At this time, nearly a thousand geniuses had gathered in the Hall of Life and Death. Most of them were hunting murderous spirits and fighting for the stone of life and death. There were also hundreds of people trying to attack the ten palaces of Yama.

"Damn, Yama's will is attached to the gate of this palace. If you want to enter, you must withstand the impact of will."

"It's terrifying. This power of will is close to the might of a great saint. Who can resist?"

"You can't do it doesn't mean others can't. Xiao Guyan, Chen Beixuan and Tantai Fairy persevered for ten breaths and successfully entered the palace."

Chapter 418: The Great Emperor Without Beginning, Ruthless Man Swallows Heaven

"It turned out to be the gate of will, the hall of life and death is really mysterious, let's try it too."

Ji Feixue, Shi Wuhua, Lu Shaoyan, Shangguanqin and others each chose a palace and attached their souls to it.

"Boom bang bang..."

But after a short while, seven or eight figures vomited blood and flew upside down, their faces pale as paper, and then Shangguan Qin, Lu Shaoyan, Shi Wuhua, Ji Feixue also flew upside down one after another, blood dripping from the corners of their mouths.

"Damn, I'm too careless."

Lu Shaoyan said with a blushing face, he was quite confident in his martial arts will, but he didn't expect to only hold on for two breaths, which can be said to be a huge loss of face.

"Yan Luo on this gate is too strong-willed, and it is absolutely impossible for ordinary people to hold on for ten breaths. It is no wonder that so many geniuses give up rushing to the gate."

The faces of Shi Wuhua, Shangguanqin, Ji Feixue and others were also very ugly, and they didn't have the heart to laugh at Lu Shaoyan, because even the strongest Ji Feixue only persisted for seven breaths.

The ruthless man observed for a while, and suddenly became interested. He saw a gate with the words 'Qinguang Palace' engraved, and jumped in.

hum! !

The stars moved, and when he regained his senses, the ruthless man found himself in a dimly lit hall. A man wearing a black robe of the King of Hell was sitting high in the hall. Attacked like a mountain.

"The mere illusion also wants to mess with my mind? Destroy the sword soul, kill!"

The ruthless man looked contemptuous, sacrificed his sword of destruction, and slashed towards the man on the throne. This is the most terrifying sword intent of killing, killing the sky, killing the earth, killing the cause and effect, killing everything, and immediately killing this The powerful Yama's will was torn apart, and all illusions were eliminated.

"Huh? Why is this Qinguang Palace closed? Who went in just now?"

"It seems that Zhang Ruren has entered, no, she can't hold on for two breaths."

"Don't you have to insist on ten breaths? Is there any other way to enter?"

Outside Tianjiao there was a lot of discussion, and they were very puzzled, and even shouted that Zhang Ruren was cheating, attracting countless Tianjiao's attention.

Suddenly a burly man sighed: "Don't you understand, there are two ways to enter the palace since ancient times, one is to endure ten breaths under the will of the king of hell, and the other is to kill the will of the king of hell, even the will. It no longer exists, and the gate will naturally flow unimpeded."

As soon as these words came out, the hall was instantly silent, and all Tianjiao were dumbfounded. To put it in a modern catchphrase, it was... We are different.

Inside the Qinguang Palace, the whole body seems to be made of black mysterious gold.

The ruthless heart felt something, looking at a light source in the depths, and walking forward step by step, as if stepping on the long river of time and space flowing in the ancient times, the scene in front of him was disillusioned.

"Who is the peak at the end of the immortal road, when you see the beginningless road, it becomes empty. The ancient immortal road opens, and the great emperor without beginning also came." The latest novel

"The first Tianjiao of the Yaochi Immortal Realm was one of the strongest heavenly emperors of the human race in his previous life. He was reincarnated and rebuilt as a son of no god, and he was undefeated against the enemy. Who is the enemy in this world?"

"Ning Zhan Dacheng Holy Body, never see the beginningless!"

On an ancient star full of immortal energy, the arrogances of the top ancient clans and immortal earth forces gathered together, but because of the arrival of one person, the voices of people were full of people, and the human races praised each other. As if facing the enemy, they all retreated.

This person is the Great Emperor Wushi, the emperor of the superpower Yaochi Immortal Territory. He is inextricably linked with the Wushi Tiandi, who was known as one of the strongest heavenly emperors of the human race, who was known as one of the strongest heavenly emperors of the human race, and even with Yaochi Immortal. The Queen Mother, the founder of the domain, is also related. The birth of the Holy Body is comparable to the gods. I don't know how many contemporaries have been suppressed.

The ruthless man looked curiously at this heroic man with a contemptuous expression and wearing an imperial robe, wondering how this person would appear in his future world.

Suddenly, a low-pitched Sanskrit sound resounded through the heavens and the earth, the goddess scattered flowers, the ground swarmed with golden lotuses, and a quaintly decorated golden chariot burst into the air. Countless beautiful women dressed in white palace costumes stood on the left and right with solemn expressions.The entire carriage exudes a terrifying aura of breaking through the wasteland and the ancient void.

"The Ruthless Emperor is here!"

I don’t know who in the crowd said a word, and the shocking waves exploded in an instant, which was bigger than the arrival of the Great Emperor Wu Beginning. It attracted the attention of almost all Tianjiao, even the Great Emperor Wu Beginning, showing a dignified color, looking at the sky that came from afar. Golden chariot.

"This Killing Star has also come, this time Gu Xianlu, I am afraid that blood will flow into a river."

"What Ruthless Great Emperor, it is clearly the Great Emperor Swallowing Heaven. Damn, if I knew she was coming, this Emperor would never participate in this ancient immortal road battle."

"It's over, I heard that the Ruthless Emperor specializes in devouring all kinds of gods, immortals, and holy bodies. This prince's prison-suppressing gods are famous all over the world, so he won't be targeted by her, right?"

"After the ruthless man became the emperor, he killed [-] alien races in ten years. If she becomes an immortal, that's a good thing. No matter how much she pays this time, she will be buried on the ancient immortal road forever!"

Countless Tianjiao Great Emperors talked a lot, and most of them looked like they wanted to cry without tears. There were also a large number of alien and monster powerhouses who were furious and glared at the Ruthless Great Emperor's golden chariot. The hatred in their eyes was not concealed at all.

"The world is the enemy?"

Seeing this vision, the Great Emperor Wubei couldn't help but be stunned for a while. The ostentation of the Great Ruthless Man was ten times bigger than him. The killing intent and hatred that shot straight into the sky made him feel slightly chilled. How many days of anger and resentment can cause hatred in the whole world.


The golden chariot landed at an extremely fast speed and stopped in the void several meters above the ground.


In an instant, all the Emperor Realm Tianjiao retreated hundreds of meters in unison, leaving a large open space.

Finally, the curtain was lifted, revealing the figure of a white-clothed female emperor. She was unparalleled in style and peerless. The peerless beauty that seemed to be carved from the immortal snow lotus instantly attracted the hearts of all men. , make all women feel ashamed.

When the white-clothed female emperor fell to the ground, a blossoming fairy flower suddenly appeared on the ground, competing to bloom. Xian Yun, as if any fairy flower can turn into a killing god who slaughtered the earth.

When the flower blooms, the world reigns! , , .

Chapter 419 Bloody Battle on Xianlu, Empress of the World

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