The girl with poisonous gas all over her body said coldly: "Is it because the ancient heaven is empty, or the Emperor Buried is confused, thinking that with your four Immortal Kings, I can destroy my endless fire domain? It's too naive!"

One of the immortal generals said proudly: "There is no limit to the endless fire area, but the tiny dust in the vast universe is trying to go against the destiny. With a few people like me, it is enough to destroy it!" net

"Presumptuous! Let me try what you can do!"

The viper-like giant beast covered with cyan scale armor roared loudly, and danced its huge snake body to slam into the Celestial Soldiers camp.

The girl Poison Immortal and the Nine-Colored Sky-Swallowing Python also shot at the same time, shaking the sky and the earth. In an instant, the poisonous miasma avoided the air, and the beast roared into the sky.

The three immortal kings of the Endless Fire Territory collided fiercely with the four immortal king-level warriors in the ancient heavenly court. These powerhouses have the power of the Dao in their every move, and they use the Dao as the law to stimulate the power of the world. In the meantime, the mountains and rivers that were hit were shattered and devastated.

The Endless Fire Territory is the source world created by Emperor Yan with his own power. It is above the Great Thousand Worlds, has its own world will, and is a powerful one for millions of years.

But at this time, this world has suffered a devastating blow. The aftermath of the battle between the immortal kings, such as huge stars and meteorites, fell to the ground, subverting mountains and rivers, diverting rivers, causing countless underground magma, millions of underground The volcanoes erupted at the same time, like the end of the world.

Hundreds of millions of people in the Endless Fire Territory were wailing, their homes were broken, and the cries were so loud that they gathered from all directions to a plain, looking up at the battle of the Immortal Kings in the sky, and their eyes were full of despair.

At this moment, the millions of heavenly soldiers shook the sky and formed the emperor's great formation to kill them below.

In the endless fire field army, a woman with silver hair like snow stood first, a pure white flame ignited on her body, and said coldly: "The soldiers of the endless fire field, defend their homeland, and fight the heavenly army to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

"Fight to the death!"

Thousands of warriors in the endless fire domain roared in unison, and a flood of aura erupted, rising from the sky, condensing into a huge 'fire' word, and slamming together with the emperor's great formation of the heavenly soldiers.

The war was extremely brutal.

Xiao Guyan stared at all of this in a stunned manner, his emotions were surging to the extreme, this is a real fairy battle, the emperors are everywhere, the great saints are like dogs, and those generals who are in the front row, just walk out one, you can sweep the entire Shengyuan mainland.

The war is in full swing. Although the Endless Fire Territory has the terrain to help, its elite level is far less than that of the ancient heaven, and it is driven to a desperate situation step by step.

At this moment, Emperor Yan moved, and Emperor Yan stood proudly on the top of the sky, looking contemptuous, pointing down a little, the void roared and trembled, revealing seventy-two golden pillars of coiled dragons as high as [-] zhang.

"The Buddha's Anger Emperor Yanlian."

Emperor Yan stepped on the void and softly called out, the seventy-two Coiling Dragon Golden Pillars shook violently at the same time, each spewing out a different fire, converging in the void, and condensed into an extremely gorgeous fire lotus of ten thousand feet, exuding boundless terror. Yes, move towards the hood of the millions of heavenly soldiers.

With just one blow, the Emperor's Great Array, which was enough to kill the Immortal King, was smashed to pieces, the fire lotus burst, and the airspace of [-] miles was burned into a sea of ​​fire, and countless heavenly soldiers were burned to ashes.

The prestige of the quasi-immortal emperor is fully displayed! , , .

Chapter 406 Burying the Heavenly Emperor's Law, Emperor Yan is angry!



The power of this blow shocked all the heavenly soldiers and heavenly generals, and even the four Immortal King-level generals trembled, and felt a little terrified in their hearts.

Although the difference between the Immortal King and the Immortal Emperor is only a first-order difference, it is like a moat, insurmountable.

The existence of the quasi-immortal emperor level can leave a name on the emperor mark monument, and imprint his will in the avenue of the sky, to a certain extent, beyond the control of the universe and heaven, and almost above the top of the entire universe.

How many amazing and brilliant Supreme Immortal Kings have revived life after life with supreme supernatural powers, but they have never been able to break free from the shackles.

Even looking at the nine mountains and seas, the existence of the quasi-immortal emperor level is rare, and it is rare to make a shot, so that people unconsciously ignore their power.

The might of Yan Emperor's blow, Shen Di awakened everyone's awe for the Quasi-immortal Emperor.

It is an invincible existence that cannot be offended.

Xiao Guyan's blood boiled when he saw it. This is the power of Emperor Yan. He used his own power to destroy the army of heaven and frighten the four immortal kings. How arrogant and arrogant.

Heaven and Earth became silent because of Emperor Yan's attack, only the sound of the raging flames burning the void.

Hundreds of millions of people looked up, and Emperor Yan stepped down from the dome, just moving forward at will, but his footsteps were full of strange laws.

"The Desolate Ancient Heavenly Court is the number one in the world, but I am not in the Endless Fire Territory. Only you people can't destroy the Endless Fire Territory. Go back and tell the Emperor Buried, either send the quasi Immortal Emperor here, or wait for this Emperor to lead the Endless Fire. The army of the domain will kill the heaven!"

Emperor Yan said domineeringly, grabbed his right hand in the void, and the sea of ​​flames of a hundred thousand miles suddenly shrank, and converged toward the center like a hundred rivers converged in the sea, again forming a fire of ten thousand feet, burning violently, annihilating the surrounding void into black hole.

The four immortal kings of the ancient heaven showed their nervousness at the same time. Emperor Yan's "Buddha's Fury Emperor Yan Lian" was a famous quasi-immortal emperor-level unique skill of the nine mountains and seas. Combined with seventy-two different kinds of different fires, it was enough. The divine might that annihilated the ancients erupted, and even if he was a quasi-immortal emperor-level powerhouse, he would not dare to take his edge.

"It seems that you don't plan to take the initiative to retreat, so let's bury them in my endless fire domain."

Emperor Yan's expression was as cold as ice, and the moment the voice fell, the moment he pointed out, the huge Emperor Flame Lotus immediately moved towards the head of the four Immortal Kings with the momentum of shattering the void, and the powerful might blocked the void, causing them to move together. One finger is extremely difficult.

"Endless Fire Territory, it should be extinguished!"

Just at this critical moment, an incomparably majestic emperor's voice suddenly exploded in the void, indifferent and cold, as if it was an aloof emperor speaking, ruling Cang Ming, with divine power like a prison.

The decree of the Heavenly Emperor sacrificed by the Four Immortal Kings suddenly burst into infinite golden light, the light covering the world and the ubiquitous sea of ​​fire in the Endless Fire Territory.

As if tens of thousands of golden dragons were roaring, countless huge dragon shadows passed by, and the decree of the Heavenly Emperor in the center of the guardian seemed to have boundless magic.

The sudden vision shocked everyone, and looked at the decree in the sky full of horror, but saw that the emperor's decree became dazzling, as if it contained boundless Xuanyu, and finally the brilliance flashed and turned into a huge and incomparable divine chain.

I saw it roll towards the fire lotus, and the golden light between heaven and earth suddenly became three-pointed, as if countless gods were weeping, the Sanskrit sound was swaying, and Shuo Xuanyu was stunned.I love e-books


A burst of explosions resounded, and the originally powerful Emperor Flame Fire Lotus suddenly shattered, and [-] different fires were scattered across the world.

The nine-colored swallowing python said in horror: "This is one of the nine secrets of the burial of the heavens! The heaven-burial emperor's peerless supernatural power!"

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