As soon as these words came out, everyone showed a suffocated and terrifying expression. Who is the Emperor Buried, the Lord of the Nine Great Mountains and Seas, the number one person in the entire universe, and such a powerful figure, just hearing the name is enough to make people from Chilled in my heart.

The girl surrounded by poison gas also had a solemn expression, and murmured softly: "It turned out to be the divine method of the slaughter. This method can also be ranked in the forefront of the Nine Secrets of Burial. It seems that the Emperor of Burial is determined to destroy our Endless Fire Territory. "

Everyone's face was ashen, just because the words 'the slaughter of the gods' were too heavy and extremely heavy.

As the founder of the Martial Soul Demonstration Method, Emperor Buried is proficient in most of the martial arts and immortal methods in the world, but the most powerful of them are the nine great supernatural powers and secret techniques he created. Handed down by Tianzun, the nine secrets that cover the sky, known as 'the unity of the nine secrets can cover the sky', are even stronger.

And the Da Tu Divine Law is among them!

Legend has it that the "Da Tu Divine Law" is a peerless magical power accidentally created by Emperor Burying in his early years. The shocking sensation made this magical power famous all over the world. It was named 'Datu Divine Method' by the great powers of the nine mountains and seas, which means that when this method came out, the gods fell.

Now, the magic of the slaughter has reappeared and descended into the Endless Fire Territory. How could everyone not be terrified and give birth to despair.

In contrast, Emperor Yan's face was not only not frightened, but showed a very embarrassed and angry expression, and said loudly: "Emperor Burial, you are deceiving people too much, do you think that a decree imprinting your supernatural powers can suppress me? Endless Fire Territory?"

Quasi-immortal emperor, not to be humiliated!

The act of burying the Emperor was undoubtedly the most cruel humiliation to Emperor Yan. He didn't even have a clone, and only used a law, a decree that contained his magical powers.

"The Law of the Flame God!"

Emperor Yan roared, the emperor's prestige traversed ten directions, his body suddenly soared in size, and his whole body was wrapped in flames. It was faintly visible that he was wearing an emperor's crown and a flaming robe, and a majesty filled the air, as if he was really a congenital god.

"Return of the fire!"

Emperor Yan roared again, and the huge ruler of profound weight behind him rose into the sky, and it also soared countless times, bursting out with dazzling red light, earning a domain in the infinite golden light.

The seventy-two different flames scattered out seemed to be guided, and they rushed towards the giant ruler of profound weight and merged into it, making the whole body surrounded by flames, extremely gorgeous.

"Eternal Ages Slash!"

The Flame God's Dharma Form transformed by Emperor Yan held the huge different fire ruler and slashed towards the divine chain in the void.

This is his best shot!

With seventy-two innate fires, smelting the power of the ancient years, it can cut off reincarnation, cut off cause and effect, cut off the long river of time and space, and cut off everything in the heavens! , , .

Chapter 407 Heaven Burial Emperor Suppresses the Endless Fire Territory


The two extremely powerful magical powers collided, and the heaven and the earth died, and even the endless fire domain that blessed countless gods began to collapse.

In the end, the flames withered away, and the light of the years condensed by the seventy-two different fires was smashed and scattered to the nine mountains and seas.

"Emperor Yan..."

Everyone in the Endless Fire Territory was shouting with grief and indignation, but they still couldn't stop the general trend. The Datu Divine Law transformed into a divine chain and slammed into the Flame God's Law Form, directly shattering it, revealing the embarrassed figure of the Emperor Yan who was covered in blood, and rolled to the bottom of the sea of ​​​​fire.

In the end, the light of the divine chain converged and turned into a thin black golden decree, which slowly descended. The emperor culture on the decree manifested, condensed into a blade, and slashed the world of endless fire. The will is broken.

When the decree sank, all the creatures in the endless fire domain were completely annihilated, and even this world ceased to exist and was completely reduced to ruins.

A decree to suppress a great thousand source world!

This is the strength of the Emperor Burial!

Xiao Guyan only felt that his whole body seemed to fall into the icy abyss. There was no trace of temperature. There was no vitality in the silent world. The chill that penetrated deep into his soul could not even make him angry.

He didn't even notice that a bit of the source of divine light flew out of the sea of ​​​​fire and merged into his body.

In the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death, Xiao Guyan slowly opened his eyes, his eyes were still full of disappointment and despair.

Disappointed by the destruction of the Endless Fire Territory.

Desperate because of the terrifying supernatural powers of Burial Emperor.

After being immersed for a long time, Xiao Guyan came back to his senses, took off the ancient Xuanzhong ruler behind him, looked at it carefully, and said to himself: "This ruler has always been kept in the family ancestors, and it really has a great mystery, it turned out to belong to Emperor Yan back then. Weapons, it is at least an immortal king-level fairy weapon, how can you not see the slightest divine power."

Xiao Guyan remembered the scene of Emperor Yan wielding the earth-shattering blow. It was no exaggeration to say that the ancient ruler of Xuanzhong could cut the sun and the moon, but at this time it was just like a wooden board, and it was useless. disappointment.

At this moment, a light of aura emerged from Xiao Guyan's body and sank directly into the ancient ruler of Xuanzhong. In an instant, the ruler suddenly became extremely hot, like washing away the lead. Although the appearance did not change, it was more It has a very mysterious rhyme, and at a glance, it is known that it has an extraordinary origin.

"What happened?"

Before Xiao Guyan could react, a lot of esoteric knowledge suddenly flooded into his mind, almost bursting his spiritual platform.

After a long time, he finally refined all the knowledge in his mind, and also knew the secret of this mysterious ruler.

This ruler, formerly known as the Eternal Fire Ruler, is an innate thing, the carrier of the eternal fire, it belongs to the innate spiritual treasure, and its power is infinite.Originally it was in a sealed state, because Emperor Yan sent the source across the long river of time and space, and only then did the seal be lifted, making it a genuine innate spiritual treasure.

However, this kind of treasure is not something that can be easily activated. It not only needs to consume a lot of spiritual power, but also needs to be guided by different fires. The more different fires are integrated, the stronger the power will be.

Like Emperor Yan who fused seventy-two different fires before, the explosive power was enough to kill the Immortal King easily. 12345 Novel

In addition to knowing the real activating method of the Eternal Fire Ruler, Xiao Guyan also obtained a supernatural power called "Eternal Ancient Year Ruler", which is a quasi-immortal emperor-level magical power created by Emperor Yan himself. It is divided into five forms, one form breaks the void, one form cuts the sun and moon, one form saves reincarnation, one form eliminates cause and effect, and the last form is the combination of the first four forms, which can forbid the heavens.

"What a powerful supernatural power, with this method, my combat power can skyrocket tenfold!"

Xiao Guyan clenched his fists very excitedly, because Emperor Yan directly taught the Dharma, that aura not only contained the secrets of the ruler, but also a little bit of Emperor Yan's martial spirit origin, allowing him to pass the entry stage and master the first step. One way magic.

However, recalling the invincible posture of the Emperor Buried Heaven, he suppressed the peerless Emperor Yan with only one decree. Xiao Guyan felt a little palpitated. He was arrogant to the level of Emperor Yan, but he was still vulnerable in front of Emperor Buried Heaven. His true strength, How terrifying it must be.

Shaking his head, Xiao Guyan threw those unrealistic thoughts into his mind, the realm of Burying the Heavenly Emperor was too far away from him, and the most urgent task was to win the first place in the battle of Tianjiao and win the title of 'Unparalleled Tianjiao', then But atmospheric luck is more important than any treasure.

After breaking the seal, Xiao Guyan ran all the way to the south, and suddenly felt the earth tremble, and there were hundreds of escape lights rushing in his direction.

"Ancient Xunyi?"

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