Sealers are not uncommon at first, but the secret realm of life and death is different. There are no treasures in this secret realm, and the stone of life and death is useless to the sealers, and it is even more impossible to participate in the final Tianjiao ranking, which means...

"You are coming for me? You are so bold, aren't you afraid that my father will destroy your sect?"

The ruthless man stood in the valley and said softly.

One of the black-robed monsters said insidiously: "Don't stay here, this is the secret realm of reincarnation of life and death, can Zhang Tian catch up? To tell you the truth, we have already seen through the tricks of your father and daughter, and one of them left by luck. The people who are lucky, to make fun of the ancient sect holy places in the world, this is a big sin, and now is the time for you to pay off your debts!"

Another person said: "That's right, we have carefully designed it, and we have already set up a net of heaven and earth. Even if you are the number one person on the Tianwu Ranking, you will be doomed this time. Those who know each other, immediately hand over the treasures obtained in the tomb of the demon emperor, we or I can spare your life!" ,,..

Chapter 409 Fei Xian imprisoned the sky, the emperor's blood rushed to the night

Ruthless said in shock: "You actually know about the Demon Emperor's tomb? Who spread it out?"

"Haha, it really was your family that emptied the treasures in the tomb of the Demon Emperor? It's really a waste of time, hand over the treasures quickly. Even if you put such treasures in your hands, it's a waste!"

The surrounding black-robed monsters looked very excited, and the expressions of the ruthless people completely confirmed the guesses in their hearts, and their eyes became more eager.

"You want the Demon Emperor's treasure, right? That's why it's difficult, look at it."

The ruthless man smiled, and there was a roar in his body, and an amber-like crystal heart appeared in her hand, with demonic aura, and the blood of the emperor rushed into the night, exuding extremely rich vitality.

"This... Could it be that this is the heart of the demon emperor?"

Many black-robed monsters are excited and turbulent. These are obviously people of the demon clan. The emperor's blood emanating from the heart of the demon emperor has an almost fatal attraction to them. Once they can get it, the entire clan will be turned upside down!

"That's right, this is the heart of Kunpeng Demon Emperor. You want it, but you must tell me first, where did you get the news?"

The ruthless man said slowly with the heart of a demon emperor.

A black robe strangely said: "You are already a dying person, what's the use of knowing so much!"

The ruthless man said: "Since you have decided on me, why do you need to cover it up, you can just say it out loud."

Some of those black-robed monsters are upright and can't stand the chirping, and said loudly: "I'll tell you if I tell you, I don't know about others, but the information about my family was bought from Ting Xiangxie!"

"Me too."

"Me too."

Many black-robed monsters agreed.

"Listen to Xiangxie? That den of the Nanmaru survivors, hum, Mu Qiluo, I'm too lazy to trouble you, but you took the initiative to send it to the door!"

A cold light flashed in Ruthless Man's eyes, his heart flashed, and the heart of the demon emperor sank into his dantian again. When he looked at the surrounding black-robed monsters, his eyes became extremely cold.

"Since I already know the mastermind behind the scenes, then you are of no value, so go to die!"

When the voice fell, the ruthless man suddenly burst out with an extremely tyrannical momentum, and the earth seemed to resonate, rumbling and shaking.

"The heart of the demon emperor is really strong, and it has given you such a deep foundation. If you give you another thousand years, I'm afraid it won't be another holy ancestor, but that's it, you will die today!"

The surrounding black-robed monsters were shocked, the aura of ruthless people, even they felt a palpitating heartbeat, and they did not dare to be careless at the moment, and quickly urged the secret technique.




There was a sound of shaking the ground and the mountains, as if there were thousands of horses galloping, and it seemed as if a dragon was roaring, and the whole world was shaking. Two sandstorm giants with a height of hundreds of feet appeared one after the other at both ends of the canyon. , the huge body covered the sky, creating an unparalleled pressure.

"This is... a king-level fierce spirit?" Trade Wind Literature Network

There was a touch of shock in the ruthless man's tone, and he finally knew what the confidence of these people was.According to Elder Gu, there are only five king-level vicious spirits in this secret realm, guarding the four poles of the secret realm and the central hall of life and death respectively.

However, they do not take the initiative to attack others. They belong to the order maintainers of the secret realm. They are usually asleep. They will only take the initiative to attack when they encounter people who disrupt the order.

Unexpectedly, these people have the ability to drive two king-level fierce spirits at the same time.

"Haha, I'm scared, you are amazing, and you can still kill the king-level fierce spirit with semi-holy combat power? Today is the immortal king, and I can't save you!"

All the black-robed monsters are smiling, no matter how amazing the ruthless person is, no matter how proficient in martial arts, they must always be controlled by their cultivation, and it is impossible to fight more than half of the saints.

"No wonder Dad wanted to give me a necklace for self-defense. It turns out that he had expected this a long time ago. However, it would be too naive to kill me with just two king-level fierce spirits!"

The ruthless man fell word by word, and the power of Xianhong suddenly swayed from her body, and an emperor immortal faintly appeared behind her, and the sound of immortals lingered, like a fairyland.

"Flying Immortal Art!"

This is a supreme warfare magical power that is comparable to the secret of fighting characters. It can instantly increase the combat power several times, practice it to the extreme, and even call the power of emperors and immortals, slaying gods and beheading demons!

"Thank you for giving me two hearts of kings and helping me establish a peak cultivation base!"

The ruthless man let out a long roar, and his body rose into the air like a roc, with nine imaginary shadows of the vast sea of ​​​​wheels appearing above his head, and infinite spiritual power rolled out, stirring the sky.

"The Great Wilderness Imprisoning Heaven Finger! One Finger Imprisoning Heaven and Earth!"

The aura surged, and a full [-]% poured out, turning into a huge finger full of black gold, densely covered with lines, shining like a long rainbow, like a finger of divine punishment, piercing the void and pressing down.

In an instant, the thunder roared, the wind was blowing violently, and the sky was filled with sand and dust to avoid the air. Even the king-level fierce spirits who didn't have much intelligence stopped and trembled.

Fei Xian Jue plus quasi-immortal emperor-level enlightenment magical powers.

The power of one finger makes the world pale!


A huge explosion sounded from the ground, terrifying energy fluctuations oscillated between the heavens and the earth, and the violent air flow rushed to the outside like a raging wave.

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