
The king-level ferocious spirit that was facing the might of a single finger didn't even have time to react, and was directly smashed into slag.

And in the middle of this storm, a huge heart in black and white stood in the air, it was the heart of a king that was enough to make all the experts in the profound entrance of life and death jealous!

The power of life and death contained in this King's Heart alone is enough to be worth five hundred stones of life and death, and it also has the miraculous effect of cleansing the essence, cutting down the marrow, and enhancing the physique and soul. It is a true treasure of origin!

"The Great Wilderness Imprisoning Heaven Finger! One Finger Imprisoning Heaven and Earth!"

The ruthless man put the heart of the king into the storage ring, followed the method, and once again extracted [-]% of the spiritual power from the nine round seas, evolved the fingers of prisoners, and blasted at another king-level fierce spirit.

After the smoke cleared, another King's Heart started. With such a rich harvest, the ruthless who had always been calm also felt a burst of ecstasy. With the addition of these two King's Hearts, she was confident that she could hit the triple peak of life and death in one fell swoop.

These people are all here to give her some background! , , .

Chapter 410 Where does the immortal god come from?


Everything happened so fast, those black-robed monsters didn't even have time to react, and they felt like a ruthless person possessed by an emperor, immortal and mighty. In the blink of an eye, they were able to kill the two king-level fierce spirits they controlled with great energy. Body cold.

"What a powerful martial skill, this must be the inheritance of the demon emperor! Let's go together, Zhang Ruren has exhausted his spiritual energy!"

The shout of a black-robed monster awakened the fighting spirit of the others, and they all used their magical powers to attack the ruthless man in the valley.They are sealers, their own cultivation base is extremely high, their knowledge is extraordinary, and they know that this kind of supernatural power consumes spiritual power, so they naturally want to take advantage of the emptiness to enter.

The ruthless man's eyes flickered, and he sneered: "Since you are planning to deal with me, I will also use the way of man to treat him, so that you can taste the feeling of being besieged by a king-level vicious spirit."

After speaking, the ruthless man turned into a sword rainbow and flew out, without a trace, restoring the natural great formation that he had destroyed before.

Only a huge roar sounded, and the air of life and death whistled and gathered again.



Two huge roars rang out, and the two king-level fierce spirits that had been smashed to pieces by the ruthless were forcibly reshaped, their eyes were full of fierceness, and they stared at the more than one hundred sealers in the canyon.

"What, how is this possible!"

"Zhang Ruren can actually control the power of life and death!"

"This must also be the supreme supernatural power of the demon emperor!"

Some black-robed monsters roared loudly, but were quickly drowned in the terrifying offensive of the king-level fierce spirits. Although they were strong, they could only use the power below the legendary realm. Where is the opponent of the king-level fierce spirits? Dozens of people died tragically.

The ruthless man stood on the top of the peak with a helpless look on his mouth. These people are already stunned, and everything can lead to the tomb of the demon emperor.But that's fine. If they can't discover the secrets of the natural formation, even if they can kill the king-level fierce spirit, the fierce spirit will be resurrected immediately, with infinite life, until all these people are killed.

Thinking of this, the ruthless no longer worried, but took out the two hearts of kings and observed them. As the strongest condensate of the power of life and death, the energy in the hearts of kings surged to the extreme, and even the sublimation of essence occurred. A mysterious energy.

"Swallowing the Devil, Hell Furnace!"

The void behind Ruthless Man vibrated, and a huge furnace stood in the air. After the two hearts of kings sank, they immediately burned, and a large amount of essence was released. Nourishes her body, bombards the heaven and earth bridge in her body, and increases her cultivation at a speed visible to the naked eye.


A muffled sound resounded from the body of the ruthless man. Under the instillation of a large amount of power of life and death, she rushed into the three-layer realm of the profound entrance of life and death, and it was still accumulating.

I don't know how long it took, the ruthless man suddenly felt a turmoil in his mind. He woke up from the meditation and took out a crystal jade pendant. This is the ancient concentric jade. She gave it to Ji Feixue before, but now there are violent fluctuations on it. It was the other party who crushed the ancient jade and asked for help.

Standing up in awe, the ruthless man looked into the canyon. As expected, all the black-robed monsters were torn to shreds, and they dropped storage rings. Only two king-level fierce spirits were wandering. 510 Literature www.510wx.com

Destroying the formation method again, Ruthless Man flew into the canyon and put away the storage ring, and then flew quickly according to the direction of Gu Yu's message.

The streamer light flickered, and the sky-shaking sword rainbow formed a gorgeous arc in the sky. All the fierce spirits who dared to approach were all smashed into slag by the escaping sword energy.

Being promoted to the third level of the Profound Entrance of Life and Death, the ruthless man's combat power has been amazingly improved, and his every move is in harmony with the sky.

Soon, the ruthless man approached the place where Gu Yu's message was sent, and he saw a blast of sand hundreds of feet high, sweeping the world with mighty might.

"Senior Sister Zhang, help..."

In the sandstorm, there was a faint sound of intermittent cries.

The ruthless man immediately swept towards the sandstorm with his tyrannical consciousness, and his face suddenly condensed.

"The fourth form of the Reverse Chaos Sword Art, the ice and fire will destroy the sky!"

This sword move, which originally required the ruthless man to lose his body, can now be wielded at will with her current tyrannical cultivation level, without the slightest burden.

I saw a mighty sword light traversing the sky and the earth, as if the frontal space was reflected in ice blue and fiery red, and between these two colors, the sword of destruction condensed into a black dragon roaring and roaming with its mighty power. god.


A huge explosion sounded from the ground, and the hundreds of meters of dust and sand were directly rolled back by the sword qi, revealing a ferocious and broken corpse king. He opened his palm to catch the sword light, but it was accompanied by the entire arm. It was chopped off and became the one-armed corpse king, and fell violently into the wind and sand.

With a random sword, he directly inflicted heavy damage on the God Servant Corpse King.This is the strength of Ruthless Man now. It can be said that in the legendary realm, I am invincible!

"Senior Sister Zhang is mighty!"

"Senior Sister Zhang is here, everyone is safe!"

Nearly a hundred Tianjiao gathered together, all of them were extremely embarrassed. After seeing the power of the ruthless man, they all breathed a long sigh of relief, and their faces were full of gratitude.

Ji Feixue said loudly: "Senior sister, be careful, this corpse king was forged by a god servant. The god's body is immortal and very powerful."

"Immortal? Where can there be an immortal god in the world."

There was a mocking look on the corner of the ruthless man's mouth, and he stepped on the clouds and the air with ease, approaching the god servant corpse king step by step. The sword floated out, and in the blink of an eye, it condensed into a golden thunder sword with a size of several hundred meters, illuminating the sky and the earth, and slashed down towards the god servant corpse king.

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