emperor who left his name on the Emperor Mark Monument with the fire path. .

The reason why Xiao Guyan believed that Emperor Yan was his distant ancestor was because this Emperor Yan had a face that was very similar to him, the same sword eyebrows and star eyes, cold and arrogant as ice, and most importantly, the dark heavy ruler on the back of Emperor Yan, It was actually his ruler that was exactly the same, but his breath was stronger, like a divine weapon that could pierce the sky.

"The way of heaven is not benevolent, it oppresses the nine great mountains and seas, and hundreds of millions of people resist it. Although the Endless Fire Territory is independent from the outside, but under the nest, there will be no eggs. I am the Lord of the Endless Fire Territory. Take the power of a domain, fight against the heavens, and make the world clear!"

As Emperor Yan said, tyrannical fires rose up from his body, surrounding him, as if he was dominated by Cang Ming, his divine might was like a prison.

"I'm willing to follow Emperor Yan, fight the Heavenly Dao, and wipe out Xuanyu!"

A tall and glamorous queen below echoed loudly, with a flash of brilliance on her body, she turned into a nine-colored swallowing python that could not be seen for tens of thousands of miles.

"I am willing to fight with Emperor Yan!!"

All the powerhouses in the Endless Fire Territory shouted loudly, there were poisonous girls surrounded by poisonous gas, and there were poisonous girls with delicate appearances, and there were also giant azure beasts who looked at the world for thousands of miles. Alchemist.

They are all the most loyal deployments of Emperor Yan. They follow Emperor Yan all the way, from a small world, run rampant in a thousand worlds, and finally traverse nine mountains and seas, creating an endless fire domain that will never be extinguished, shocking one world, even with that high above. Heaven is the enemy, and they have nothing to fear.

Xiao Guyan was in high spirits. This is where his blood flowed. The longer he stayed, the more he could sense the bond between himself and this world. He sincerely hoped that this group of hot-blooded powerhouses could go all the way to the end.

"Report... Qingyanxing, three million miles away, found the ancient army of the ancient heaven and was rapidly heading towards the endless fire."

A cultivator with a long sword appeared out of thin air and delivered a message to everyone.

"What? Emperor Burial received the message so quickly, and sent a large army to suppress it. How cruel!"

The nine-colored swallowing python that penetrated the sky and the earth said a word, and the body of the python swayed, causing the void to roar.

Emperor Yan said in a cold voice, "From the moment we joined the Zhantian Alliance, this day will come sooner or later. What are you afraid of, everyone, follow this Emperor to fight!"


The world barrier of the Endless Fire Territory was directly smashed, and millions of heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals broke into the air, like iron chains across the stream, coldly looking down at the people in the Endless Fire Territory.

"According to the decree of the Emperor of Heaven, the Endless Fire Territory colluded with the Zhantian Alliance, conspired against the crime, and wiped out the entire territory!"

Before the heavenly soldiers arrayed, the four immortal generals took a step forward together, unfolding a mysterious golden decree of nine dragons, and said arrogantly.

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