The explosion resounded through the heavens and the earth, Chen Tiandi's anti-sky devil knife was directly shattered by the power of heaven and earth, and the vast spiritual energy counterattacked him like a terrifying heavy fist in his heart, causing him to vomit blood and fly upside down, a lot of demonic energy. Escaping from the cracked flesh and blood, more than a dozen ancient sacred mountains were directly corroded and disappeared without a trace.


The Demon Lord shouted loudly, and threw out a heaven-defying devil wheel, blocking it in front of Emperor Chen Tian.

The King of Humans didn't say a word, but the Great Desolate Flag in his hand was fluttered, waving a path of desolate and ancient aura.

Even though the strong men such as Qijue Tiannv and Fiery Phoenix were seriously injured, they did not care about taking care of them at this time.

"Bam! Boom! Bam!..."

Countless roars exploded, and the defensive power gathered by the Demon Lord and others did not hold up even for three breaths, and was destroyed by the palm of the Heavenly Dao that was transformed on the ninth day. Thousands of divine chains of order spread out from the void, divine might. Like a prison, they blasted them out one by one, collided with the sacred mountain, in the sea of ​​​​immortals, and the smoke and dust rushed into the night, and the huge waves raged into the sky.

The Ninth Mountains and Seas in the heyday was so terrifying that it even gave them the feeling that they were fighting against the entire Ninth Mountains and Seas.

On the other side, Emperor Yang Qing did not give them any room to relax, running the "Qing Emperor Spirit Transformation Technique", in the name of Emperor Qing, he transformed all things into spirits, and all the towering ancient trees seemed to come alive, turning into giants, stepping on The earth, pressed towards the Demon Lord and others.


Another muffled sound, thousands of ancient sacred mountains roared and trembled, as if they had been endowed with wisdom and turned into giant mountain gods. The mountain and sea coalition forces attacked the Zhantian army.

This is Emperor Yang Qing's supernatural power. With a single order, the grass, trees, mountains and seas are all soldiers!

Emperor Yang Qing himself, holding the fortune-telling Qinglian who had spent his whole life sacrificed and refined, besieged Emperor Chen Tian together with the ninth day.

Chen Beixuan was completely dumbfounded. This level of battle was not something he could comprehend at all. He only saw the shattering of sacred mountains, the fall of a well-known warrior, and the earth was covered with white bones.

No, this land is paved with bones.

This group of Zhantian army just made this bone tunnel a higher level, that's all.

I don't know how long it took, the Heaven-defying Devil Wheel collapsed, the Great Desolate Banner was broken, hundreds of Primordial Divine Mountains were blown up, and countless lives were lost.

The first generation of War Demon Chen Tiandi couldn't support his broken body. He was half-kneeling among the white bones, his black hair had turned into silver threads, and the divine light in his eyes was dim, but even so, he still did not fall down, his will, it seemed Still reverberating in the sky.


Although he knew this was in the past, seeing Chen Tiandi kneeling on the ground, Chen Beixuan still felt a piercing pain, and wanted to shout loudly, but couldn't make any sound.

At this moment, Emperor Chen Tian stood up. To be precise, it was his remnant soul that condensed, got out of his body and stood up, looked in the direction of Chen Beixuan, and raised his hand slightly. , , .

Chapter 417 The real reason for the crusade against the Emperor Buried

call out!

The Zhentian Bow returned to its place, was held in the hands of Emperor Chen Tian, ​​and then threw it in the direction of Chen Beixuan.

As the incarnation of the will of the world, the ninth day immediately felt a sense, and said angrily: "Bold! Chen Tiandi, you dare to go against the time and space?"

This is a big taboo. The order of the long river of time and space is very strict. Any slight fluctuation may cause a chain of great changes, not to mention that Emperor Chen Tian still wants to send out his own extreme immortal soldiers after five million years. This is simply courting death.

There is no need to take action on the ninth day at all, the self-protection will of the universe and heaven directly descends a nine-day and nine-robbery Zixiao divine thunder, full of destructive aura, breaking through the layers of void, and blasting towards Chen Tiandi and Zhentiangong.


Emperor Chen Tian used all his strength to roar, and an anti-sky will erupted, mercilessly collided with the Nine Heavens and Nine Tribulations Zixiao Divine Thunder, the remnant souls that were barely condensed burst apart, scattered into hundreds of millions of shares, completely dissipate.

On the ninth day, watching the Zhentian Bow from the real to the virtual, quickly passing through the long river of time and space, he couldn't help frowning slightly, pinched his fingers, and snorted coldly: "Fortunately, this Zhentian Bow has been covered in dust, and it has not been contaminated with too much cause and effect, it should not be What kind of turmoil will it cause. Chen Tiandi, Chen Tiandi, you have to send out a tattered and tattered Jidao immortal treasure after your soul is completely broken and dissipated. I really hope that there will be more idiots like you, my bones The palace is lacking a few quasi-immortal emperors to guard the gate."

After speaking, on the ninth day, he sat back on the throne of white bones. With a flick of his right hand, the skeleton of Emperor Chen Tian disappeared out of thin air and landed on the left side of the gate of the white bone palace. There was that lingering murderous aura, showing his invincible power as a quasi-immortal emperor during his lifetime.

However, it was said that Chen Beixuan, after obtaining the Zhentian Bow, was directly brought out of this world by the power of time and space attached to it, only the last whisper of Chen Tiandi echoed in his ears: "Abandon the three thousand memories, forget all World love and hatred. From now on, I will not look back, look up to the sky and roar the way of heaven..."

Slowly opening his eyes, Chen Beixuan only felt that he had passed an extremely long period of time, but when he thought about it carefully, he was stunned to find that the memory of the reincarnation became extremely blurred, even if he recalled it carefully, he would not be able to. Recreate those powerful moves.It seems that the supernatural power of this top-level powerhouse has a special mystery. Even if you see it with your own eyes, you can't reproduce it if you don't have enough realm.

But there are two memories that were deeply imprinted in his mind. One was when Emperor Chen Tian rebelled against the Tao of Heaven and gave him the Zhentian Bow, which he had cultivated.

The other part is the dialogue between Emperor Chen Tian and Emperor Yang Qing, which clearly shows the respective positions of the Zhantian Alliance and the Emperor Burying, which makes Chen Beixuan feel like he has uncovered the mystery of the sky.

The Zhantian era five million years ago was too far away from now, and the ending was too tragic. Countless immortal kings and quasi-immortal emperors fell, leaving countless mythical legends, so that the real core contradictions became The mystery, no one can tell clearly.

Chen Beixuan now understands a little, this is not as simple as the severance of the path of the Immortal Emperor, but involves a deeper concept.

The idea of ​​the Emperor Burial is to maintain a good cosmic order, balance the spiritual energy between heaven and earth, so that the way of heaven can operate normally and stably for a long time, so that the occurrence of calamity can be avoided to the greatest extent, and all living beings will also be in a relatively safe www.[-]

The so-called balance of heaven and earth aura is to have both in and out, such as alchemy, in which the essence of heaven and earth is put into a small medicine pill. It is said that at least [-]% of the medicinal power must return to heaven and earth to form a cycle, so that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth will not be exhausted.

But this is undoubtedly a huge loss for a real top alchemist, who could have kept all the medicinal power, but because of the limitation of heaven, he had to give [-]% of the medicinal power back to Heaven and Earth.

The concept of Zhantian Alliance focuses on fair competition, that is to say, let go of all the restrictions of heaven, as long as you have the ability to refine the ten-pattern divine pill, you can refine it!As long as you have the ability to cast the eternal holy body, you will cast it!As for the imbalance of the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, causing various natural disasters to come to the world, it all depends on their own means of life-saving.

The two concepts have their own reasons, but the conflict is very fierce. This is the real reason for the establishment of the Zhantian Alliance and the massive crusade against the Emperor Buried.

Although I understand the reason, but with Chen Beixuan's superficial experience, I can't tell which concept is better. After thinking about it for a while, I feel very confused, so I can only shake my head helplessly.

After all, it was too early for him to think about this. The most important thing right now is to improve his strength. Only when his strength rises, can he be eligible to participate in this kind of battle of ideas.

Throwing away the messy thoughts, Chen Beixuan couldn't help but look at the Zhentian Bow in his hand. Although it spanned five million years, it itself did not have a trace of decay.

It's a pity that this top-level immortal treasure that can kill Heaven's Dao has been severely damaged after the war, and its origin has almost been lost.

But thinking of the magnificent picture of Chen Tiandi pulling his bow and shooting the sky, one arrow and one immortal king, Chen Beixuan couldn't help but be excited for a while. This is the ultimate immortal treasure that was sacrificed by a generation of quasi-immortal emperors. In the future, even if it is only restored to [-]% One of the powers is enough to traverse the Emperor Realm.


After nearly half an hour of running around, the Ruthless Man and his party finally arrived in front of the Hall of Life and Death.

I saw that the Hall of Life and Death was a large hall with black and white colors, and the surrounding seemed to be ignited by divine fire, which was extraordinarily tall and majestic.

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