Looking at it, Xiao Guyan suddenly exclaimed in surprise, and saw that among those escaping lights, there was a figure that had been cleaned up. A character on the Tianwu Golden Dragon List.

But at this time, Gu Xunyi was extremely embarrassed. Not only did he have hairpins scattered, his face was pale, and the purple skirt on his body was stained with blood.

"Someone can actually force Gu Xunyi to such a level? Could it be that they met Zhang Ruren?"

Xiao Guyan was very shocked. He is also a Tianjiao of the Southern Wilderness. He has a certain understanding of the strength of Gu Xunyi. This ancient descendant has countless trump cards. impossible things.

When several Fengshen Academy students saw Xiao Guyan, they immediately shouted loudly: "Senior Brother Xiao, run, there is an evil demon who has sacrificed and refined a corpse king, who is frantically hunting and killing Tianjiao of various factions."

"God Servant Corpse King?"

Xiao Guyan was startled, and in the next instant he saw the ugly giant corpse king behind Zhong Tianjiao. Although his body was shattered and exuding a rotten and deadly aura, the aura of the abyss still filled his body. Health cold.

"Jie Jie, is that Xiao Guyan? You are the arrogance that the Sect Master appointed to kill, how can you let you escape!"

The four men in black smiled grimly, forging a mark into the body of the god servant corpse king.

In an instant, the God Servant Corpse King roared in the sky, his eyes blazing with flames, and his figure flashed, and he actually ripped apart the void and descended in front of Xiao Guyan, and a huge bone palm slapped it fiercely.

"You are courting death!"

In the face of the aggressive God Servant Corpse King, Xiao Guyan was as calm as an ancient pine.

A blue ocean-like flame emerged from his body, poured into the eternal flame ruler, and burst out into the sky.

No fancy martial arts, no gorgeous Taoism, just an ordinary stab in the sky, that terrifying corpse king burst!

The whole place was dead silent. , , .

Chapter 408 Aren't You Afraid of My Dad Killing You?



The corpse king of the god servant who drove countless Tianjiao to flee, was killed by Xiao Guyan in one foot, and his body stained with divinity was torn apart. What a magnificent scene.

"No, it's impossible!"

The four men in black were stunned and hurriedly cast spells.

"The Corpse Demon Seal!"

Four handprints were printed, the void roared, and endless demonic energy emerged, converging into a magic formation, and the demonic energy was so strong that it seemed to be connected to the endless hell, covering the broken corpse of the god servant corpse king.

Under the influence of demonic energy, those rubble immediately moved and spliced ​​together, but the damage was so complete that it could not be repaired by this demonic energy, so they had to be returned to the seal.

"Damn, Xiao Guyan, you really have some means, no wonder the Sect Master wants to take your life, this matter is not over, let's meet next time!"

The four men in black uttered a harsh word, waved their chains, and fled into the distance.

"Senior Brother Xiao, don't let these people run away!"

The students of Fengshen Academy shouted, and the rest of Tianjiao were also furious. They were killed by these four black-clothed men and the corpse king. They were extremely resentful, but they did not dare to pursue them. They could only hope for Xiao Guyan's actions. body.

Just under the attention of all the people, Xiao Guyan grinned and knelt on the ground with a 'puff'.

The strike just now looked simple and unpretentious, but it actually drained more than [-]% of his spiritual energy, which is why he has such power.

"This ruler, it seems, can't be used casually."

Xiao Guyan showed helplessness. The warriors below the legendary realm can only use the spiritual power in their bodies. No matter how deep the background is, there are limits. But if they can break through to the legendary realm, break the bridge of life and death, and communicate the yin and yang of heaven and earth, then it will be a big deal. It's the same, not only will the spiritual power in the body increase dozens of times, but also with the power of heaven and earth, at that time, he can really exert a little power of the eternal fire ruler.

Seeing Xiao Guyan like this, the rest of Tianjiao could only sigh helplessly and give up the pursuit.Not to mention the variables that the corpse king may bring, the four men in black alone have very powerful magic skills. Except for Gu Xunyi, no one in the audience has the confidence to parry.

Xiao Guyan is not only a dual-cultivator of alchemy and martial arts, but he has also achieved a lot in body refining. He quickly regained his energy, stood up and asked: "What happened? Where did these people come from?"

Gu Xunyi swallowed three top-level spiritual pills, and his face improved a little, but he didn't dare to chase after him. He looked at the direction where the four men in black fled, and said softly: "I don't know, these people claim to be corpses. Demon Sect disciple, but I have never heard of this ancient sect on the mainland, I think it is a new sect established by the great demon, and it is really frustrating to want to become famous in the world through this battle."

Xiao Guyan moved in his heart and said, "Do you still remember the great turmoil in the East Wasteland a year ago?"

Gu Xunyi said in shock: "You mean the outbreak of the ruins in the battlefield of the gods and demons? Yes, when the ruins broke out, not only a corpse of a fairy ran out, but also the corpses of many gods and servants, most of which were destroyed by demons. The people of the clan robbed them, and considering the magic skills of these people, I am afraid it has a lot to do with this!"

Xiao Gu said: "The purgatory devil in the dark world has endured for [-] years, and should be born again. These people who have fallen into the devil's way are just a test. Soon, this continent is afraid that there will be a bloody storm."

Gu Xunyi's heart palpitated for a while. She was born in an ancient clan, and she knew the horror of the cross-border battle [-] years ago. Combined with the strength of the entire continent, she was reluctant to deal with it. Joining forces is almost impossible.

"Oh, it's useless to think about these things. I have to find a place to retreat and recover first, so let's stop."

Xiao Guyan is very weak now, and he doesn't want to stay in the crowd for a long time.

Looking at the back of Xiao Guyan's departure, Gu Xunyi murmured softly: "This person's cultivation base is entering the realm faster than his father expected. Could it be the blood of the Xiao family back then, I don't know if he is compared with Zhang Rurenren. How's it going?"

Just when Gu Xunyi's thoughts were flashing, the ruthless man who was retreating in the extreme east of the secret realm slowly opened his eyes, and an extremely powerful breath burst out from her body, like a deep flood, terrifying!

It was a big leap from the first level of the life and death entrance to the second level, which directly doubled her spiritual power.This doubling does not seem to be much, but if combined with the background of the ruthless, it is a very terrifying improvement.

Breaking through the stone wall, the ruthless man jumped out and rushed out of the canyon with the escape light.

However, just after taking off, she flew back at a faster speed with a solemn expression on her face.

"Hey, as expected of the first person on the Tianwu Ranking, I'm really cautious. We've hidden it so deeply that we still discovered it for you."

Some infernal voices came from all directions in the west of the canyon, and for a while, hundreds of people in black robes showed their bodies, and their bodies were boiling with murderous aura.

"The Sealer?"

The ruthless man's eyes flashed, and with the strength of her soul, she could easily perceive that all the more than [-] black-robed monsters were sealers, that is, those who deliberately suppressed their cultivation to the legendary realm and mixed into the secret realm. .

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